Bar gauge panel - Amazon Managed Grafana

Bar gauge panel

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x, see Working in Grafana version 10.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Working in Grafana version 9.

The bar gauge simplifies your data by reducing every field to a single value. You choose how Amazon Managed Grafana calculates the reduction.

This panel can show one or more bar gauges depending on how many series, rows, or columns your query returns.

Data and field options

With Bar gauge visualizations, you can apply the following options:

Display options

Use the following options to refine your visualization:

  • Show – Choose how Amazon Managed Grafana displays your data.

    • Calculate – Show a calculated value based on all rows. For a list of available calculations, see Calculations list.

    • All values – Show a separate stat for every row. If you select this option, you can also select a Limit, or the maximum number of rows to display.

  • Value – Select a reducer function that Amazon Managed Grafana will use to reduce many fields to a single value. Choose the Value list to see functions and brief descriptions.

  • Orientation – Choose a stacking direction.

    • Auto – Amazon Managed Grafana selects what the orientation that it thinks fits best.

    • Horizontal – Bars stretch horizontally, left to right.

    • Vertical – Bars stretch vertically, top to bottom.

  • Display mode – Choose a display mode.

    • Gradient – Choose a threshold level to define a gradient.

    • Retro LCD – Display the gauge split into small cells that are lit or unlit.

    • Basic – Use a single color based on the matching threshold.

  • Show unfilled area – Select this option if you want to render the unfilled region of the bars as dark gray. This option is not available for the Retro LCD display mode.