Autopilot quotas - Amazon SageMaker AI

Autopilot quotas

There are quotas that limit the resources available to you when using Amazon SageMaker Autopilot. Some of these limits are increasable and some are not.


The resource quotas documented in the following sections are valid for versions of Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic 3.22.2 and higher. For information on updating your version of SageMaker AI Studio Classic, see Shut Down and Update SageMaker Studio Classic and Studio Classic Apps.

Quotas that you can increase

The following table contains the resource limits for quotas you can increase:

Resource Regions Default limits Can be increased up to
Size of input dataset All 100 GB Hundreds of GBs
Size of a single Parquet file* All 2 GB N/A
Target dataset size for subsampling** All 5 GB Hundreds of GBs
Number of concurrent Autopilot jobs us-east-1, us-east-2,us-west-2, ap-northeast-1, eu-west-1, eu-central-1 4 Hundreds
Number of concurrent Autopilot jobs ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-2, eu-west-2, ap-southeast-1 2 Hundreds
Number of concurrent Autopilot jobs All other Regions 1 Tens

*This 2 GB size limit is for a single compressed Parquet file. You can provide a Parquet dataset that includes multiple compressed Parquet files up to the input dataset maximum size. After the files are decompressed, they may each expand to a larger size.

**Autopilot automatically subsamples input datasets that are larger than the target dataset size while accounting for class imbalance and preserving rare class labels.

To request a quota increase:
  1. Open the Service Quotas console.

  2. Select your quota increase, then choose Request increase at account level.

  3. In the Increase quota value, enter the new limit value that you are requesting.

  4. Choose Request.

Resource quotas

The following table contains the runtime resource limits for an Amazon SageMaker Autopilot job in an AWS Region.

Resource Limit per Autopilot job
Maximum runtime for an Autopilot job 30 days