Configure instance metadata options
for new instances
You can configure the following instance metadata options for new
The settings for these options are configured at the account level, either directly in the
account or by using a declarative policy. They must be configured in each
AWS Region where you want to configure instance metadata options. Using a
declarative policy allows you to apply the settings across multiple Regions
simultaneously, as well as across multiple accounts simultaneously. When a
declarative policy is in use, you can't modify the settings directly within an
account. This topic describes how to configure the settings directly within an
account. For information about using declarative policies, see Declarative policies in the AWS Organizations User
You can use the following methods to require the use of IMDSv2 on your
new instances.
Set IMDSv2 as the
default for the account
You can set the default version for the instance metadata service (IMDS)
at the account level for each AWS Region. This means that when you launch
a new instance, the instance metadata
version is automatically set to the account-level default. However, you can
manually override the value at launch or after launch. For more information
about how the account-level settings and manual overrides affect an
instance, see Order of precedence
for instance metadata options.
Setting the account-level default does not reset existing instances. For example, if you set
the account-level default to IMDSv2, any existing instances that
are set to IMDSv1 are not affected. If you want to change the
value on existing instances, you must manually change the value on the
instances themselves.
You can set the account default for the instance metadata version to
IMDSv2 so that all new instances
in the account launch with IMDSv2 required, and IMDSv1 will
be disabled. With this account default, when you launch an instance, the
following are the default values for the instance:
- Console
To set IMDSv2 as the default for the account for
the specified Region
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
To change the AWS Region, use the Region selector in
the upper-right corner of the page.
In the navigation pane, choose EC2
Under Account attributes, choose
Data protection and
Next to IMDS defaults, choose
On the Manage IMDS defaults page,
do the following:
For Instance metadata
service, choose
For Metadata version,
choose V2 only (token
For Metadata response hop
limit, specify 2
if your instances will host containers. Otherwise,
select No preference. When no
preference is specified, at launch, the value
defaults to 2 if the AMI
requires IMDSv2; otherwise it defaults to
Choose Update.
To set IMDSv2 as the default for the account for
the specified Region
Use the modify-instance-metadata-defaults command and
specify the Region in which to modify the IMDS account level
settings. Include --http-tokens
set to
set to
if your instances will host containers.
Otherwise, specify -1
to indicate no
preference. When -1
(no preference) is
specified, at launch, the value defaults to 2
if the AMI requires IMDSv2; otherwise it defaults to
aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-defaults \
--region us-east-1
--http-tokens required \
--http-put-response-hop-limit 2
Expected output
"Return": true
To view the default account settings for the instance
metadata options for the specified Region
Use the get-instance-metadata-defaults command and
specify the Region.
aws ec2 get-instance-metadata-defaults --region us-east-1
Example output
The ManagedBy
field indicates the entity that
configured the settings. In this example, account
indicates that the settings were configured directly in the
account. A value of declarative-policy
would mean
the settings were configured by a declarative policy. For more
information, see Declarative policies in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
"AccountLevel": {
"HttpTokens": "required",
"HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 2
"ManagedBy": "account"
To set IMDSv2 as the default for the account for
all Regions
Use the modify-instance-metadata-defaults command to
modify the IMDS account level settings for all Regions.
Include --http-tokens
set to
set to
if your instances will host containers.
Otherwise, specify -1
to indicate no
preference. When -1
(no preference) is
specified, at launch, the value defaults to 2
if the AMI requires IMDSv2; otherwise it defaults to
echo -e "Region \t Modified" ; \
echo -e "-------------- \t ---------" ; \
for region in $(
aws ec2 describe-regions \
--region us-east-1 \
--query "Regions[*].[RegionName]" \
--output text
do (output=$(
aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-defaults \
--region $region \
--http-tokens required \
--http-put-response-hop-limit 2
--output text)
echo -e "$region \t $output"
Expected output
Region Modified
-------------- ---------
ap-south-1 True
eu-north-1 True
eu-west-3 True
To view the default account settings for the instance
metadata options for all Regions
Use the get-instance-metadata-defaults command.
echo -e "Region \t Level Hops HttpTokens" ; \
echo -e "-------------- \t ------------ ---- ----------" ; \
for region in $(
aws ec2 describe-regions \
--region us-east-1 \
--query "Regions[*].[RegionName]" \
--output text
do (output=$(
aws ec2 get-instance-metadata-defaults \
--region $region \
--output text)
echo -e "$region \t $output"
Expected output
Region Level Hops HttpTokens
-------------- ------------ ---- ----------
ap-south-1 ACCOUNTLEVEL 2 required
eu-north-1 ACCOUNTLEVEL 2 required
eu-west-3 ACCOUNTLEVEL 2 required
- PowerShell
To set IMDSv2 as the default for the account for
the specified Region
Use the Edit-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault command and
specify the Region in which to modify the IMDS account level
settings. Include -HttpToken
set to
set to
if your instances will host containers.
