Configure a private registry credential for self-hosted runners - AWS CodeBuild

Configure a private registry credential for self-hosted runners

Use the following instructions to configure a registry credential for a self-hosted runner.


Note that these credentials will only be used if the images are overridden with those from private registries.

AWS Management Console
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. Create a build project or select an existing project. For information, see Create a build project (console) and Change a build project's settings (console).

  3. In Environment, choose Additional configuration.

  4. In Additional configuration, enter the name or ARN of the secret from AWS Secrets Manager for Registry credential - optional.

    The registry credential configuration.
  1. If you'd like to create a new project, run the create-project command.

    aws codebuild create-project \ --name project-name \ --source type=source-type,location=source-location \ --environment "type=environment-type,image=image,computeType=compute-type,registryCredential={credentialProvider=SECRETS_MANAGER,credential=secret-name-or-arn},imagePullCredentialsType=CODEBUILD|SERVICE_ROLE" \ --artifacts type=artifacts-type \ --service-role arn:aws:iam::account-ID:role/service-role/service-role-name
  2. If you'd like to update an existing project, run the update-project command.

    aws codebuild update-project \ --name project-name \ --environment "type=environment-type,image=image,computeType=compute-type,registryCredential={credentialProvider=SECRETS_MANAGER,credential=secret-name-or-arn}"