Before you specify encryption options using a security configuration, decide on the provider you want to use for keys and encryption artifacts. For example, you can use AWS KMS or a custom provider that you create. Next, create the keys or key provider as described in this section.
Providing keys for encrypting data
at rest
You can use AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or a custom key provider for at-rest data
encryption in Amazon EMR. When you use AWS KMS, charges apply for the storage and use
of encryption keys. For more information, see AWS KMS pricing
This topic provides key policy details for a KMS key to be used with Amazon EMR, as well as guidelines and code examples for writing a custom key provider class for Amazon S3 encryption. For more information about creating keys, see Creating keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
Using AWS KMS keys for encryption
The AWS KMS encryption key must be created in the same Region as your Amazon EMR cluster instance and the Amazon S3 buckets used with EMRFS. If the key that you specify is in a different account from the one that you use to configure a cluster, you must specify the key using its ARN.
The role for the Amazon EC2 instance profile must have permissions to use
the KMS key you specify. The default role for the instance profile in Amazon EMR is
. If you use a different role for the instance
profile, or you use IAM roles for EMRFS requests to Amazon S3, make sure that each role is added as a key user as appropriate. This gives
the role permissions to use the KMS key. For more information, see Using
Key Policies in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide and Configure IAM roles for EMRFS requests to Amazon S3.
You can use the AWS Management Console to add your instance profile or EC2 instance profile to the list of key users for the specified KMS key, or you can use the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK to attach an appropriate key policy.
Note that Amazon EMR supports only symmetric KMS keys. You cannot use an asymmetric KMS key to encrypt data at rest in an Amazon EMR cluster. For help determining whether a KMS key is symmetric or asymmetric, see Identifying symmetric and asymmetric KMS keys.
The procedure below describes how to add the default Amazon EMR instance profile,
as a key user
using the AWS Management Console. It assumes that you have already created a KMS key. To
create a new KMS key, see Creating
Keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
To add the EC2 instance profile for Amazon EMR to the list of encryption key users
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) console at
. -
To change the AWS Region, use the Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page.
Select the alias of the KMS key to modify.
On the key details page under Key Users, choose Add.
In the Add key users dialog box, select the appropriate role. The name of the default role is
. -
Choose Add.
Enabling EBS encryption by providing additional permissions for KMS keys
Beginning with Amazon EMR version 5.24.0, you can encrypt EBS root device and
storage volumes by using a security configuration option. To enable such
option, you must specify AWS KMS as your key provider. Additionally, you must
grant the service role EMR_DefaultRole
with permissions to use
the AWS KMS key that you specify.
You can use the AWS Management Console to add the service role to the list of key users for the specified KMS key, or you can use the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK to attach an appropriate key policy.
The following procedure describes how to use the AWS Management Console to add the
default Amazon EMR service role EMR_DefaultRole
as a key
user. It assumes that you have already created a KMS key.
To create a new KMS key, see Creating keys
in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
To add the Amazon EMR service role to the list of encryption key users
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) console at
. -
To change the AWS Region, use the Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page.
Choose Customer managed keys in the left sidebar.
Select the alias of the KMS key to modify.
On the key details page under Key Users, choose Add.
In the Add key users section, select the appropriate role. The name of the default service role for Amazon EMR is
. -
Choose Add.
Creating a custom key provider
When using a security configuration, you must specify a different provider class name for local disk encryption and Amazon S3 encryption. The requirements for custom key provider depend on whether you use local disk encryption and Amazon S3 encryption, as well as the Amazon EMR release version.
Depending on the type of encryption you use when creating a custom key provider, the application must also implement different EncryptionMaterialsProvider interfaces. Both interfaces are available in the AWS SDK for Java version 1.11.0 and later.
To implement Amazon S3 encryption, use the interface.
To implement local disk encryption, use the interface.
You can use any strategy to provide encryption materials for the implementation. For example, you might choose to provide static encryption materials or integrate with a more complex key management system.
If you’re using Amazon S3 encryption, you must use the encryption algorithms AES/GCM/NoPadding for custom encryption materials.
If you’re using local disk encryption, the encryption algorithm to use for custom encryption materials varies by EMR release. For Amazon EMR 7.0.0 and lower, you must use AES/GCM/NoPadding. For Amazon EMR 7.1.0 and higher, you must use AES.
The EncryptionMaterialsProvider class gets encryption materials by encryption context. Amazon EMR populates encryption context information at runtime to help the caller determine the correct encryption materials to return.