Otherwise, specify -1
to indicate no
preference. When -1
(no preference) is
specified, at launch, the value defaults to 2
if the AMI requires IMDSv2; otherwise it defaults to
Edit-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault `
-Region us-east-1
-HttpToken required `
-HttpPutResponseHopLimit 2
Expected output
To view the default account settings for the instance
metadata options for the specified Region
Use the Get-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault command and
specify the Region.
Get-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault -Region us-east-1
| Format-List
Example output
HttpEndpoint :
HttpPutResponseHopLimit : 2
HttpTokens : required
InstanceMetadataTags :
To set IMDSv2 as the default for the account for
all Regions
Use the Edit-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault Cmdlet to
modify the IMDS account level settings for all Regions.
Include -HttpToken
set to required
and -HttpPutResponseHopLimit
set to
if your instances will host containers.
Otherwise, specify -1
to indicate no
preference. When -1
(no preference) is
specified, at launch, the value defaults to 2
if the AMI requires IMDSv2; otherwise it defaults to
(Get-EC2Region).RegionName | `
ForEach-Object {
Region = $_
Modified = (Edit-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault `
-Region $_ `
-HttpToken required `
-HttpPutResponseHopLimit 2
} | `
Format-Table Region, Modified -AutoSize
Expected output
Region Modified
------ --------
ap-south-1 True
eu-north-1 True
eu-west-3 True
To view the default account settings for the instance
metadata options for all Regions
Use the Get-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault Cmdlet.
(Get-EC2Region).RegionName | `
ForEach-Object {
Region = $_
HttpPutResponseHopLimit = (Get-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault -Region $_).HttpPutResponseHopLimit
HttpTokens = (Get-EC2InstanceMetadataDefault -Region $_).HttpTokens
} | `
Format-Table -AutoSize
Example output
Region HttpPutResponseHopLimit HttpTokens
------ ----------------------- ----------
ap-south-1 2 required
eu-north-1 2 required
eu-west-3 2 required
When you launch an
instance, you can configure the instance to require the use of
IMDSv2 by configuring the following fields:
When you specify that IMDSv2 is required, you must also enable the
Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint by setting Metadata
accessible to Enabled (console) or
to enabled
In a container environment, when IMDSv2 is required, we recommend
setting the hop limit to 2
. For more information, see Instance metadata access considerations.
- Console
To require the use of IMDSv2 on a new
When launching a new instance in the Amazon EC2 console,
expand Advanced details, and do the
For Metadata accessible,
choose Enabled.
For Metadata version,
choose V2 only (token
(Container environment) For Metadata
response hop limit, choose
For more information, see Advanced details.
To require the use of IMDSv2 on a new
The following run-instances example launches a
instance with
set to
. When you specify a
value for HttpTokens
, you must also set
to enabled
Because the secure token header is set to
for metadata retrieval requests,
this requires the instance to use IMDSv2 when
requesting instance metadata.
In a container environment, when IMDSv2 is required,
we recommend setting the hop limit to 2
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890
--instance-type c6i.large
--metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=enabled,HttpTokens=required,HttpPutResponseHopLimit=2"
- PowerShell
To require the use of IMDSv2 on a new
The following New-EC2Instance Cmdlet example launches a
instance with
set to
and the
parameter to
. When you specify a value for
, you must also set
to enabled
Because the secure token header is set to
for metadata retrieval requests,
this requires the instance to use IMDSv2 when
requesting instance metadata.
New-EC2Instance `
-ImageId ami-0abcdef1234567890
-InstanceType c6i.large
-MetadataOptions_HttpEndpoint enabled `
-MetadataOptions_HttpTokens required
- AWS CloudFormation
To specify the metadata options for an instance using AWS CloudFormation,
see the AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate MetadataOptions property
in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
When you register a new AMI or modify an existing AMI, you can set the
parameter to v2.0
. Instances
launched from this AMI will have Metadata version set
to V2 only (token required) (console) or
set to required
(AWS CLI). With these
settings, the instance requires that IMDSv2 is used when requesting
instance metadata.
Note that when you set imds-support
to v2.0
instances launched from this AMI will also have Metadata response
hop limit (console) or
(AWS CLI) set to
Do not use this parameter unless your AMI software supports
IMDSv2. After you set the value to v2.0
, you can't
undo it. The only way to "reset" your AMI is to create a new AMI from
the underlying snapshot.
To configure a new AMI for IMDSv2
Use one of the following methods to configure a new AMI for
The following register-image example registers an AMI using the
specified snapshot of an EBS root volume as device
. Specify v2.0
for the
parameter so that instances
launched from this AMI will require that IMDSv2 is used
when requesting instance metadata.
aws ec2 register-image \
--name my-image
--root-device-name /dev/xvda \
--block-device-mappings DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={SnapshotId=snap-0123456789example
} \
--architecture x86_64 \
--imds-support v2.0
- PowerShell
The following Register-EC2Image Cmdlet example registers an AMI
using the specified snapshot of an EBS root volume as device
. Specify v2.0
for the
parameter so that instances
launched from this AMI will require that IMDSv2 is used
when requesting instance metadata.
