Manually recover instances that are not supported by Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host recovery - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Manually recover instances that are not supported by Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host recovery

Host recovery does not support recovering instances that use instance store volumes. Follow the instructions below to manually recover any of your instances that could not be automatically recovered.


Data on instance store volumes is lost when an instance is stopped, hibernated, or terminated. This includes instance store volumes that are attached to an instance that has an EBS volume as the root device. To protect data from instance store volumes, back it up to persistent storage before the instance is stopped or terminated.

Manually recover EBS-backed instances

For EBS-backed instances that could not be automatically recovered, we recommend that you manually stop and start the instances to recover them onto a new Dedicated Host. For more information about stopping your instance, and about the changes that occur in your instance configuration when it's stopped, see Stop and start Amazon EC2 instances.

Manually recover instance store-backed instances

For instance store-backed instances that could not be automatically recovered, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Launch a replacement instance on a new Dedicated Host from your most recent AMI.

  2. Migrate all of the necessary data to the replacement instance.

  3. Terminate the original instance on the impaired Dedicated Host.