Using high availability (HA) for Flink Operators and Flink Applications - Amazon EMR

Using high availability (HA) for Flink Operators and Flink Applications

This topic shows how to configure high availability and describes how it works for a few different use cases. These include when you're using the Job manager and when you're using Flink native kubernetes.

We enable high availability for the Flink Operator so that we can fail-over to a standby Flink Operator to minimize downtime in the operator control loop if failures occur. High availability is enabled by default and the default number of starting operator replicas is 2. You can configure the replicas field in your values.yaml file for the helm chart.

The following fields are customizable:

  • replicas (optional, default is 2): Setting this number to greater than 1 creates other standby Operators and allows for faster recovery of your job.

  • highAvailabilityEnabled (optional, default is true): Controls whether you want to enable HA. Specifying this parameter as true enables multi AZ deployment support, as well as sets the correct flink-conf.yaml parameters.

You can disable HA for your operator by setting the following configuration in your values.yaml file.

... imagePullSecrets: [] replicas: 1 # set this to false if you don't want HA highAvailabilityEnabled: false ...

Multi AZ deployment

We create the operator pods in multiple Availability Zones. This is a soft constraint, and your operator pods will be scheduled in the same AZ if you don't have enough resources in a different AZ.

Determining the leader replica

If HA is enabled, the replicas use a lease to determine which of the JMs is the leader and uses a K8s Lease for leader election. You can describe the Lease and look at the .Spec.Holder Identity field to determine the current leader

kubectl describe lease <Helm Install Release Name>-<NAMESPACE>-lease -n <NAMESPACE> | grep "Holder Identity"

Flink-S3 Interaction

Configuring access credentials

Please make sure that you have configured IRSA with appropriate IAM permissions to access the S3 bucket.

Fetching job jars from S3 Application mode

The Flink operator also supports fetching applications jars from S3. You just provide the S3 location for the jarURI in your FlinkDeployment specification.

You can also use this feature to download other artifacts like PyFlink scripts. The resulting Python script is dropped under the path /opt/flink/usrlib/.

The following example demonstrates how to use this feature for a PyFlink job. Note the jarURI and args fields.

apiVersion: kind: FlinkDeployment metadata: name: python-example spec: image: <YOUR CUSTOM PYFLINK IMAGE> emrReleaseLabel: "emr-6.12.0-flink-latest" flinkVersion: v1_16 flinkConfiguration: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "1" serviceAccount: flink jobManager: highAvailabilityEnabled: false replicas: 1 resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1 taskManager: resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1 job: jarURI: "s3://<S3-BUCKET>/scripts/" # Note, this will trigger the artifact download process entryClass: "org.apache.flink.client.python.PythonDriver" args: ["-pyclientexec", "/usr/local/bin/python3", "-py", "/opt/flink/usrlib/"] parallelism: 1 upgradeMode: stateless

Flink S3 Connectors

Flink comes packaged with two S3 connectors (listed below). The following sections discuss when to use which connector.

Checkpointing: Presto S3 connector

  • Set S3 scheme to s3p://

  • The recommended connector to use to checkpoint to s3. For more information, see S3-specific in the Apache Flink documentation.

Example FlinkDeployment specification:

apiVersion: kind: FlinkDeployment metadata: name: basic-example spec: flinkConfiguration: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "2" state.checkpoints.dir: s3p://<BUCKET-NAME>/flink-checkpoint/

Reading and writing to S3: Hadoop S3 connector

  • Set S3 scheme to s3:// or ( s3a:// )

  • The recommended connector for reading and writing files from S3 (only S3 connector that implements the Flinks Filesystem interface).

  • By default, we set in the flink-conf.yaml file, which is com.amazonaws.auth.WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider. If you override the d efault flink-conf completely and you are interacting with S3, make sure to use this provider.

Example FlinkDeployment spec

apiVersion: kind: FlinkDeployment metadata: name: basic-example spec: job: jarURI: local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/WordCount.jar args: [ "--input", "s3a://<INPUT BUCKET>/PATH", "--output", "s3a://<OUTPUT BUCKET>/PATH" ] parallelism: 2 upgradeMode: stateless

High Availability (HA) for Flink Deployments allow jobs to continue making progress even if a transient error is encountered and your JobManager crashes. The jobs will restart but from the last successful checkpoint with HA enabled. Without HA enabled, Kubernetes will restart your JobManager, but your job will start as a fresh job and will lose its progress. After configuring HA, we can tell Kubernetes to store the HA metadata in a persistent storage to reference in case of a transient failure in the JobManager and then resume our jobs from the last successful checkpoint.

HA is enabled by default for your Flink jobs (the replica count is set to 2, which will require you to provide an S3 storage location for HA metadata to persist).

HA configs

apiVersion: kind: FlinkDeployment metadata: name: basic-example spec: flinkConfiguration: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "2" executionRoleArn: "<JOB EXECUTION ROLE ARN>" emrReleaseLabel: "emr-6.13.0-flink-latest" jobManager: resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1 replicas: 2 highAvailabilityEnabled: true storageDir: "s3://<S3 PERSISTENT STORAGE DIR>" taskManager: resource: memory: "2048m" cpu: 1

The following are descriptions for the above HA configs in Job Manager (defined under .spec.jobManager):

  • highAvailabilityEnabled (optional, default is true): Set this to false if you don't want HA enabled and don’t want to use the provided HA configurations. You can still manipulate the "replicas" field to manually configure HA.

  • replicas (optional, default is 2): Setting this number to greater than 1 creates other standby JobManagers and allows for faster recovery of your job. If you disable HA, you must set replica count to 1, or you will keep getting validation errors (only 1 replica is supported if HA is not enabled).

  • storageDir (required): Because we use replica count as 2 by default, we have to provide a persistent storageDir. Currently this field only accepts S3 paths as the storage location.

Pod locality

If you enable HA, we also try to collocate pods in the same AZ, which leads to improved performance (reduced network latency by having pods in same AZs). This is a best-effort process, meaning if you don't have enough resources in the AZ where the majority of your Pods are scheduled, the remaining Pods will still be scheduled but might end up on a node outside of this AZ.

Determining the leader replica

If HA is enabled, the replicas use a lease to determine which of the JMs is the leader and uses a K8s Configmap as the datastore to store this metadata. If you want to determine the leader, you can look at the content of the Configmap and look at the key org.apache.flink.k8s.leader.restserver under data to find the K8s pod with the IP address. You can also use the following bash commands.

ip=$(kubectl get configmap -n <NAMESPACE> <JOB-NAME>-cluster-config-map -o json | jq -r ".data[\"org.apache.flink.k8s.leader.restserver\"]" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r ".items[] | select(.status.podIP == \"$ip\") |"

Amazon EMR 6.13.0 and higher supports Flink native Kubernetes for running Flink applications in high-availability mode on an Amazon EKS cluster.


You must have an Amazon S3 bucket created to store the high-availability metadata when you submit your Flink job. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can disable it. It's enabled by default.

To turn on the Flink high-availability feature, provide the following Flink parameters when you run the run-application CLI command. The parameters are defined below the example.

-Dhigh-availability.type=kubernetes \ -Dhigh-availability.storageDir=S3://DOC-EXAMPLE-STORAGE-BUCKET \"com.amazonaws.auth.WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider" \ -Dkubernetes.jobmanager.replicas=3 \ -Dkubernetes.cluster-id=example-cluster
  • Dhigh-availability.storageDir – The Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the high-availability metadata for your job.

    Dkubernetes.jobmanager.replicas – The number of Job Manager pods to create as an integer greater than 1.

    Dkubernetes.cluster-id – A unique ID that identifies the Flink cluster.