Troubleshooting jobs that use PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC)
If you need to create, list, or delete PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC) for a job but don't add PVC permissions to the default Kubernetes role emr-containers, the job fails when you submit it. Without these permissions, the emr-containers role can’t create necessary roles for the Spark driver or Spark client. It isn't enough to add permissions to the Spark driver or client roles, as suggested by error messages. The emr-containers primary role must include the required permissions also. This section explains how to add the required permissions to the emr-containers primary role.
To verify whether or not your emr-containers role has the necessary permissions, set the NAMESPACE variable with your own value and then run the following command:
export NAMESPACE=YOUR_VALUE kubectl describe role emr-containers -n ${NAMESPACE}
In addition, to verify whether the Spark and client roles have the necessary permissions, run the following command:
kubectl describe role emr-containers-role-spark-driver -n ${NAMESPACE} kubectl describe role emr-containers-role-spark-client -n ${NAMESPACE}
If the permissions aren’t there, proceed with the patch, as follows.
If the jobs without the permissions are currently running, stop these jobs.
Create a file named as follows:
import os import subprocess as sp import tempfile as temp import json import argparse import uuid def delete_if_exists(dictionary: dict, key: str): if dictionary.get(key, None) is not None: del dictionary[key] def doTerminalCmd(cmd): with temp.TemporaryFile() as f: process = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f) process.wait() msg = return msg def patchRole(roleName, namespace, extraRules, skipConfirmation=False): cmd = f"kubectl get role {roleName} -n {namespace} --output json".split(" ") msg = doTerminalCmd(cmd) if "(NotFound)" in msg and "Error" in msg: print(msg) return False role = json.loads(msg) rules = role["rules"] rulesToAssign = extraRules[::] passedRules = [] for rule in rules: apiGroups = set(rule["apiGroups"]) resources = set(rule["resources"]) verbs = set(rule["verbs"]) for extraRule in extraRules: passes = 0 apiGroupsExtra = set(extraRule["apiGroups"]) resourcesExtra = set(extraRule["resources"]) verbsExtra = set(extraRule["verbs"]) passes += len(apiGroupsExtra.intersection(apiGroups)) >= len(apiGroupsExtra) passes += len(resourcesExtra.intersection(resources)) >= len(resourcesExtra) passes += len(verbsExtra.intersection(verbs)) >= len(verbsExtra) if passes >= 3: if extraRule not in passedRules: passedRules.append(extraRule) if extraRule in rulesToAssign: rulesToAssign.remove(extraRule) break prompt_text = "Apply Changes?" if len(rulesToAssign) == 0: print(f"The role {roleName} seems to already have the necessary permissions!") prompt_text = "Proceed anyways?" for ruleToAssign in rulesToAssign: role["rules"].append(ruleToAssign) delete_if_exists(role, "creationTimestamp") delete_if_exists(role, "resourceVersion") delete_if_exists(role, "uid") new_role = json.dumps(role, indent=3) uid = uuid.uuid4() filename = f"Role-{roleName}-New_Permissions-{uid}-TemporaryFile.json" try: with open(filename, "w+") as f: f.write(new_role) f.flush() prompt = "y" if not skipConfirmation: prompt = input( doTerminalCmd(f"kubectl diff -f {filename}".split(" ")) + f"\n{prompt_text} y/n: " ).lower().strip() while prompt != "y" and prompt != "n": prompt = input("Please make a valid selection. y/n: ").lower().strip() if prompt == "y": print(doTerminalCmd(f"kubectl apply -f {filename}".split(" "))) except Exception as e: print(e) os.remove(f"./{filename}") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-n", "--namespace", help="Namespace of the Role. By default its the VirtualCluster's namespace", required=True, dest="namespace" ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--no-prompt", help="Applies the patches without asking first", dest="no_prompt", default=False, action="store_true" ) args = parser.parse_args() emrRoleRules = [ { "apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["persistentvolumeclaims"], "verbs": ["list", "create", "delete", "patch"] } ] driverRoleRules = [ { "apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["persistentvolumeclaims"], "verbs": ["list", "create", "delete", "patch", "deletecollection"] }, { "apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["services"], "verbs": ["get", "list", "describe", "create", "delete", "watch", "deletecollection"] }, { "apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["configmaps", "pods"], "verbs": ["deletecollection"] } ] clientRoleRules = [ { "apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["persistentvolumeclaims"], "verbs": ["list", "create", "delete", "patch"] } ] patchRole("emr-containers", args.namespace, emrRoleRules, args.no_prompt) patchRole("emr-containers-role-spark-driver", args.namespace, driverRoleRules, args.no_prompt) patchRole("emr-containers-role-spark-client", args.namespace, clientRoleRules, args.no_prompt)
Run the Python script:
python3 -n ${NAMESPACE}
A kubectl diff between the new permissions and the old ones appears. Press y to patch the role.
Verify the three roles with additional permissions as follows:
kubectl describe role -n ${NAMESPACE}
Run the python script:
python3 -n ${NAMESPACE}
After running the command, it will show a kubectl diff between the new permissions and the old ones. Press y to patch the role.
Verify the three roles with additional permissions:
kubectl describe role -n ${NAMESPACE}
Submit the job again.
Manual patch
If the permission that your application requires applies to something other than the PVC rules, you can manually add Kubernetes permissions for your Amazon EMR virtual cluster as needed.
The role emr-containers is a primary role. This means that it must provide all the necessary permissions before you can change your underlying driver or client roles.
Download the current permissions into yaml files by running the commands below:
kubectl get role -n ${NAMESPACE} emr-containers -o yaml >> emr-containers-role-patch.yaml kubectl get role -n ${NAMESPACE} emr-containers-role-spark-driver -o yaml >> driver-role-patch.yaml kubectl get role -n ${NAMESPACE} emr-containers-role-spark-client -o yaml >> client-role-patch.yaml
Based on the permission your application requires, edit each file and add additional rules such as the following:
- apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - list - create - delete - patch
- apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - list - create - delete - patch - deletecollection - apiGroups: - "" resources: - services verbs: - get - list - describe - create - delete - watch - deletecollection - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps - pods verbs: - deletecollection
- apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - list - create - delete - patch
Remove the following attributes with their values. This is necessary to apply the update.
Finally, run the patch:
kubectl apply -f emr-containers-role-patch.yaml kubectl apply -f driver-role-patch.yaml kubectl apply -f client-role-patch.yaml