Analysis Configuration Files - Amazon SageMaker AI

Analysis Configuration Files

To analyze your data and models for explainability and bias using SageMaker Clarify, you must configure a processing job. Part of the configuration for this processing job includes the configuration of an analysis file. The analysis file specifies the parameters for bias analysis and explainability. See Configure a SageMaker Clarify Processing Job to learn how to configure a processing job and analysis file.

This guide describes the schema and parameters for this analysis configuration file. This guide also includes examples of analysis configuration files for computing bias metrics for a tabular dataset, and generating explanations for natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and time series (TS) problems.

You can create the analysis configuration file or use the SageMaker Python SDK to generate one for you with the SageMaker ClarifyProcessor API. Viewing the file contents can be helpful for understanding the underlying configuration used by the SageMaker Clarify job.

Schema for the analysis configuration file

The following section describes the schema for the analysis configuration file including requirements and descriptions of parameters.

Requirements for the analysis configuration file

The SageMaker Clarify processing job expects the analysis configuration file to be structured with the following requirements:

  • The processing input name must be analysis_config.

  • The analysis configuration file is in JSON format, and encoded in UTF-8.

  • The analysis configuration file is an Amazon S3 object.

You can specify additional parameters in the analysis configuration file. The following section provides various options to tailor the SageMaker Clarify processing job for your use case and desired types of analysis.

In the analysis configuration file, you can specify the following parameters.

  • version – (Optional) The version string of the analysis configuration file schema. If a version is not provided, SageMaker Clarify uses the latest supported version. Currently, the only supported version is 1.0.

  • dataset_type – The format of the dataset. The input dataset format can be any of the following values:

    • Tabular

      • text/csv for CSV

      • application/jsonlines for SageMaker AI JSON Lines dense format

      • application/json for JSON

      • application/x-parquet for Apache Parquet

      • application/x-image to activate explainability for computer vision problems

    • Time series forecasting model explanations

      • application/json for JSON

  • dataset_uri – (Optional) The uniform resource identifier (URI) of the main dataset. If you provide a S3 URI prefix, the SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all S3 files located under the prefix. You can provide either a S3 URI prefix or a S3 URI to an image manifest file for computer vision problems. If dataset_uri is provided, it takes precedence over the dataset processing job input. For any format type except image and time series use cases, the SageMaker Clarify processing job loads the input dataset into a tabular data frame, as a tabular dataset. This format allows SageMaker AI to easily manipulate and analyze the input dataset.

  • headers – (Optional)

    • Tabular: An array of strings containing the column names of a tabular dataset. If a value is not provided for headers, the SageMaker Clarify processing job reads the headers from the dataset. If the dataset doesn’t have headers, then the Clarify processing job automatically generates placeholder names based on zero-based column index. For example, placeholder names for the first and second columns will be column_0, column_1, and so on.


      By convention, if dataset_type is application/jsonlines or application/json, then headers should contain the following names in order:

      1. feature names

      2. label name (if label is specified)

      3. predicted label name (if predicted_label is specified)

      An example for headers for an application/jsonlines dataset type if label is specified is: ["feature1","feature2","feature3","target_label"].

    • Time series: A list of column names in the dataset. If not provided, Clarify generates headers to use internally. For time series explainability cases, provide headers in the following order:

      1. item id

      2. timestamp

      3. target time series

      4. all related time series columns

      5. all static covariate columns

  • label – (Optional) A string or a zero-based integer index. If provided, label is used to locate the ground truth label, also known as an observed label or target attribute in a tabular dataset. The ground truth label is used to compute bias metrics. The value for label is specified depending on the value of the dataset_type parameter as follows.

    • If dataset_type is text/csv, label can be specified as either of the following:

      • A valid column name

      • An index that lies within the range of dataset columns

    • If dataset_type is application/parquet, label must be a valid column name.

    • If dataset_type is application/jsonlines, label must be a JMESPath expression written to extract the ground truth label from the dataset. By convention, if headers is specified, then it should contain the label name.

    • If dataset_type is application/json, label must be a JMESPath expression written to extract the ground truth label for each record in the dataset. This JMESPath expression must produce a list of labels where the ith label correlates to the ith record.

  • predicted_label – (Optional) A string or a zero-based integer index. If provided, predicted_label is used to locate the column containing the predicted label in a tabular dataset. The predicted label is used to compute post-training bias metrics. The parameter predicted_label is optional if the dataset doesn’t include predicted label. If predicted labels are required for computation, then the SageMaker Clarify processing job will get predictions from the model.

