Prerequisites to create an interactive endpoint on Amazon EMR on EKS - Amazon EMR

Prerequisites to create an interactive endpoint on Amazon EMR on EKS

This section describes prerequisites to set up an interactive endpoint that EMR Studio can use to connect to an Amazon EMR on EKS cluster and run interactive workloads.


Follow the steps in Install or update to the latest version of the AWS CLI to install the latest version of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Installing eksctl

Follow the steps in Install kubectl to install the latest version of eksctl. If you are using Kubernetes version 1.22 or later for your Amazon EKS cluster, use an eksctl version greater than 0.117.0.

Amazon EKS cluster

Create an Amazon EKS cluster. Register the cluster as a virtual cluster with Amazon EMR on EKS. The following are requirements and considerations for this cluster:

  • The cluster must be in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as your EMR Studio.

  • The cluster must have at least one private subnet to activate interactive endpoints, to link Git-based repositories, and to launch the Application Load Balancer in private mode.

  • There must be at least one private subnet in common between your EMR Studio and the Amazon EKS cluster that you use to register your virtual cluster. This ensures that your interactive endpoint appears as an option in your Studio workspaces, and activates connectivity from Studio to the Application Load Balancer.

    There are two methods that you can choose from to connect your Studio and your Amazon EKS cluster:

    • Create an Amazon EKS cluster and associate it with the subnets that belong to your EMR Studio.

    • Alternatively, create an EMR Studio and specify the private subnets for your Amazon EKS cluster.

  • Amazon EKS optimized ARM Amazon Linux AMIs are not supported for Amazon EMR on EKS interactive endpoints.

  • Interactive endpoints work with Amazon EKS clusters that use Kubernetes versions up to 1.30.

  • Only Amazon EKS managed node groups are supported.

Grant Cluster access for Amazon EMR on EKS

Use the the steps in Grant Cluster Access for Amazon EMR on EKS to grant Amazon EMR on EKS access to a specific namespace in your cluster.

Activate IRSA on the Amazon EKS cluster

To activate IAM roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) on the Amazon EKS cluster, follow the steps in Enable IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA).

Create IAM job execution role

You must create an IAM role to run workloads on Amazon EMR on EKS interactive endpoints. We refer to this IAM role as the job execution role in this documentation. This IAM role gets assigned to both the interactive endpoint container and the actual execution containers that are created when you submit jobs with EMR Studio. You'll need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your job execution role for Amazon EMR on EKS. There are two steps required for this:

Grant users access to Amazon EMR on EKS

The IAM entity (user or role) that makes the request to create an interactive endpoint must also have the following Amazon EC2 and emr-containers permissions. Follow the steps described in Grant users access to Amazon EMR on EKS to grant these permissions that allow Amazon EMR on EKS to create, manage, and delete the security groups that limit inbound traffic to the load balancer of your interactive endpoint.

The following emr-containers permissions allow the user to perform basic interactive endpoint operations:

"ec2:CreateSecurityGroup", "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup", "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress", "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress", "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress" "emr-containers:CreateManagedEndpoint", "emr-containers:ListManagedEndpoints", "emr-containers:DescribeManagedEndpoint", "emr-containers:DeleteManagedEndpoint"

Register the Amazon EKS cluster with Amazon EMR

Set up a virtual cluster and map it to the namespace in the Amazon EKS cluster where you want to run your jobs. For AWS Fargate-only clusters, use the same namespace for both the Amazon EMR on EKS virtual cluster and Fargate profile.

For information on setting up an Amazon EMR on EKS virtual cluster, see Register the Amazon EKS cluster with Amazon EMR.

Deploy AWS Load Balancer Controller to Amazon EKS cluster

An AWS Application Load Balancer is required for your Amazon EKS cluster. You only need to set up one Application Load Balancer controller per Amazon EKS cluster. For information on setting up the AWS Application Load Balancer controller, see Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on in the Amazon EKS User Guide.