Connect to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and open-source Prometheus data sources - Amazon Managed Grafana

Connect to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and open-source Prometheus data sources

In Amazon Managed Grafana, the Prometheus data source supports using both self-managed Prometheus servers and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspaces as data sources. For more information about Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, see What is Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus?

With Amazon Managed Grafana, you can add an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace as a data source by using the AWS data source configuration option in the Grafana workspace console. This feature simplifies adding Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus as a data source by discovering your existing Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus accounts and manages the configuration of the authentication credentials that are required to access Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.


You can view your Prometheus alerts in the unified Grafana alerting interface, by Configuring an Alertmanager data source.