Configure network access to your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace - Amazon Managed Grafana

Configure network access to your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace

You can control how users and hosts access your Grafana workspaces.

Grafana requires all users to be authenticated and authorized. However, by default, Amazon Managed Grafana workspaces are open to all network traffic. You can configure network access control for a workspace, to control what network traffic is allowed to reach it.

You can control traffic to your workspace in two ways.

  • IP Addresses (prefix lists) – You can create a managed prefix list with IP ranges that are allowed to access workspaces. Amazon Managed Grafana supports only public, IPv4 addresses for network access control.

  • VPC endpoints – You can create a list of VPC endpoints to your workspaces that are allowed to access a specific workspace.

When you configure network access control, you must include at least one prefix list or VPC endpoint.

Amazon Managed Grafana uses the prefix lists and VPC endpoints to decide which requests to the Grafana workspace are allowed to connect. The following diagram shows this filtering.

An image showing Amazon Managed Grafana network access control allowing some requests and blocking others trying to access an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

Configuring network access control (1) for an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace specifies which requests should be allowed to access the workspace. Network access control can allow or block traffic by IP address (2), or by which interface endpoint is being used (3).

The following section describes how to set up network access control.

Configuring network access control

You can add network access control to an existing workspace or configure it as part of the initial creation of the workspace.


To set up network access control you must first create either an interface VPC endpoint for your workspaces, or at least one IP prefix list for the IP addresses that you want to allow. You can create both or more than one of both, as well.

  • VPC endpoint – You can create an interface VPC endpoint that gives access to all of your workspaces. After you have created the endpoint, you need the VPC endpoint ID for each endpoint you want to allow. VPC endpoint IDs have the format vpce-1a2b3c4d.

    For information about creating a VPC endpoint for your Grafana workspaces, see Interface VPC endpoints. To create a VPC endpoint specifically for your workspaces, use the com.amazonaws.region.grafana-workspace endpoint name.

    For VPC endpoints that you give access to your workspace, you can further limit their access by configuring security groups for the endpoints. To learn more, see Associate security groups and Security group rules in the Amazon VPC documentation.

  • Managed prefix list (for IP address ranges) – to allow IP addresses, you must create one or more prefix lists in Amazon VPC with the list of IP ranges to allow. There are a few limitations for prefix lists when used for Amazon Managed Grafana:

    • Each prefix list can contain up to 100 IP address ranges.

    • Private IP address ranges (for example, are ignored. You can include private IP address ranges in a prefix list, but Amazon Managed Grafana ignores those when filtering traffic to the workspace. To allow those hosts to reach the workspace, create a VPC endpoint for your workspaces and give them access.

    • Amazon Managed Grafana only supports IPv4 addresses in prefix lists, not IPv6. IPv6 addresses are ignored.

    You create managed prefix lists through the Amazon VPC Console. After you have created the prefix lists, you need the prefix list ID for each list you want to allow in Amazon Managed Grafana. Prefix list IDs have the format pl-1a2b3c4d.

    For more information about creating prefix lists, see Group CIDR blocks using managed prefix lists in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

  • You must have the necessary permissions to configure or create an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. For example, you could use the AWS managed policy, AWSGrafanaAccountAdministrator.

After you have the list of IDs for the prefix lists or VPC endpoints that you want to give access to your workspace, you are ready to create the network access control configuration.


If you enable network access control, but do not add a prefix list to the configuration, no access to your workspace is allowed, except through the allowed VPC endpoints.

Similarly, if you enable network access control, but do not add a VPC endpoint to the configuration, no access to your workspace is allowed, except through the allowed IP addresses.

You must include at least one prefix list or VPC endpoint in the network access control configuration, or you would not be able to access your workspace from anywhere.

To configure network access control for a workspace
  1. Open the Amazon Managed Grafana console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose All workspaces.

  3. Select the name of the workspace that you want to configure network access control.

  4. In the Network access control tab, under Network access control, choose Restricted access to configure network access control.


    You can access these same options while creating a workspace.

  5. From the drop down select whether you are adding a Prefix list or a VPC endpoint.

  6. Select the VPC endpoint or Prefix list ID that you want to add (alternatively, you can type the ID that you want to use. You must choose at least one.

  7. To add more endpoints or lists, select Add new resource for each one you want to add.


    You can add up to 5 prefix lists and 5 VPC endpoints.

  8. Choose Save changes to complete the setup.


If you have existing users of your workspace, include their IP ranges or VPC endpoints in the configuration, or they will lose access with a 403 Forbidden error. It is recommended that you test existing access points after setting up or modifying the configuration of network access control.