Delete an Asynchronous Endpoint - Amazon SageMaker AI

Delete an Asynchronous Endpoint

Delete an asynchronous endpoint in a similar manner to how you would delete a SageMaker AI hosted endpoint with the DeleteEndpoint API. Specify the name of the asynchronous endpoint you want to delete. When you delete an endpoint, SageMaker AI frees up all of the resources that were deployed when the endpoint was created. Deleting a model does not delete model artifacts, inference code, or the IAM role that you specified when creating the model.

Delete your SageMaker AI model with the DeleteModel API or with the SageMaker AI console.

import boto3 # Create a low-level SageMaker service client. sagemaker_client = boto3.client('sagemaker', region_name=<aws_region>) sagemaker_client.delete_endpoint(EndpointName='<endpoint-name>')
SageMaker AI console
  1. Navigate to the SageMaker AI console at

  2. Expand the Inference dropdown list.

  3. Select Endpoints.

  4. Search for endpoint in the Search endpoints search bar.

  5. Select your endpoint.

  6. Choose Delete.

In addition to deleting the asynchronous endpoint, you might want to clear up other resources that were used to create the endpoint, such as the Amazon ECR repository (if you created a custom inference image), the SageMaker AI model, and the asynchronous endpoint configuration itself.