    The value for predicted_label is specified depending on the value of the dataset_type as follows:

    • If dataset_type is text/csv, predicted_label can be specified as either of the following:

      • A valid column name. If predicted_label_dataset_uri is specified, but predicted_label is not provided, the default predicted label name is "predicted_label".

      • An index that lies within the range of dataset columns. If predicted_label_dataset_uri is specified, then the index is used to locate the predicted label column in the predicted label dataset.

    • If dataset_type is application/x-parquet, predicted_label must be a valid column name.

    • If dataset_type is application/jsonlines, predicted_label must be a valid JMESPath expression written to extract the predicted label from the dataset. By convention, if headers is specified, then it should contain the predicted label name.

    • If dataset_type is application/json, predicted_label must be a JMESPath expression written to extract the predicted label for each record in the dataset. The JMESPath expression should produce a list of predicted labels where the ith predicted label is for the ith record.

  • features – (Optional) Required for non-time-series use cases if dataset_type is application/jsonlines or application/json. A JMESPath string expression written to locate the features in the input dataset. For application/jsonlines, a JMESPath expression will be applied to each line to extract the features for that record. For application/json, a JMESPath expression will be applied to the whole input dataset. The JMESPath expression should extract a list of lists, or a 2D array/matrix of features where the ith row contains the features that correlate to the ith record. For a dataset_type of text/csv or application/x-parquet, all columns except for the ground truth label and predicted label columns are automatically assigned to be features.

  • predicted_label_dataset_uri – (Optional) Only applicable when dataset_type is text/csv. The S3 URI for a dataset containing predicted labels used to compute post-training bias metrics. The SageMaker Clarify processing job will load the predictions from the provided URI instead of getting predictions from the model. In this case, predicted_label is required to locate the predicted label column in the predicted label dataset. If the predicted label dataset or the main dataset is split across multiple files, an identifier column must be specified by joinsource_name_or_index to join the two datasets.

  • predicted_label_headers – (Optional) Only applicable when predicted_label_dataset_uri is specified. An array of strings containing the column names of the predicted label dataset. Besides the predicted label header, predicted_label_headers can also contain the header of the identifier column to join the predicted label dataset and the main dataset. For more information, see the following description for the parameter joinsource_name_or_index.

  • joinsource_name_or_index – (Optional) The name or zero-based index of the column in tabular datasets to be used as a identifier column while performing an inner join. This column is only used as an identifier. It isn't used for any other computations like bias analysis or feature attribution analysis. A value for joinsource_name_or_index is needed in the following cases:

    • There are multiple input datasets, and any one is split across multiple files.

    • Distributed processing is activated by setting the SageMaker Clarify processing job InstanceCount to a value greater than 1.

  • excluded_columns – (Optional) An array of names or zero-based indices of columns to be excluded from being sent to the model as input for predictions. Ground truth label and predicted label are automatically excluded already. This feature is not supported for time series.

  • probability_threshold – (Optional) A floating point number above which, a label or object is selected. The default value is 0.5. The SageMaker Clarify processing job uses probability_threshold in the following cases:

    • In post-training bias analysis, probability_threshold converts a numeric model prediction (probability value or score) to a binary label, if the model is a binary classifier. A score greater than the threshold is converted to 1. Whereas, a score less than or equal to the threshold is converted to 0.

    • In computer vision explainability problems, if model_type is OBJECT_DETECTION, probability_threshold filters out objects detected with confidence scores lower than the threshold value.

  • label_values_or_threshold – (Optional) Required for bias analysis. An array of label values or a threshold number, which indicate positive outcome for ground truth and predicted labels for bias metrics. For more information, see positive label values in Amazon SageMaker Clarify Terms for Bias and Fairness. If the label is numeric, the threshold is applied as the lower bound to select the positive outcome. To set label_values_or_threshold for different problem types, refer to the following examples:

    • For a binary classification problem, the label has two possible values, 0 and 1. If label value 1 is favorable to a demographic group observed in a sample, then label_values_or_threshold should be set to [1].

    • For a multiclass classification problem, the label has three possible values, bird, cat, and dog. If the latter two define a demographic group that bias favors, then label_values_or_threshold should be set to ["cat","dog"].

    • For a regression problem, the label value is continuous, ranging from 0 to 1. If a value greater than 0.5 should designate a sample as having a positive result, then label_values_or_threshold should be set to 0.5.

