Buy Reserved Instances for Amazon EC2
To buy a Reserved Instance for Amazon EC2, you can use the Amazon EC2 console, a command line tool, or an SDK to search for Reserved Instance offerings from AWS and third-party sellers, adjusting your search parameters until you find the exact match that you're looking for.
When you search for Reserved Instances to buy, you receive a quote on the cost of the returned offerings. When you proceed with the purchase, AWS automatically places a limit price on the purchase price. The total cost of your Reserved Instances won't exceed the amount that you were quoted.
If the price rises or changes for any reason, the purchase is not completed. When you are purchasing a third-party seller’s Reserved Instance from the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace, if there are offerings similar to your choice but at a lower upfront price, AWS sells you the offerings at the lower upfront price.
Before you confirm your purchase, review the details of the Reserved Instance that you plan to buy, and make sure that all the parameters are accurate. After you purchase a Reserved Instance (either from a third-party seller in the Reserved Instance Marketplace or from AWS), you cannot cancel your purchase. You can queue a purchase for a future date, and cancel the queued purchase before its scheduled time.
To purchase and modify Reserved Instances, ensure that your user has the appropriate permissions, such as the ability to describe Availability Zones. For information, see Example: Work with Reserved Instances (API) or Example: Work with Reserved Instances (console).
Choosing a platform
Amazon EC2 supports the following platforms for Reserved Instances:
Linux with SQL Server Standard
Linux with SQL Server Web
Linux with SQL Server Enterprise
SUSE Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux with HA
Windows with SQL Server Standard
Windows with SQL Server Web
Windows with SQL Server Enterprise
When you purchase a Reserved Instance, you must choose an offering for a platform that represents the operating system for your instance.
Linux instances
For SUSE Linux and RHEL distributions, you must choose offerings for those specific platforms, i.e., for the SUSE Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms.
For all other Linux distributions (including Ubuntu), choose an offering for the Linux/UNIX platform.
If you bring your existing RHEL subscription, you must choose an offering for the Linux/UNIX platform, not an offering for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform.
Windows instances
For Windows with SQL Standard, Windows with SQL Server Enterprise, and Windows with SQL Server Web, you must choose offerings for those specific platforms.
For all other Windows versions, choose an offering for the Windows platform.
Ubuntu Pro is not available as a Reserved Instance. For significant savings compared to On-Demand Instance pricing, we recommend that you use Ubuntu Pro with Savings Plans. For more information, see the Savings Plans User Guide.
If you plan to purchase a Reserved Instance to apply to an On-Demand Instance that was launched from an
AWS Marketplace AMI, first check the PlatformDetails
field of the AMI. The
field indicates which Reserved Instance to purchase. The
platform details of the AMI must match the platform of the Reserved Instance, otherwise the
Reserved Instance will not be applied to the On-Demand Instance. For information about how to view the
platform details of the AMI, see Understand AMI billing information.
Queue your purchase
By default, when you purchase a Reserved Instance, the purchase is made immediately. Alternatively, you can queue your purchases for a future date and time. For example, you can queue a purchase for around the time that an existing Reserved Instance expires. This can help you ensure that you have uninterrupted coverage.
You can queue purchases for regional Reserved Instances, but not zonal Reserved Instances or Reserved Instances from other sellers. You can queue a purchase up to three years in advance. On the scheduled date and time, the purchase is made using the default payment method. After the payment is successful, the billing benefit is applied.
You can set a date for your queued purchases in the Amazon EC2 console, and the purchase is queued until 00:00 UTC on this date. To specify a different time for the queued purchase, use an AWS SDK or command line tool.
You can view your queued purchases in the Amazon EC2 console. The status of a queued purchase is queued. You can cancel a queued purchase any time before its scheduled time. For details, see Cancel a queued purchase.
Buy Standard Reserved Instances
You can buy Standard Reserved Instances in a specific Availability Zone and get a capacity reservation. Alternatively, you can forego the capacity reservation and purchase a regional Standard Reserved Instance.
To buy Standard Reserved Instances using the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Reserved Instances, and then choose Purchase Reserved Instances.
For Offering class, choose Standard to display Standard Reserved Instances.
To purchase a capacity reservation, toggle on Only show offerings that reserve capacity in the top-right corner of the purchase screen. When you toggle on this setting, the Availability Zone field appears.
To purchase a regional Reserved Instance, toggle off this setting. When you toggle off this setting, the Availability Zone field disappears.
Select other configurations as needed, and then choose Search.
