Set up data transformations in API Gateway - Amazon API Gateway

Set up data transformations in API Gateway

This section shows how to set up mapping templates to transform integration requests and responses using the console and AWS CLI.

Set up data transformation using the API Gateway console

In this tutorial, you will create an incomplete API and DynamoDB table using the following .zip file This incomplete API has a /pets resource with GET and POST methods.

  • The GET method will get data from the HTTP endpoint. The output data will be transformed according to the mapping template in PetStore mapping template.

  • The POST method will allow the user to POST pet information to a Amazon DynamoDB table using a mapping template.

Download and unzip the app creation template for AWS CloudFormation. You'll use this template to create a DynamoDB table to post pet information and an incomplete API. You will finish the rest of the steps in the API Gateway console.

To create an AWS CloudFormation stack
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. Choose Create stack and then choose With new resources (standard).

  3. For Specify template, choose Upload a template file.

  4. Select the template that you downloaded.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. For Stack name, enter data-transformation-tutorial-console and then choose Next.

  7. For Configure stack options, choose Next.

  8. For Capabilities, acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation can create IAM resources in your account.

  9. Choose Submit.

AWS CloudFormation provisions the resources specified in the template. It can take a few minutes to finish provisioning your resources. When the status of your AWS CloudFormation stack is CREATE_COMPLETE, you're ready to move on to the next step.

To test the GET integration response
  1. On the Resources tab of the AWS CloudFormation stack for data-transformation-tutorial-console, select the physical ID of your API.

  2. In the main navigation pane, choose Resources, and then select the GET method.

  3. Choose the Test tab. You might need to choose the right arrow button to show the tab.

    The output of the test will show the following:

    [ { "id": 1, "type": "dog", "price": 249.99 }, { "id": 2, "type": "cat", "price": 124.99 }, { "id": 3, "type": "fish", "price": 0.99 } ]

    You will transform this output according to the mapping template in PetStore mapping template.

To transform the GET integration response
  1. Choose the Integration response tab.

    Currently, there are no mapping templates defined, so the integration response will not be transformed.

  2. For Default - Response, choose Edit.

  3. Choose Mapping templates, and then do the following:

    1. Choose Add mapping template.

    2. For Content type, enter application/json.

    3. For Template body, enter the following:

      #set($inputRoot = $input.path('$')) [ #foreach($elem in $inputRoot) { "description" : "Item $ is a $elem.type.", "askingPrice" : $elem.price }#if($foreach.hasNext),#end #end ]

    Choose Save.

To test the GET integration response
  • Choose the Test tab, and then choose Test.

    The output of the test will show the transformed response.

    [ { "description" : "Item 1 is a dog.", "askingPrice" : 249.99 }, { "description" : "Item 2 is a cat.", "askingPrice" : 124.99 }, { "description" : "Item 3 is a fish.", "askingPrice" : 0.99 } ]
To transform input data from the POST method
  1. Choose the POST method.

  2. Choose the Integration request tab, and then for Integration request settings, choose Edit.

    The AWS CloudFormation template has populated some of the integration request fields.

    • The integration type is AWS service.

    • The AWS service is DynamoDB.

    • The HTTP method is POST.

    • The Action is PutItem.

    • The Execution role allowing API Gateway to put an item into the DynamoDB table is data-transformation-tutorial-console-APIGatewayRole. AWS CloudFormation created this role to allow API Gateway to have the minimal permissions for interacting with DynamoDB.

    The name of the DynamoDB table has not been specified. You will specify the name in the following steps.

  3. For Request body passthrough, select Never.

    This means that the API will reject data with Content-Types that do not have a mapping template.

  4. Choose Mapping templates.

  5. The Content type is set to application/json. This means a content types that are not application/json will be rejected by the API. For more information about the integration passthrough behaviors, see Integration passthrough behaviors

  6. Enter the following code into the text editor.

    { "TableName":"data-transformation-tutorial-console-ddb", "Item": { "id": { "N": $input.json("$.id") }, "type": { "S": $input.json("$.type") }, "price": { "N": $input.json("$.price") } } }

    This template specifies the table as data-transformation-tutorial-console-ddb and sets the items as id, type, and price. The items will come from the body of the POST method. You also can use a data model to help create a mapping template. For more information, see Request validation for REST APIs in API Gateway.

  7. Choose Save to save your mapping template.

To add a method and integration response from the POST method

The AWS CloudFormation created a blank method and integration response. You will edit this response to provide more information. For more information about how to edit responses, see Amazon API Gateway API request and response data mapping reference.

