EMR Studio features, requirements, and limits - Amazon EMR

EMR Studio features, requirements, and limits

This topic includes Items to consider when working with Amazon EMR Studio, including considerations about regions and tools, cluster requirements, and technical limitations.


Consider the following when you work with EMR Studio:

  • EMR Studio is available in the following AWS Regions:

    • US East (Ohio) (us-east-2)

    • US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1)

    • US West (N. California) (us-west-1)

    • US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)

    • Africa (Cape Town) (af-south-1)

    • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) (ap-east-1)

    • Asia Pacific (Jakarta) (ap-southeast-3)*

    • Asia Pacific (Melbourne) (ap-southeast-4)*

    • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) (ap-south-1)

    • Asia Pacific (Osaka) (ap-northeast-3)*

    • Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2)

    • Asia Pacific (Singapore) (ap-southeast-1)

    • Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2)

    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1)

    • Canada (Central) (ca-central-1)

    • Europe (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1)

    • Europe (Ireland) (eu-west-1)

    • Europe (London) (eu-west-2)

    • Europe (Milan) (eu-south-1)

    • Europe (Paris) (eu-west-3)

    • Europe (Spain) (eu-south-2)

    • Europe (Stockholm) (eu-north-1)

    • Europe (Zurich) (eu-central-2)*

    • Israel (Tel Aviv) (il-central-1)*

    • Middle East (UAE) (me-central-1)*

    • South America (São Paulo) (sa-east-1)

    • AWS GovCloud (US-East) (gov-us-east-1)

    • AWS GovCloud (US-West) (gov-us-west-1)

    * The live Spark UI isn't supported in these Regions.

  • To let users provision new EMR clusters running on Amazon EC2 for a Workspace, you can associate an EMR Studio with a set of cluster templates. Administrators can define cluster templates with Service Catalog and can choose whether a user or group can access the cluster templates, or no cluster templates, within a Studio.

  • When you define access permissions to notebook files stored in Amazon S3 or read secrets from AWS Secrets Manager, use the Amazon EMR service role. Session policies aren't supported with these permissions.

  • You can create multiple EMR Studios to control access to EMR clusters in different VPCs.

  • Use the AWS CLI to set up Amazon EMR on EKS clusters. You can then use the Studio interface to attach clusters to Workspaces with a managed endpoint to run notebook jobs.

  • There are additional considerations when you use trusted identity propagation with Amazon EMR that also apply to EMR Studio. For more information, see Considerations and limitations for Amazon EMR with the Identity Center integration.

  • EMR Studio doesn't support the following Python magic commands:

    • %alias

    • %alias_magic

    • %automagic

    • %macro

    • %%js

    • %%javascript

    • Modifying proxy_user using %configure

    • Modifying KERNEL_USERNAME using %env or %set_env

  • Amazon EMR on EKS clusters don't support SparkMagic commands for EMR Studio.

  • To write multi-line Scala statements in notebook cells, make sure that all but the last line end with a period. The following example uses the correct syntax for multi-line Scala statements.

    val df = spark.sql("SELECT * from table_name). filter("col1=='value'"). limit(50)
  • To augment the security for the off-console applications that you might use with Amazon EMR, the application hosting domains are registered in the Public Suffix List (PSL). Examples of these hosting domains include the following: emrstudio-prod.us-east-1.amazonaws.com, emrnotebooks-prod.us-east-1.amazonaws.com, emrappui-prod.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. For further security, if you ever need to set sensitive cookies in the default domain name, we recommend that you use cookies with a __Host- prefix. This helps to defend your domain against cross-site request forgery attempts (CSRF). For more information, see the Set-Cookie page in the Mozilla Developer Network.

Known issues

  • An EMR Studio that uses IAM Identity Center with trusted identity propagation enabled can only associate with EMR clusters that also use trusted identity propagation.

  • Make sure you deactivate proxy management tools such as FoxyProxy or SwitchyOmega in the browser before you create a Studio. Active proxies can cause errors when you choose Create Studio, and result in a Network Failure error message.

  • Kernels that run on Amazon EMR on EKS clusters can fail to start due to timeout issues. If you encounter an error or issue starting the kernel, close the notebook file, shut down the kernel, and then reopen the notebook file.

