Create a Bias Drift Baseline - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create a Bias Drift Baseline

After you have configured your application to capture real-time or batch transform inference data, the first task to monitor for bias drift is to create a baseline. This involves configuring the data inputs, which groups are sensitive, how the predictions are captured, and the model and its post-training bias metrics. Then you need to start the baselining job.

Model bias monitor can detect bias drift of ML models on a regular basis. Similar to the other monitoring types, the standard procedure of creating a model bias monitor is first baselining and then establishing a monitoring schedule.

model_bias_monitor = ModelBiasMonitor( role=role, sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, max_runtime_in_seconds=1800, )

DataConfig stores information about the dataset to be analyzed (for example, the dataset file), its format (that is, CSV or JSON Lines), headers (if any) and label.

model_bias_baselining_job_result_uri = f"{baseline_results_uri}/model_bias" model_bias_data_config = DataConfig( s3_data_input_path=validation_dataset, s3_output_path=model_bias_baselining_job_result_uri, label=label_header, headers=all_headers, dataset_type=dataset_type, )

BiasConfig is the configuration of the sensitive groups in the dataset. Typically, bias is measured by computing a metric and comparing it across groups. The group of interest is called the facet. For post-training bias, you should also take the positive label into account.

model_bias_config = BiasConfig( label_values_or_threshold=[1], facet_name="Account Length", facet_values_or_threshold=[100], )

ModelPredictedLabelConfig specifies how to extract a predicted label from the model output. In this example, the 0.8 cutoff has been chosen in anticipation that customers will turn over frequently. For more complicated outputs, there are a few more options, like "label" is the index, name, or JMESPath to locate predicted label in endpoint response payload.

model_predicted_label_config = ModelPredictedLabelConfig( probability_threshold=0.8, )

ModelConfig is the configuration related to the model to be used for inferencing. In order to compute post-training bias metrics, the computation needs to get inferences for the model name provided. To accomplish this, the processing job uses the model to create an ephemeral endpoint (also known as shadow endpoint). The processing job deletes the shadow endpoint after the computations are completed. This configuration is also used by the explainability monitor.

model_config = ModelConfig( model_name=model_name, instance_count=endpoint_instance_count, instance_type=endpoint_instance_type, content_type=dataset_type, accept_type=dataset_type, )

Now you can start the baselining job.

model_bias_monitor.suggest_baseline( model_config=model_config, data_config=model_bias_data_config, bias_config=model_bias_config, model_predicted_label_config=model_predicted_label_config, ) print(f"ModelBiasMonitor baselining job: {model_bias_monitor.latest_baselining_job_name}")

The scheduled monitor automatically picks up baselining job name and waits for it before monitoring begins.