  • facet – (Optional) Required for bias analysis. An array of facet objects, which are composed of sensitive attributes against which bias is measured. You can use facets to understand the bias characteristics of your dataset and model even if your model is trained without using sensitive attributes. For more information, see Facet in Amazon SageMaker Clarify Terms for Bias and Fairness. Each facet object includes the following fields:

    • name_or_index – (Optional) The name or zero-based index of the sensitive attribute column in a tabular dataset. If facet_dataset_uri is specified, then the index refers to the facet dataset instead of the main dataset.

    • value_or_threshold – (Optional) Required if facet is numeric and label_values_or_threshold is applied as the lower bound to select the sensitive group). An array of facet values or a threshold number, that indicates the sensitive demographic group that bias favors. If facet data type is categorical and value_or_threshold is not provided, bias metrics are computed as one group for every unique value (rather than all values). To set value_or_threshold for different facet data types, refer to the following examples:

      • For a binary facet data type, the feature has two possible values, 0 and 1. If you want to compute the bias metrics for each value, then value_or_threshold can be either omitted or set to an empty array.

      • For a categorical facet data type, the feature has three possible values bird, cat, and dog. If the first two define a demographic group that bias favors, then value_or_threshold should be set to ["bird", "cat"]. In this example, the dataset samples are split into two demographic groups. The facet in the advantaged group has value bird or cat, while the facet in the disadvantaged group has value dog.

      • For a numeric facet data type, the feature value is continuous, ranging from 0 to 1. As an example, if a value greater than 0.5 should designate a sample as favored, then value_or_threshold should be set to 0.5. In this example, the dataset samples are split into two demographic groups. The facet in the advantaged group has value greater than 0.5, while the facet in the disadvantaged group has value less than or equal to 0.5.

  • group_variable – (Optional) The name or zero-based index of the column that indicates the subgroup to be used for the bias metric Conditional Demographic Disparity (CDD) or Conditional Demographic Disparity in Predicted Labels (CDDPL).

  • facet_dataset_uri – (Optional) Only applicable when dataset_type is text/csv. The S3 URI for a dataset containing sensitive attributes for bias analysis. You can use facets to understand the bias characteristics of your dataset and model even if your model is trained without using sensitive attributes.


    If the facet dataset or the main dataset is split across multiple files, an identifier column must be specified by joinsource_name_or_index to join the two datasets. You must use the parameter facet to identify each facet in the facet dataset.

  • facet_headers – (Optional) Only applicable when facet_dataset_uri is specified. An array of strings containing column names for the facet dataset, and optionally, the identifier column header to join the facet dataset and the main dataset, see joinsource_name_or_index.

  • time_series_data_config – (Optional) Specifies the configuration to use for data processing of a time series.

    • item_id – A string or a zero-based integer index. This field is used to locate an item id in the shared input dataset.

    • timestamp – A string or a zero-based integer index. This field is used to locate a timestamp in the shared input dataset.

    • dataset_format – Possible values are columns, item_records, or timestamp_records. This field is used to describe the format of a JSON dataset, which is the only format supported for time series explainability.

    • target_time_series – A JMESPath string or a zero-based integer index. This field is used to locate the target time series in the shared input dataset. If this parameter is a string, then all other parameters except dataset_format must be strings or lists of strings. If this parameter is an integer, then all other parameters except dataset_format must be integers or lists of integers.

    • related_time_series – (Optional) An array of JMESPath expressions. This field is used to locate all related time series in the shared input dataset, if present.

    • static_covariates – (Optional) An array of JMESPath expressions. This field is used to locate all static covariate fields in the shared input dataset, if present.

    For examples, see Time series dataset config examples.

  • methods – An object containing one or more analysis methods and their parameters. If any method is omitted, it is neither used for analysis nor reported.

    • pre_training_bias – Include this method if you want to compute pre-training bias metrics. The detailed description of the metrics can be found in Pre-training Bias Metrics. The object has the following parameters:

    • post_training_bias – Include this method if you want to compute post-training bias metrics. The detailed description of the metrics can be found in Post-training Data and Model Bias Metrics. The post_training_bias object has the following parameters.

    • shap – Include this method if you want to compute SHAP values. The SageMaker Clarify processing job supports the Kernel SHAP algorithm. The shap object has the following parameters.

      • baseline – (Optional) The SHAP baseline dataset, also known as the background dataset. Additional requirements for the baseline dataset in a tabular dataset or computer vision problem are as follows. For more information about SHAP Baselines, see SHAP Baselines for Explainability

        • For a tabular dataset, baseline can be either the in-place baseline data or the S3 URI of a baseline file. If baseline is not provided, the SageMaker Clarify processing job computes a baseline by clustering the input dataset. The following are required of the baseline:

          • The format must be the same as the dataset format specified by dataset_type.