  • The Restart kernel operation doesn't work as expected when you use an Amazon EMR on EKS cluster. After you select Restart kernel, refresh the Workspace for the restart to take effect.

  • If a Workspace isn't attached to a cluster, an error message appears when a Studio user opens a notebook file and tries to select a kernel. You can ignore this error message by choosing Ok, but you must attach the Workspace to a cluster and select a kernel before you can run notebook code.

  • When you use Amazon EMR 6.2.0 with a security configuration to set up cluster security, the Workspace interface appears blank and doesn't work as expected. We recommend that you use a different supported version of Amazon EMR if you want to configure data encryption or Amazon S3 authorization for EMRFS for a cluster. EMR Studio works with Amazon EMR versions 5.32.0 (Amazon EMR 5.x series) and 6.2.0 (Amazon EMR 6.x series) and higher.

  • When you Debug Amazon EMR running on Amazon EC2 jobs, the links to the on-cluster Spark UI may not work or fail to appear. To regenerate the links, create a new notebook cell and run the %%info command.

  • Jupyter Enterprise Gateway doesn't clean up idle kernels on the primary node of a cluster in the following Amazon EMR release versions: 5.32.0, 5.33.0, 6.2.0, and 6.3.0. Idle kernels consume computing resources and can cause long running clusters to fail. You can configure idle kernel cleanup for Jupyter Enterprise Gateway using the following example script. You can Connect to the primary node using SSH, or submit the script as a step. For more information, see Run commands and scripts on an Amazon EMR cluster.

    #!/bin/bash sudo tee -a /emr/notebook-env/conf/jupyter_enterprise_gateway_config.py << EOF c.MappingKernelManager.cull_connected = True c.MappingKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout = 10800 c.MappingKernelManager.cull_interval = 300 EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart jupyter_enterprise_gateway
  • When you use an auto-termination policy with Amazon EMR versions 5.32.0, 5.33.0, 6.2.0, or 6.3.0, Amazon EMR marks a cluster as idle and may automatically terminate the cluster even if you have an active Python3 kernel. This is because executing a Python3 kernel does not submit a Spark job on the cluster. To use auto-termination with a Python3 kernel, we recommend that you use Amazon EMR version 6.4.0 or later. For more information about auto-termination, see Using an auto-termination policy for cluster cleanup.

  • When you use %%display to display a Spark DataFrame in a table, very wide tables may get truncated. You can right-click the output and select Create New View for Output to get a scrollable view of the output.

  • Starting a Spark-based kernel, such as PySpark, Spark, or SparkR, starts a Spark session, and running a cell in a notebook queues up Spark jobs in that session. When you interrupt a running cell, the Spark job continues to run. To stop the Spark job, you should use the on-cluster Spark UI. For instructions on how to connect to the Spark UI, see Debug applications and jobs with EMR Studio.

  • Using Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces as the root user in an AWS account causes a 403: Forbidden error. This is because the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway configuration in Amazon EMR doesn't allow access to the root user. We recommend that you don't use the root user for your everyday tasks. For other authentication options, see AWS Identity and Access Management for Amazon EMR.

Feature limitations

Amazon EMR Studio doesn't support the following Amazon EMR features:

  • Attaching and running jobs on EMR clusters with a security configuration that specifies Kerberos authentication

  • Clusters with multiple primary nodes

  • Clusters that use Amazon EC2 instances based on AWS Graviton2 for Amazon EMR 6.x releases lower than 6.9.0, and 5.x releases lower than 5.36.1

The following features aren't supported from a Studio that uses trusted identity propagation:

  • Creating EMR clusters without a template.

  • Using EMR Serverless applications.

  • Launching Amazon EMR on EKS clusters.

  • Using a runtime role.

  • Enabling SQL Explorer or Workspace collaboration.

Service limits for EMR Studio

The following table displays service limits for EMR Studio.

Item Limit
EMR Studios Maximum of 100 per AWS account
Subnets Maximum of 5 associated with each EMR Studio
IAM Identity Center Groups Maximum of 5 assigned to each EMR Studio
IAM Identity Center Users Maximum of 100 assigned to each EMR Studio