  1. On the Integration response tab, for Default - Response, choose Edit.

  2. Choose Mapping templates, and then choose Add mapping template.

  3. For Content-type, enter application/json.

  4. In the code editor, enter the following output mapping template to send an output message:

    { "message" : "Your response was recorded at $context.requestTime" }

    For more information about context variables, see $context Variables for data models, authorizers, mapping templates, and CloudWatch access logging.

  5. Choose Save to save your mapping template.

Test the POST method

Choose the Test tab. You might need to choose the right arrow button to show the tab.

  1. In the request body, enter the following example.

    { "id": "4", "type" : "dog", "price": "321" }
  2. Choose Test.

    The output should show your success message.

    You can open the DynamoDB console at to verify that the example item is in your table.

To delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. Select your AWS CloudFormation stack.

  3. Choose Delete and then confirm your choice.

Set up data transformation using the AWS CLI

In this tutorial, you will create an incomplete API and DynamoDB table using the following .zip file This incomplete API has a /pets resource with a GET method integrated with the HTTP endpoint. You will create a POST method to connect to a DynamoDB table and use mapping templates to input data into a DynamoDB table.

  • You will transform the output data according to the mapping template in PetStore mapping template.

  • You will create a POST method to allow the user to POST pet information to a Amazon DynamoDB table using a mapping template.

To create an AWS CloudFormation stack

Download and unzip the app creation template for AWS CloudFormation.

To complete the following tutorial, you need the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 2.

For long commands, an escape character (\) is used to split a command over multiple lines.


In Windows, some Bash CLI commands that you commonly use (such as zip) are not supported by the operating system's built-in terminals. To get a Windows-integrated version of Ubuntu and Bash, install the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Example CLI commands in this guide use Linux formatting. Commands which include inline JSON documents must be reformatted if you are using the Windows CLI.

  1. Use the following command to create the AWS CloudFormation stack.

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name data-transformation-tutorial-cli --template-body file:// --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  2. AWS CloudFormation provisions the resources specified in the template. It can take a few minutes to finish provisioning your resources. Use the following command to see the status of your AWS CloudFormation stack.

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name data-transformation-tutorial-cli
  3. When the status of your AWS CloudFormation stack is StackStatus: "CREATE_COMPLETE", use the following command to retrieve relevant output values for future steps.

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name data-transformation-tutorial-cli --query "Stacks[*].Outputs[*].{OutputKey: OutputKey, OutputValue: OutputValue, Description: Description}"

    The output values are the following:

    • ApiRole, which is the role name that allows API Gateway to put items in the DynamoDB table. For this tutorial, the role name is data-transformation-tutorial-cli-APIGatewayRole-ABCDEFG.

    • DDBTableName, which is the name of the DynamoDB table. For this tutorial, the table name is data-transformation-tutorial-cli-ddb

    • ResourceId, which is the ID for the pets resource where the GET and POST methods are exposed. For this tutorial, the Resource ID is efg456

    • ApiId, which is the ID for the API. For this tutorial, the API ID is abc123.

To test the GET method before data transformation
  • Use the following command to test the GET method.

    aws apigateway test-invoke-method --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method GET

    The output of the test will show the following.

    [ { "id": 1, "type": "dog", "price": 249.99 }, { "id": 2, "type": "cat", "price": 124.99 }, { "id": 3, "type": "fish", "price": 0.99 } ]

    You will transform this output according to the mapping template in PetStore mapping template.

To transform the GET integration response
  • Use the following command to update the integration response for the GET method. Replace the rest-api-id and resource-id with your values.

    Use the following command to create the integration response.

    aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method GET \ --status-code 200 \ --selection-pattern "" \ --response-templates '{"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path(\"$\"))\n[\n#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)\n {\n \"description\": \"Item $ is a $elem.type\",\n \"askingPrice\": \"$elem.price\"\n }#if($foreach.hasNext),#end\n\n#end\n]"}'
To test the GET method
  • Use the following command to test the GET method.

    aws apigateway test-invoke-method --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method GET \

    The output of the test will show the transformed response.