For each Reserved Instance that you want to purchase, enter the desired quantity, and choose Add to cart.
To purchase a Standard Reserved Instance from the Reserved Instance Marketplace, look for 3rd party in the Seller column in the search results. The Term column displays non-standard terms. For more information, see Buy from the Reserved Instance Marketplace.
To see a summary of the Reserved Instances that you selected, choose View cart.
If Order on is Now, the purchase is completed immediately after you choose Order all. To queue a purchase, choose Now and select a date. You can select a different date for each eligible offering in the cart. The purchase is queued until 00:00 UTC on the selected date.
To complete the order, choose Order all.
If, at the time of placing the order, there are offerings similar to your choice but with a lower price, AWS sells you the offerings at the lower price.
Choose Close.
The status of your order is listed in the State column. When your order is complete, the State value changes from
. When the Reserved Instance isActive
, it is ready to use.
If the status goes to Retired
, AWS might not have
received your payment.
To buy a Standard Reserved Instance using the AWS CLI
Find available Reserved Instances using the describe-reserved-instances-offerings
command. Specify standard
for the--offering-class
parameter to return only Standard Reserved Instances. You can apply additional parameters to narrow your results. For example, if you want to purchase a regionalt2.large
Reserved Instance with a default tenancy forLinux/UNIX
for a 1-year term only:aws ec2 describe-reserved-instances-offerings \ --instance-type
\ --offering-classstandard
\ --product-description "Linux/UNIX
" \ --instance-tenancydefault
\ --filters Name=duration,Values=31536000
To find Reserved Instances on the Reserved Instance Marketplace only, use the
filter and do not specify a duration in the request, as the term might be shorter than a 1– or 3-year ec2 describe-reserved-instances-offerings \ --instance-type
\ --offering-classstandard
\ --product-description "Linux/UNIX
" \ --instance-tenancydefault
\ --filters Name=marketplace
,Values=trueWhen you find a Reserved Instance that meets your needs, take note of the offering ID. For example:
"ReservedInstancesOfferingId": "bec624df-a8cc-4aad-a72f-4f8abc34caf2"
Use the purchase-reserved-instances-offering
command to buy your Reserved Instance. You must specify the Reserved Instance offering ID you obtained the previous step and you must specify the number of instances for the reservation. aws ec2 purchase-reserved-instances-offering \ --reserved-instances-offering-id
\ --instance-count1
By default, the purchase is completed immediately. Alternatively, to queue the purchase, add the following parameter to the previous call.
--purchase-time "
Z" -
Use the describe-reserved-instances
command to get the status of your Reserved Instance. aws ec2 describe-reserved-instances
Alternatively, use the following AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell commands:
After the purchase is complete, if you already have a running instance that matches the specifications of the Reserved Instance, the billing benefit is immediately applied. You do not have to restart your instances. If you do not have a suitable running instance, launch an instance and ensure that you match the same criteria that you specified for your Reserved Instance. For more information, see Use your Reserved Instances.
For examples of how Reserved Instances are applied to your running instances, see How Reserved Instance discounts are applied.
Buy Convertible Reserved Instances
You can buy Convertible Reserved Instances in a specific Availability Zone and get a capacity reservation. Alternatively, you can forego the capacity reservation and purchase a regional Convertible Reserved Instance.
To buy Convertible Reserved Instances using the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Reserved Instances, and then choose Purchase Reserved Instances.
For Offering class, choose Convertible to display Convertible Reserved Instances.
To purchase a capacity reservation, toggle on Only show offerings that reserve capacity in the top-right corner of the purchase screen. When you toggle on this setting, the Availability Zone field appears.
To purchase a regional Reserved Instance, toggle off this setting. When you toggle off this setting, the Availability Zone field disappears.
Select other configurations as needed and choose Search.
For each Convertible Reserved Instance that you want to purchase, enter the quantity, and choose Add to cart.
To see a summary of your selection, choose View cart.
If Order on is Now, the purchase is completed immediately after you choose Order all. To queue a purchase, choose Now and select a date. You can select a different date for each eligible offering in the cart. The purchase is queued until 00:00 UTC on the selected date.
To complete the order, choose Order all.
If, at the time of placing the order, there are offerings similar to your choice but with a lower price, AWS sells you the offerings at the lower price.
Choose Close.
The status of your order is listed in the State column. When your order is complete, the State value changes from
. When the Reserved Instance isActive
, it is ready to use.
If the status goes to Retired
, AWS might not have
received your payment.
