Manage Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host recovery - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Manage Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host recovery

Dedicated Host auto recovery restarts your instances on to a new replacement host when certain problematic conditions are detected on your Dedicated Host. You can enable host recovery when you allocate the Dedicated Host or after allocation.

Use the following procedures to enable host recovery when allocating the host.

To enable host recovery at allocation

When allocating a Dedicated Host using the Amazon EC2 console, for Host recovery, choose Enable. For more information, see Allocate an Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host for use in your account.

To enable host recovery at allocation

Use the allocate-hosts command and specify the host-recovery parameter.

$ aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type m5.large \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --auto-placement on \ --host-recovery on \ --quantity 1

Use the following procedures to manage host recovery for a Dedicated Host.

To manage host recovery after allocation
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dedicated Hosts.

  3. Select the Dedicated Host.

  4. Choose Actions, Modify host.

  5. For Host recovery, select or clear Enable.

  6. Choose Save.

To enable host recovery after allocation

Use the modify-hosts command and specify the host-recovery parameter with a value of on.

$ aws ec2 modify-hosts --host-recovery on --host-ids h-012a3456b7890cdef
To disable host recovery after allocation

Use the modify-hosts command and specify the host-recovery parameter with a value of off.

$ aws ec2 modify-hosts --host-recovery off --host-ids h-012a3456b7890cdef