Augmented Manifest File Format for Pipe Mode Training - Amazon SageMaker AI

Augmented Manifest File Format for Pipe Mode Training

Augmented manifest format enables you to do training in Pipe mode using files without needing to create RecordIO files. You need to specify both train and validation channels as values for the InputDataConfig parameter of the CreateTrainingJob request. Augmented manifest files are supported only for channels using Pipe input mode. For each channel, the data is extracted from its augmented manifest file and streamed (in order) to the algorithm through the channel's named pipe. Pipe mode uses the first in first out (FIFO) method, so records are processed in the order in which they are queued. For information about Pipe input mode, see Input Mode.

Attribute names with a "-ref" suffix point to preformatted binary data. In some cases, the algorithm knows how to parse the data. In other cases, you might need to wrap the data so that records are delimited for the algorithm. If the algorithm is compatible with RecordIO-formatted data, specifying RecordIO for RecordWrapperType solves this issue. If the algorithm is not compatible with RecordIO format, specify None for RecordWrapperType and make sure that your data is parsed correctly for your algorithm.

Using the ["image-ref", "is-a-cat"] example, if you use RecordIO wrapping, the following stream of data is sent to the queue:


Images that are not wrapped with RecordIO format, are streamed with the corresponding is-a-cat attribute value as one record. This can cause a problem because the algorithm might not delimit the images and attributes correctly. For more information about using augmented manifest files for image classification, see Train with Augmented Manifest Image Format.

With augmented manifest files and Pipe mode in general, size limits of the EBS volume do not apply. This includes settings that otherwise must be within the EBS volume size limit such as S3DataDistributionType . For more information about Pipe mode and how to use it, see Using Your Own Training Algorithms - Input Data Configuration.