To buy a Convertible Reserved Instance using the AWS CLI
Find available Reserved Instances using the describe-reserved-instances-offerings
command. Specify convertible
for the--offering-class
parameter to return only Convertible Reserved Instances. You can apply additional parameters to narrow your results; for example, if you want to purchase a regionalt2.large
Reserved Instance with a default tenancy forLinux/UNIX
:aws ec2 describe-reserved-instances-offerings \ --instance-type
\ --offering-classconvertible
\ --product-description "Linux/UNIX
" \ --instance-tenancydefault
\ --filters Name=scope,Values=Region
When you find a Reserved Instance that meets your needs, take note of the offering ID. For example:
"ReservedInstancesOfferingId": "bec624df-a8cc-4aad-a72f-4f8abc34caf2"
Use the purchase-reserved-instances-offering
command to buy your Reserved Instance. You must specify the Reserved Instance offering ID you obtained the previous step and you must specify the number of instances for the reservation. aws ec2 purchase-reserved-instances-offering \ --reserved-instances-offering-id
\ --instance-count 1By default, the purchase is completed immediately. Alternatively, to queue the purchase, add the following parameter to the previous call.
--purchase-time "
Z" -
Use the describe-reserved-instances
command to get the status of your Reserved Instance. aws ec2 describe-reserved-instances
Alternatively, use the following AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell commands:
If you already have a running instance that matches the specifications of the Reserved Instance, the billing benefit is immediately applied. You do not have to restart your instances. If you do not have a suitable running instance, launch an instance and ensure that you match the same criteria that you specified for your Reserved Instance. For more information, see Use your Reserved Instances.
For examples of how Reserved Instances are applied to your running instances, see How Reserved Instance discounts are applied.
Buy from the Reserved Instance Marketplace
You can purchase Reserved Instances from third-party sellers who own Reserved Instances that they no longer need from the Reserved Instance Marketplace. You can do this using the Amazon EC2 console or a command line tool. The process is similar to purchasing Reserved Instances from AWS. For more information, see Buy Standard Reserved Instances.
There are a few differences between Reserved Instances purchased in the Reserved Instance Marketplace and Reserved Instances purchased directly from AWS:
Term – Reserved Instances that you purchase from third-party sellers have less than a full standard term remaining. Full standard terms from AWS run for one year or three years.
Upfront price – Third-party Reserved Instances can be sold at different upfront prices. The usage or recurring fees remain the same as the fees set when the Reserved Instances were originally purchased from AWS.
Types of Reserved Instances – Only Amazon EC2 Standard Reserved Instances can be purchased from the Reserved Instance Marketplace. Convertible Reserved Instances, Amazon RDS, and Amazon ElastiCache Reserved Instances are not available for purchase on the Reserved Instance Marketplace.
Basic information about you is shared with the seller, for example, your ZIP code and country information.
This information enables sellers to calculate any necessary transaction taxes that they have to remit to the government (such as sales tax or value-added tax) and is provided as a disbursement report. In rare circumstances, AWS might have to provide the seller with your email address, so that they can contact you regarding questions related to the sale (for example, tax questions).
For similar reasons, AWS shares the legal entity name of the seller on the
buyer's purchase invoice. If you need additional information about the seller for
tax or related reasons, contact Support
View your Reserved Instances
You can view the Reserved Instances you've purchased using the Amazon EC2 console, or a command line tool.
To view your Reserved Instances in the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Reserved Instances.
Your queued, active, and retired Reserved Instances are listed. The State column displays the state.
If you are a seller in the Reserved Instance Marketplace, the My Listings tab displays the status of a reservation that's listed in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. For more information, see Reserved Instance listing states.
To view your Reserved Instances using the command line
Get-EC2ReservedInstance (Tools for Windows PowerShell)
Cancel a queued purchase
You can queue a purchase up to three years in advance. You can cancel a queued purchase any time before its scheduled time.
To cancel a queued purchase
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Reserved Instances.
Select one or more Reserved Instances.
Choose Actions, Delete queued Reserved Instances.
When prompted for confirmation, choose Delete, and then Close.
To cancel a queued purchase using the command line
Remove-EC2QueuedReservedInstance (Tools for Windows PowerShell)
Renew a Reserved Instance
You can renew a Reserved Instance before it is scheduled to expire. Renewing a Reserved Instance queues the purchase of a Reserved Instance with the same configuration until the current Reserved Instance expires.
To renew a Reserved Instance using a queued purchase using the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Reserved Instances.
Select the Reserved Instance to renew.
Choose Actions, Renew Reserved Instances.
To complete the order, choose Order all, and then Close.