          • The baseline can only contain features that the model can accept as input.

          • The baseline dataset can have one or more instances. The number of baseline instances directly affects the synthetic dataset size and job runtime.

          • If text_config is specified, then the baseline value of a text column is a string used to replace the unit of text specified by granularity. For example, one common placeholder is "[MASK]", which is used to represent a missing or unknown word or piece of text.

          The following examples show how to set in-place baseline data for different dataset_type parameters:

          • If dataset_type is either text/csv or application/x-parquet, the model accepts four numeric features, and the baseline has two instances. In this example, if one record has all zero feature values and the other record has all one feature values, then baseline should be set to [[0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1]], without any header.

          • If dataset_type is application/jsonlines, and features is the key to a list of four numeric feature values. In addition, in this example, if the baseline has one record of all zero values, then baseline should be [{"features":[0,0,0,0]}].

          • If dataset_type is application/json, the baseline dataset should have the same structure and format as the input dataset.

        • For computer vision problems, baseline can be the S3 URI of an image that is used to mask out features (segments) from the input image. The SageMaker Clarify processing job loads the mask image and resizes it to the same resolution as the input image. If baseline is not provided, the SageMaker Clarify processing job generates a mask image of white noise at the same resolution as the input image.

      • features_to_explain – (Optional) An array of strings or zero-based indices of feature columns to compute SHAP values for. If features_to_explain is not provided, SHAP values are computed for all feature columns. These feature columns cannot include the label column or predicted label column. The features_to_explain parameter is only supported for tabular datasets with numeric and categorical columns.

      • num_clusters – (Optional) The number of clusters that the dataset is divided into to compute the baseline dataset. Each cluster is used to compute one baseline instance. If baseline is not specified, the SageMaker Clarify processing job attempts to compute the baseline dataset by dividing the tabular dataset into an optimal number of clusters between 1 and 12. The number of baseline instances directly affects the runtime of SHAP analysis.

      • num_samples – (Optional) The number of samples to be used in the Kernel SHAP algorithm. If num_samples is not provided, the SageMaker Clarify processing job chooses the number for you. The number of samples directly affects both the synthetic dataset size and job runtime.

      • seed –(Optional) An integer used to initialize the pseudo random number generator in the SHAP explainer to generate consistent SHAP values for the same job. If seed is not specified, then each time that the same job runs, the model may output slightly different SHAP values.

      • use_logit – (Optional) A Boolean value that indicates that you want the logit function to be applied to the model predictions. Defaults to false. If use_logit is true, then the SHAP values are calculated using the logistic regression coefficients, which can be interpreted as log-odds ratios.

      • save_local_shap_values – (Optional) A Boolean value that indicates that you want the local SHAP values of each record in the dataset to be included in the analysis result. Defaults to false.

        If the main dataset is split across multiple files or distributed processing is activated, also specify an identifier column using the parameter joinsource_name_or_index. The identifier column and the local SHAP values are saved in the analysis result. This way, you can map each record to its local SHAP values.

      • agg_method – (Optional) The method used to aggregate the local SHAP values (the SHAP values for each instance) of all instances to the global SHAP values (the SHAP values for the entire dataset). Defaults to mean_abs. The following methods can be used to aggregate SHAP values.

        • mean_abs – The mean of absolute local SHAP values of all instances.

        • mean_sq – The mean of squared local SHAP values of all instances.

        • median – The median of local SHAP values of all instances.

      • text_config – Required for natural language processing explainability. Include this configuration if you want to treat text columns as text and explanations should be provided for individual units of text. For an example of an analysis configuration for natural language processing explainability, see Analysis configuration for natural language processing explainability

        • granularity – The unit of granularity for the analysis of text columns. Valid values are token, sentence, or paragraph. Each unit of text is considered a feature, and local SHAP values are computed for each unit.

        • language – The language of the text columns. Valid values are chinese, danish, dutch, english, french, german, greek, italian, japanese, lithuanian, multi-language, norwegian bokmål, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, spanish, afrikaans, albanian, arabic, armenian, basque, bengali, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, estonian, finnish, gujarati, hebrew, hindi, hungarian, icelandic, indonesian, irish, kannada, kyrgyz, latvian, ligurian, luxembourgish, macedonian, malayalam, marathi, nepali, persian, sanskrit, serbian, setswana, sinhala, slovak, slovenian, swedish, tagalog, tamil, tatar, telugu, thai, turkish, ukrainian, urdu, vietnamese, yoruba. Enter multi-language for a mix of multiple languages.

