Inspect Reports for Data Bias Drift - Amazon SageMaker AI

Inspect Reports for Data Bias Drift

If you are not able to inspect the results of the monitoring in the generated reports in SageMaker Studio, you can print them out as follows:

schedule_desc = model_bias_monitor.describe_schedule() execution_summary = schedule_desc.get("LastMonitoringExecutionSummary") if execution_summary and execution_summary["MonitoringExecutionStatus"] in ["Completed", "CompletedWithViolations"]: last_model_bias_monitor_execution = model_bias_monitor.list_executions()[-1] last_model_bias_monitor_execution_report_uri = last_model_bias_monitor_execution.output.destination print(f'Report URI: {last_model_bias_monitor_execution_report_uri}') last_model_bias_monitor_execution_report_files = sorted(S3Downloader.list(last_model_bias_monitor_execution_report_uri)) print("Found Report Files:") print("\n ".join(last_model_bias_monitor_execution_report_files)) else: last_model_bias_monitor_execution = None print("====STOP==== \n No completed executions to inspect further. Please wait till an execution completes or investigate previously reported failures.")

If there are violations compared to the baseline, they are listed here:

if last_model_bias_monitor_execution: model_bias_violations = last_model_bias_monitor_execution.constraint_violations() if model_bias_violations: print(model_bias_violations.body_dict)

If your model is deployed to a real-time endpoint, you can see visualizations in SageMaker AI Studio of the analysis results and CloudWatch metrics by choosing the Endpoints tab, and then double-clicking the endpoint.