Delete a Amazon Managed Grafana workspace - Amazon Managed Grafana

Delete a Amazon Managed Grafana workspace

If you delete an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace, all the configuration data for that workspace is also deleted. This includes dashboards, data source configuration, alerts, and snapshots.

To delete an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
  1. Open the Amazon Managed Grafana console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose the menu icon.

  3. Choose All workspaces.

  4. Choose the name of the workspace that you want to delete.

  5. Choose Delete.

  6. To confirm the deletion, enter the name of the workspace and choose Delete.


This procedure deletes a workspace. Other resources may not be deleted. For example, IAM roles that were in use by the workspace are not deleted (but may be unlocked if they are no longer in use).