        • max_top_tokens – (Optional) The maximum number of top tokens, based on global SHAP values. Defaults to 50. It is possible for a token to appear multiple times in the dataset. The SageMaker Clarify processing job aggregates the SHAP values of each token, and then selects the top tokens based on their global SHAP values. The global SHAP values of the selected top tokens are included in the global_top_shap_text section of the analysis.json file.

        • The local SHAP value of aggregation.

      • image_config – Required for computer vision explainability. Include this configuration if you have an input dataset consisting of images and you want to analyze them for explainability in a computer vision problem.

        • model_type – The type of the model. Valid values include:

          • IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION for an image classification model.

          • OBJECT_DETECTION for an object detection model.

        • max_objects – Applicable only when model_type is OBJECT_DETECTION.The max number of objects, ordered by confidence score, detected by the computer vision model. Any objects ranked lower than the top max_objects by confidence score are filtered out. Defaults to 3.

        • context – Applicable only when model_type is OBJECT_DETECTION. It indicates if the area around the bounding box of the detected object is masked by the baseline image or not. Valid values are 0 to mask everything, or 1 to mask nothing. Defaults to 1.

        • iou_threshold – Applicable only when model_type is OBJECT_DETECTION.The minimum intersection over union (IOU) metric for evaluating predictions against the original detection. A high IOU metric corresponds to a large overlap between the predicted and ground truth detection box. Defaults to 0.5.

        • num_segments – (Optional) An integer that determines the approximate number of segments to be labeled in the input image. Each segment of the image is considered a feature, and local SHAP values are computed for each segment. Defaults to 20.

        • segment_compactness – (Optional) An integer that determines the shape and size of the image segments generated by the scikit-image slic method. Defaults to 5.

    • pdp – Include this method to compute partial dependence plots (PDPs). For an example of an analysis configuration to generate PDPs, see Compute partial dependence plots (PDPs)

      • features – Mandatory if the shap method is not requested. An array of feature names or indices to compute and plot PDP plots.

      • top_k_features – (Optional) Specifies the number of top features used to generate PDP plots. If features is not provided, but the shap method is requested, then the SageMaker Clarify processing job chooses the top features based on their SHAP attributions. Defaults to 10.

      • grid_resolution – The number of buckets to divide the range of numeric values into. This specifies the granularity of the grid for the PDP plots.

    • asymmetric_shapley_value – Include this method if you want to compute explainability metrics for time-series forecasting models. The SageMaker Clarify processing job supports the asymmetric Shapley values algorithm. Asymmetric Shapley values are a variant of the Shapley value that drop the symmetry axiom. For more information, see Asymmetric Shapley values: incorporating causal knowledge into model-agnostic explainability. Use these values to determine how features contribute to the forecasting outcome. Asymmetric Shapley values take into account the temporal dependencies of the time series data that forecasting models take as input.

      The algorithm includes the following parameters:

      • direction – Available types are chronological, anti_chronological, and bidirectional. The temporal structure can be navigated in chronological or anti-chronological order or both. Chronological explanations are built by iteratively adding information from the first time step onward. Anti-chronological explanations add information starting from the last step and moving backward. The latter order may be more appropriate in the presence of recency bias, such as for forecasting stock prices.

      • granularity – The explanation granularity to be used. The available granularity options are shown as follows:

        • timewisetimewise explanations are inexpensive and provide information about specific time steps only, such as figuring out how much the information of the nth day in the past contributed to the forecasting of the mth day in the future. The resulting attributions do not explain individually static covariates and do not differentiate between target and related time series.

        • fine_grainedfine_grained explanations are computationally more intensive but provide a full breakdown of all attributions of the input variables. The method computes approximate explanations to reduce runtime. For more information, see the following parameter num_samples.


          fine_grained explanations only support chronological order.

      • num_samples – (Optional) This argument is required for fine_grained explanations. The higher the number, the more precise the approximation. This number should scale with the dimensionality of the input features. A rule of thumb is to set this variable to (1 + max(number of related time series, number of static covariates))^2 if the result is not too big.

      • baseline – (Optional) The baseline config to replace out-of-coalition values for the corresponding datasets (also known as background data). The following snippet shows an example of a baseline config:

        { "related_time_series": "zero", "static_covariates": { <item_id_1>: [0, 2], <item_id_2>: [-1, 1] }, "target_time_series": "zero" }
        • For temporal data such as target time series or related time series, the baseline value types can be one of the following values:

          • zero — All out-of-coalition values are replaced with 0.0.