Register-EC2Image `
-Name 'my-image
' `
-RootDeviceName /dev/xvda `
-BlockDeviceMapping (
New-Object `
-TypeName Amazon.EC2.Model.BlockDeviceMapping `
-Property @{
DeviceName = '/dev/xvda';
EBS = (New-Object -TypeName Amazon.EC2.Model.EbsBlockDevice -Property @{
SnapshotId = 'snap-0123456789example
VolumeType = 'gp3'
} )
} ) `
-Architecture X86_64 `
-ImdsSupport v2.0
To configure an existing AMI for IMDSv2
Use one of the following methods to configure an existing AMI for
The following modify-image-attribute example modifies an existing
AMI for IMDSv2 only. Specify v2.0
for the
parameter so that instances
launched from this AMI will require that IMDSv2 is used
when requesting instance metadata.
aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
--image-id ami-0123456789example
--imds-support v2.0
- PowerShell
The following Edit-EC2ImageAttribute Cmdlet example modifies an
existing AMI for IMDSv2 only. Specify v2.0
for the imds-support
parameter so that instances
launched from this AMI will require that IMDSv2 is used
when requesting instance metadata.
Edit-EC2ImageAttribute `
-ImageId ami-0abcdef1234567890
-ImdsSupport 'v2.0'
You can create an IAM policy that prevents users from launching new
instances unless they require IMDSv2 on the new instance.
To enforce the use of IMDSv2 on all new instances by using an
IAM policy
To ensure that users can only launch instances that require the use of
IMDSv2 when requesting instance metadata, you can specify that
the condition to require IMDSv2 must be met before an instance
can be launched. For the example IAM policy, see Work with instance metadata.
The IMDS has two endpoints on an instance: IPv4 (
and IPv6 ([fd00:ec2::254]
). When you enable the IMDS, the IPv4
endpoint is automatically enabled. The IPv6 endpoint remains disabled even if
you launch an instance into an IPv6-only subnet. To enable the IPv6 endpoint,
you need to do so explicitly. When you enable the IPv6 endpoint, the IPv4
endpoint remains enabled.
You can enable the IPv6 endpoint at instance launch or after.
Requirements for enabling the IPv6 endpoint
Use any of the following methods to launch an instance with the IMDS IPv6
endpoint enabled.
- Console
To enable the IMDS IPv6 endpoint at instance launch
For more information, see Advanced details.
To enable the IMDS IPv6 endpoint at instance launch
The following run-instances example launches a
instance with the IPv6 endpoint
enabled for the IMDS. To enable the IPv6 endpoint, for
the --metadata-options
parameter, specify
. When you specify a
value for HttpProtocolIpv6
, you must also set
to enabled
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890
--instance-type c6i.large
--metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=enabled,HttpProtocolIpv6=enabled"
- PowerShell
To enable the IMDS IPv6 endpoint at instance launch
The following New-EC2Instance Cmdlet example launches a
instance with the IPv6 endpoint
enabled for the IMDS. To enable the IPv6 endpoint,
specify MetadataOptions_HttpProtocolIpv6
. When you specify a value for
, you must also
set MetadataOptions_HttpEndpoint
New-EC2Instance `
-ImageId ami-0abcdef1234567890
-InstanceType c6i.large
-MetadataOptions_HttpEndpoint enabled `
-MetadataOptions_HttpProtocolIpv6 enabled
You can turn off access to the instance metadata by disabling the IMDS when
you launch an instance. You can turn on access later by re-enabling the IMDS.
For more information, see Turn on access
to instance metadata.
You can choose to disable the IMDS at launch or after launch. If you
disable the IMDS at launch, the following
might not work:
You might not have SSH access to your instance. The
, which is your instance's
public SSH key, will not be accessible because the key is normally
provided and accessed from EC2 instance metadata.
EC2 user data will not be available and will not run at instance
start. EC2 user data is hosted on the IMDS. If you disable the IMDS,
you effectively turn off access to user data.
To access this functionality, you can re-enable the IMDS after
- Console
To turn off access to instance metadata at launch
For more information, see Advanced details.
To turn off access to instance metadata at launch at
Launch the instance with --metadata-options
to HttpEndpoint=disabled
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890
--instance-type c6i.large
--metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=disabled"
- PowerShell
To turn off access to instance metadata at launch at
The following New-EC2Instance Cmdlet example launches an instance
with MetadataOptions_HttpEndpoint
set to
New-EC2Instance `
-ImageId ami-0abcdef1234567890
-InstanceType c6i.large
-MetadataOptions_HttpEndpoint disabled
- AWS CloudFormation
To specify the metadata options for an instance using AWS CloudFormation, see
the AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate MetadataOptions property in
the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
By default, instance tags are not accessible in the instance metadata. For
each instance, you must explicitly allow access. If access is allowed, instance
tag keys must comply with specific character
restrictions, otherwise the instance launch will fail. For more information, see
Allow access to tags in instance metadata.