Notebook CLI command samples - Amazon EMR

Notebook CLI command samples

This topic shows CLI command samples for an EMR notebook. The example uses the demo notebook from the EMR Notebooks console. To locate the notebook, use the file path relative to the home directory. In this example, there are two notebook files that you can run: demo_pyspark.ipynb and my_folder/python3.ipynb.


EMR Notebooks are available as EMR Studio Workspaces in the console. The Create Workspace button in the console lets you create new notebooks. To access or create Workspaces, EMR Notebooks users need additional IAM role permissions. For more information, see Amazon EMR Notebooks are Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces in the console and Amazon EMR console.

The relative path for file demo_pyspark.ipynb is demo_pyspark.ipynb, shown below.

Jupyter notebook interface showing a file explorer and code editor with PySpark content.

The relative path for python3.ipynb is my_folder/python3.ipynb, shown below.

File explorer showing python3.ipynb in my_folder, and Jupyter notebook interface with code.

For information about the Amazon EMR API NotebookExecution actions, see Amazon EMR API actions..

Run a notebook

You can use the AWS CLI to run your notebook with the start-notebook-execution action, as the following examples demonstrate.

Example – Executing an EMR notebook in an EMR Studio Workspace with an Amazon EMR (running on Amazon EC2) cluster
aws emr --region us-east-1 \ start-notebook-execution \ --editor-id e-ABCDEFG123456 \ --notebook-params '{"input_param":"my-value", "good_superhero":["superman", "batman"]}' \ --relative-path test.ipynb \ --notebook-execution-name my-execution \ --execution-engine '{"Id" : "j-1234ABCD123"}' \ --service-role EMR_Notebooks_DefaultRole { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-ABCDEFGHIJ1234ABCD" }
Example – Executing an EMR notebook in an EMR Studio Workspace with an EMR Notebooks cluster
aws emr start-notebook-execution \ --region us-east-1 \ --service-role EMR_Notebooks_DefaultRole \ --environment-variables '{"KERNEL_EXTRA_SPARK_OPTS": "--conf spark.executor.instances=1", "KERNEL_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT": "350"}' \ --output-notebook-format HTML \ --execution-engine Id=arn:aws:emr-containers:us-west-2:account-id:/virtualclusters/ABCDEFG/endpoints/ABCDEF,Type=EMR_ON_EKS,ExecutionRoleArn=arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/execution-role \ --editor-id e-ABCDEFG \ --relative-path EMRonEKS-spark_python.ipynb
Example – Executing an EMR notebook specifying its Amazon S3 location
aws emr start-notebook-execution \ --region us-east-1 \ --notebook-execution-name my-execution-on-emr-on-eks-cluster \ --service-role EMR_Notebooks_DefaultRole \ --environment-variables '{"KERNEL_EXTRA_SPARK_OPTS": "--conf spark.executor.instances=1", "KERNEL_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT": "350"}' \ --output-notebook-format HTML \ --execution-engine Id=arn:aws:emr-containers:us-west-2:account-id:/virtualclusters/ABCDEF/endpoints/ABCDEF,Type=EMR_ON_EKS,ExecutionRoleArn=arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/execution-role \ --notebook-s3-location '{"Bucket": "your-s3-bucket","Key": "s3-prefix-to-notebook-location/EMRonEKS-spark_python.ipynb"}' \ --output-notebook-s3-location '{"Bucket": "your-s3-bucket","Key": "s3-prefix-for-storing-output-notebook"}'

Notebook output

Here's the output from a sample notebook. Cell 3 shows the newly-injected parameter values.

Jupyter notebook cells showing Python code and output for parameter injection and manipulation.

Describe a notebook

You can use the describe-notebook-execution action to access information about a specific notebook execution.

aws emr --region us-east-1 \ describe-notebook-execution --notebook-execution-id ex-IZWZZVR9DKQ9WQ7VZWXJZR29UGHTE { "NotebookExecution": { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZZVR9DKQ9WQ7VZWXJZR29UGHTE", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "ExecutionEngine": { "Id": "j-2QMOV6JAX1TS2", "Type": "EMR", "MasterInstanceSecurityGroupId": "sg-05ce12e58cd4f715e" }, "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "NotebookParams": "{\"input_param\":\"my-value\", \"good_superhero\":[\"superman\", \"batman\"]}", "Status": "FINISHED", "StartTime": 1593490857.009, "Arn": "arn:aws:elasticmapreduce:us-east-1:123456789012:notebook-execution/ex-IZWZZVR9DKQ9WQ7VZWXJZR29UGHTE", "LastStateChangeReason": "Execution is finished for cluster j-2QMOV6JAX1TS2.", "NotebookInstanceSecurityGroupId": "sg-0683b0a39966d4a6a", "Tags": [] } }

Stop a notebook

If your notebook is running an execution that you'd like to stop, you can do so with the stop-notebook-execution command.

# stop a running execution aws emr --region us-east-1 \ stop-notebook-execution --notebook-execution-id ex-IZWZX78UVPAATC8LHJR129B1RBN4T # describe it aws emr --region us-east-1 \ describe-notebook-execution --notebook-execution-id ex-IZWZX78UVPAATC8LHJR129B1RBN4T { "NotebookExecution": { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZX78UVPAATC8LHJR129B1RBN4T", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "ExecutionEngine": { "Id": "j-2QMOV6JAX1TS2", "Type": "EMR" }, "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "NotebookParams": "{\"input_param\":\"my-value\", \"good_superhero\":[\"superman\", \"batman\"]}", "Status": "STOPPED", "StartTime": 1593490876.241, "Arn": "arn:aws:elasticmapreduce:us-east-1:123456789012:editor-execution/ex-IZWZX78UVPAATC8LHJR129B1RBN4T", "LastStateChangeReason": "Execution is stopped for cluster j-2QMOV6JAX1TS2. Internal error", "Tags": [] } }

List the executions for a notebook by start time

You can pass a --from parameter to list-notebook-executions to list your notebook's executions by start time.

# filter by start time aws emr --region us-east-1 \ list-notebook-executions --from 1593400000.000 { "NotebookExecutions": [ { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZX78UVPAATC8LHJR129B1RBN4T", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "STOPPED", "StartTime": 1593490876.241 }, { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZZVR9DKQ9WQ7VZWXJZR29UGHTE", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "RUNNING", "StartTime": 1593490857.009 }, { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZYRS0M14L5V95WZ9OQ399SKMNW", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "STOPPED", "StartTime": 1593490292.995 }, { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZX009ZK83IVY5E33VH8MDMELVK8K", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "FINISHED", "StartTime": 1593489834.765 }, { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZXOZF88JWDF9J09GJ91R57VI0N", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "FAILED", "StartTime": 1593488934.688 } ] }

List the executions for a notebook by start time and status

The list-notebook-executions command can also take a --status parameter to filter results.

# filter by start time and status aws emr --region us-east-1 \ list-notebook-executions --from 1593400000.000 --status FINISHED { "NotebookExecutions": [ { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZWZZVR9DKQ9WQ7VZWXJZR29UGHTE", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "FINISHED", "StartTime": 1593490857.009 }, { "NotebookExecutionId": "ex-IZX009ZK83IVY5E33VH8MDMELVK8K", "EditorId": "e-BKTM2DIHXBEDRU44ANWRKIU8N", "NotebookExecutionName": "my-execution", "Status": "FINISHED", "StartTime": 1593489834.765 } ] }