    [ { "description" : "Item 1 is a dog.", "askingPrice" : 249.99 }, { "description" : "Item 2 is a cat.", "askingPrice" : 124.99 }, { "description" : "Item 3 is a fish.", "askingPrice" : 0.99 } ]
To create a POST method
  1. Use the following command to create a new method on the /pets resource.

    aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method POST \ --authorization-type "NONE" \

    This method will allow you to send pet information to the DynamoDB table that your created in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

  2. Use the following command to create an AWS service integration on the POST method.

    aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method POST \ --type AWS \ --integration-http-method POST \ --uri "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-2:dynamodb:action/PutItem" \ --credentials arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/data-transformation-tutorial-cli-APIGatewayRole-ABCDEFG \ --request-templates '{"application/json":"{\"TableName\":\"data-transformation-tutorial-cli-ddb\",\"Item\":{\"id\":{\"N\":$input.json(\"$.id\")},\"type\":{\"S\":$input.json(\"$.type\")},\"price\":{\"N\":$input.json(\"$.price\")} }}"}'
  3. Use the following command to create a method response for a successful call of the POST method.

    aws apigateway put-method-response --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method POST \ --status-code 200
  4. Use the following command to create an integration response for the successful call of the POST method.

    aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method POST \ --status-code 200 \ --selection-pattern "" \ --response-templates '{"application/json": "{\"message\": \"Your response was recorded at $context.requestTime\"}"}'
To test the POST method
  • Use the following command to test the POST method.

    aws apigateway test-invoke-method --rest-api-id abc123 \ --resource-id efg456 \ --http-method POST \ --body '{\"id\": \"4\", \"type\": \"dog\", \"price\": \"321\"}'

    The output will show the successful message.

To delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
  • Use the following command to delete your AWS CloudFormation resources.

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name data-transformation-tutorial-cli

Completed data transformation AWS CloudFormation template

The following example is a completed AWS CloudFormation template, which creates an API and a DynamoDB table with a /pets resource with GET and POST methods.

  • The GET method will get data from the HTTP endpoint. The output data will be transformed according to the mapping template in PetStore mapping template.

  • The POST method will allow the user to POST pet information to a DynamoDB table using a mapping template.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: A completed Amazon API Gateway REST API that uses non-proxy integration to POST to an Amazon DynamoDB table and non-proxy integration to GET transformed pets data. Parameters: StageName: Type: String Default: v1 Description: Name of API stage. Resources: DynamoDBTable: Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table' Properties: TableName: !Sub data-transformation-tutorial-complete AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: id AttributeType: N KeySchema: - AttributeName: id KeyType: HASH ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 5 WriteCapacityUnits: 5 APIGatewayRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Policies: - PolicyName: APIGatewayDynamoDBPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'dynamodb:PutItem' Resource: !GetAtt DynamoDBTable.Arn Api: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi' Properties: Name: data-transformation-complete-api ApiKeySourceType: HEADER PetsResource: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ParentId: !GetAtt Api.RootResourceId PathPart: 'pets' PetsMethodGet: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ResourceId: !Ref PetsResource HttpMethod: GET ApiKeyRequired: false AuthorizationType: NONE Integration: Type: HTTP Credentials: !GetAtt APIGatewayRole.Arn IntegrationHttpMethod: GET Uri: PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES IntegrationResponses: - StatusCode: '200' ResponseTemplates: application/json: "#set($inputRoot = $input.path(\"$\"))\n[\n#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)\n {\n \"description\": \"Item $ is a $elem.type\",\n \"askingPrice\": \"$elem.price\"\n }#if($foreach.hasNext),#end\n\n#end\n]" MethodResponses: - StatusCode: '200' PetsMethodPost: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ResourceId: !Ref PetsResource HttpMethod: POST ApiKeyRequired: false AuthorizationType: NONE Integration: Type: AWS Credentials: !GetAtt APIGatewayRole.Arn IntegrationHttpMethod: POST Uri: arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-1:dynamodb:action/PutItem PassthroughBehavior: NEVER RequestTemplates: application/json: "{\"TableName\":\"data-transformation-tutorial-complete\",\"Item\":{\"id\":{\"N\":$input.json(\"$.id\")},\"type\":{\"S\":$input.json(\"$.type\")},\"price\":{\"N\":$input.json(\"$.price\")} }}" IntegrationResponses: - StatusCode: 200 ResponseTemplates: application/json: "{\"message\": \"Your response was recorded at $context.requestTime\"}" MethodResponses: - StatusCode: '200' ApiDeployment: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment' DependsOn: - PetsMethodGet Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api StageName: !Sub '${StageName}' Outputs: ApiId: Description: API ID for CLI commands Value: !Ref Api ResourceId: Description: /pets resource ID for CLI commands Value: !Ref PetsResource ApiRole: Description: Role ID to allow API Gateway to put and scan items in DynamoDB table Value: !Ref APIGatewayRole DDBTableName: Description: DynamoDB table name Value: !Ref DynamoDBTable

Next steps

To explore more complex mapping templates, see the following examples: