Alert notifications - Amazon Managed Grafana

Alert notifications

This documentation topic discusses legacy alerting in Grafana. This will not be supported in future versions of Amazon Managed Grafana. You can migrate to Grafana alerting to use the latest alerting features. For more information, see one of the following topics.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x, see Alerts in Grafana version 10.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Alerts in Grafana version 9.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Grafana alerting.

When an alert changes state, it sends out notifications. Each alert rule can have multiple notifications. To add a notification to an alert rule, you first must add and configure a notification channel.

This is done from the Notification channels page.

Adding a notification channel

  1. In the side bar, pause on the Alerting (bell) icon, and then choose Notification channels.

  2. Choose Add channel.

  3. Fill out the fields or select options described in the following sections.

New notification channel fields

Default (send on all alerts)

  • Name – Enter a name for this channel. It will be displayed when users add notifications to alert rules.

  • Type – Select the channel type. For more information, see List of supported notifiers.

  • Default (send on all alerts) – When selected, this option sends a notification on this channel for all alert rules.

  • Disable Resolve Message – When selected, this option disables the resolve message [OK] that is sent when the alerting state returns to false.

  • Send reminders – When this option is selected, additional notifications (reminders) will be sent for alerts. You can specify how often reminders should be sent by using the number of seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h); for example, 30s, 3m, 5m or 1h.


Alert reminders are sent after rules are evaluated. Therefore, a reminder can't be sent more frequently than a configured alert rule evaluation interval.

The following examples show how often and when reminders are sent for a triggered alert.

Alert rule evaluation interval Send reminders every Reminder sent every (after last alert notification)
30s 15s ~30 seconds
1m 5m ~5 minutes
5m 15m ~15 minutes
6m 20m ~24 minutes
1h 15m ~1 hour
1h 2h ~2 hours

List of supported notifiers

Name Type Supports images Supports alert rule tags
Amazon Simple Notification Service sns No Yes
OpsGenie opsgenie No Yes
PagerDuty pagerduty No Yes
Slack slack No No
VictorOps victorops No No

Amazon Simple Notification Service

If you have enabled service-managed permissions and included Amazon SNS as a notification channel for your workspace, you only need to provide the SNS Topic ARN when you create your notification channel. In the Name field, provide the name of the SNS topic that you have created. If you created the workspace using service-managed permissions, the SNS topic name must be prefixed with grafana for notifications to successfully publish to the topic. If you selected customer-managed permissions when you created the workspace, the SNS Topic name does not need to be prefixed with grafana.

In the Topic field, copy and paste the ARN of the SNS topic. In the Message body format, you can choose either the JSON or the text option.

In the Optional AWS SNS Settings field, check the checkbox Include all tags in the message to see all the Grafana tags in the message body.

If you use customer-managed permissions for the workplace, the IAM role that you supply should include SNS Publish permissions for your SNS Topic.


To set up Slack, you must configure an incoming Slack webhook URL. For more information, see Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks.

To include screenshots of the firing alerts in the Slack messages, you must configure either the external image destination in Grafana or a bot integration via Slack Apps. For more information about setting up a Slack bot integration, see Follow Slack’s guide to set up a bot integration. Use the token provided, which starts with "xoxb".

Setting Description
Url Slack incoming webhook URL, or eventually the chat.postMessage Slack API endpoint.
Username Set the user name for the bot’s message.
Recipient Use this to override the Slack recipient. You must provide either a channel Slack ID, a user Slack ID, a user name reference (@<user>, all lowercase, no whitespace), or a channel reference (#<channel>, all lowercase, no white space). If you use the chat.postMessage Slack API endpoint, this is required.
Icon emoji Provide an emoji to use as the icon for the bot’s message. For example, :smile:
Icon URL Provide a URL to an image to use as the icon for the bot’s message.
Mention Users Optionally mention one or more users in the Slack notification sent by Grafana. To see users, comma-separated, via their corresponding Slack IDs, choose the overflow button on each user’s Slack profile.
Mention Groups Optionally mention one or more groups in the Slack notification sent by Grafana. You can see groups, comma-separated, via their corresponding Slack IDs (which you can get from each group’s Slack profile URL).
Mention Channel Optionally mention either all channel members or only active ones.
Token If provided, Amazon Managed Grafana will upload the generated image via the Slack file.upload API operation, not the external image destination. If you use the chat.postMessage Slack API endpoint, this is required.

If you are using the token for a slack bot, you have to invite the bot to the channel that you want to send notifications. Then add the channel to the recipient field.


To set up PagerDuty, provide an integration key.

Setting Description
Integration Key Integration key for PagerDuty.
Severity Level for dynamic notifications; default is critical (1) .
Auto resolve incidents Resolve incidents in PagerDuty after the alert goes back to ok.
Message in details Removes the Alert message from the PD summary field and puts it into custom details instead (2).

The tags Severity, Class, Group, dedup_key, and Component have special meaning in the PagerDuty Common Event Format – PD-CEF. If an alert panel defines these tag keys, they are transposed to the root of the event sent to PagerDuty. This means they will be available within the PagerDuty UI and Filtering tools. A Severity tag set on an alert overrides the global Severity set on the notification channel if it’s a valid level.


Using Message In Details will change the structure of the custom_details field in the PagerDuty Event. This might break custom event rules in your PagerDuty rules if you rely on the fields in payload.custom_details. Move any existing rules that use custom_details.myMetric to custom_details.queries.myMetric.


Using dedup_key tag will override the Grafana generated dedup_key with a custom key.

All alert notifications contain a link back to the triggered alert in the Grafana workspace.