Example: Using a custom key provider for Amazon S3 encryption with EMRFS
When Amazon EMR fetches the encryption materials from the EncryptionMaterialsProvider class to perform encryption, EMRFS optionally populates the materialsDescription argument with two fields: the Amazon S3 URI for the object and the JobFlowId of the cluster, which can be used by the EncryptionMaterialsProvider class to return encryption materials selectively.
For example, the provider may return different keys for different Amazon S3 URI prefixes. It is the description of the returned encryption materials that is eventually stored with the Amazon S3 object rather than the materialsDescription value that is generated by EMRFS and passed to the provider. While decrypting an Amazon S3 object, the encryption materials description is passed to the EncryptionMaterialsProvider class, so that it can, again, selectively return the matching key to decrypt the object.
An EncryptionMaterialsProvider reference implementation is provided below.
Another custom provider, EMRFSRSAEncryptionMaterialsProvider
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import java.util.Map;
* Provides KMSEncryptionMaterials according to Configuration
public class MyEncryptionMaterialsProviders implements EncryptionMaterialsProvider, Configurable{
private Configuration conf;
private String kmsKeyId;
private EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials;
private void init() {
this.kmsKeyId = conf.get("");
this.encryptionMaterials = new KMSEncryptionMaterials(kmsKeyId);
public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
this.conf = conf;
public Configuration getConf() {
return this.conf;
public void refresh() {
public EncryptionMaterials getEncryptionMaterials(Map<String, String> materialsDescription) {
return this.encryptionMaterials;
public EncryptionMaterials getEncryptionMaterials() {
return this.encryptionMaterials;
Providing certificates for
encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption
With Amazon EMR release version 4.8.0 or later, you have two options for specifying artifacts for encrypting data in transit using a security configuration:
You can manually create PEM certificates, include them in a .zip file, and then reference the .zip file in Amazon S3.
You can implement a custom certificate provider as a Java class. You specify the JAR file of the application in Amazon S3, and then provide the full class name of the provider as declared in the application. The class must implement the TLSArtifactsProvider interface available beginning with the AWS SDK for Java version 1.11.0.
Amazon EMR automatically downloads artifacts to each node in the cluster and later uses them to implement the open-source, in-transit encryption features. For more information about available options, see Encryption in transit.
Using PEM certificates
When you specify a .zip file for in-transit encryption, the security configuration expects PEM files within the .zip file to be named exactly as they appear below:
File name | Required/optional | Details |
privateKey.pem | Required | Private key |
certificateChain.pem | Required | Certificate chain |
trustedCertificates.pem | Optional | We recommend that you provide a certificate that isn't signed by the the Java default trusted root certification authority (CA) or an intermediate CA that can link to the Java default trusted root CA. We don't reocmmend that you use public CAs when you use wildcard certificates or when you disable hostname verification. |
You likely want to configure the private key PEM file to be a wildcard
certificate that enables access to the Amazon VPC domain in which your cluster
instances reside. For example, if your cluster resides in us-east-1 (N.
Virginia), you could specify a common name in the certificate configuration
that allows access to the cluster by specifying
in the certificate subject definition. If
your cluster resides in us-west-2 (Oregon), you could specify
If the provided PEM file in the encryption artifact doesn't have a
wildcard character in the for the domain in the common name, you must change the value of
To do so in Amazon EMR releases 7.3.0 and higher, add the core-site
when you submit configurations to a cluster. In releases lower than 7.3.0, add the
configuration "hadoop.ssl.hostname.verifier": "ALLOW_ALL"
directly into the
file. This change is required because the
default hostname verifier requires a hostname without the wildcard because
all hosts in the cluster use it. For more information about EMR cluster
configuration within an Amazon VPC, see Configure networking in a VPC for Amazon EMR.
The following example demonstrates how to use OpenSSLus-west-2
Region as specified by the
domain name as the common name.*.us-west-2.compute.internal
Other optional subject items, such as country (C), state (S), and Locale
(L), are specified. Because a self-signed certificate is generated, the
second command in the example copies the certificateChain.pem
file to the trustedCertificates.pem
file. The third command
uses zip
to create the
file that
contains the certificates.
This example is a proof-of-concept demonstration only. Using self-signed certificates is not recommended and presents a potential security risk. For production systems, use a trusted certification authority (CA) to issue certificates.
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.pem -out certificateChain.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Seattle/O=MyOrg/OU=MyDept/CN=*.us-west-2.compute.internal'
$ cp certificateChain.pem trustedCertificates.pem
$ zip -r -X certificateChain.pem privateKey.pem trustedCertificates.pem