          • mean — All out-of-coalition values are replaced with the average of a time series.

        • For static covariates, a baseline entry should only be provided when the model request takes static covariate values, in which case this field is required. The baseline should be provided for every item as a list. For example, if you have a dataset with two static covariates, your baseline config could be the following:

          "static_covariates": { <item_id_1>: [1, 1], <item_id_2>: [0, 1] }

          In the preceding example, <item_id_1> and <item_id_2> are the item ids from the dataset.

    • report – (Optional) Use this object to customize the analysis report. This parameter is not supported for time series explanation jobs. There are three copies of the same report as part of the analysis result: Jupyter Notebook report, HTML report, and PDF report. The object has the following parameters:

      • name – File name of the report files. For example, if name is MyReport, then the report files are MyReport.ipynb, MyReport.html, and MyReport.pdf. Defaults to report.

      • title – (Optional) Title string for the report. Defaults to SageMaker AI Analysis Report.

  • predictor – Required if the analysis requires predictions from the model. For example, when the shap, asymmetric_shapley_value, pdp, or post_training_bias method is requested, but predicted labels are not provided as part of the input dataset. The following are parameters to be used in conjunction with predictor:

    • model_name – The name of your SageMaker AI model created by the CreateModel API. If you specify model_name instead of endpoint_name, the SageMaker Clarify processing job creates an ephemeral endpoint with the model name, known as a shadow endpoint, and gets predictions from the endpoint. The job deletes the shadow endpoint after the computations are completed. If the model is multi-model, then the target_model parameter must be specified. For more information about multi-model endpoints, see Multi-model endpoints.

    • endpoint_name_prefix – (Optional) A custom name prefix for the shadow endpoint. Applicable if you provide model_name instead of endpoint_name. For example, provide endpoint_name_prefix if you want to restrict access to the endpoint by endpoint name. The prefix must match the EndpointName pattern, and its maximum length is 23. Defaults to sm-clarify.

    • initial_instance_count – Specifies the number of instances for the shadow endpoint. Required if you provide model_name instead of endpoint_name. The value for initial_instance_count can be different from the InstanceCount of the job, but we recommend a 1:1 ratio.

    • instance_type – Specifies the instance type for the shadow endpoint. Required if you provide model_name instead of endpoint_name. As an example, instance_type can be set to "ml.m5.large". In some cases, the value specified for instance_type can help reduce model inference time. For example, to run efficiently, natural language processing models and computer vision models typically require a graphics processing unit (GPU) instance type.

    • endpoint_name – The name of your SageMaker AI endpoint created by the CreateEndpoint API. If provided, endpoint_name takes precedence over the model_name parameter. Using an existing endpoint reduces the shadow endpoint bootstrap time, but it can also cause a significant increase in load for that endpoint. Additionally, some analysis methods (such as shap and pdp) generate synthetic datasets that are sent to the endpoint. This can cause the endpoint's metrics or captured data to be contaminated by synthetic data, which may not accurately reflect real-world usage. For these reasons, it's generally not recommended to use an existing production endpoint for SageMaker Clarify analysis.

    • target_model – The string value that is passed on to the TargetModel parameter of the SageMaker AI InvokeEndpoint API. Required if your model (specified by the model_name parameter) or endpoint (specified by the endpoint_name parameter) is multi-model. For more information about multi-model endpoints, see Multi-model endpoints.

    • custom_attributes – (Optional) A string that allows you to provide additional information about a request for an inference that is submitted to the endpoint. The string value is passed to the CustomAttributes parameter of the SageMaker AI InvokeEndpoint API.

    • content_type – content_type – The model input format to be used for getting predictions from the endpoint. If provided, it is passed to the ContentType parameter of the SageMaker AI InvokeEndpoint API.

      • For computer vision explainability, the valid values are image/jpeg, image/png or application/x-npy. If content_type is not provided, the default value is image/jpeg.

      • For time series forecasting explainability, the valid value is application/json.

      • For other types of explainability, the valid values are text/csv, application/jsonlines, and application/json. A value for content_type is required if the dataset_type is application/x-parquet. Otherwise content_type defaults to the value of the dataset_type parameter.

    • accept_type – The model output format to be used for getting predictions from the endpoint. The value for accept_type is passed to the Accept parameter of the SageMaker AI InvokeEndpoint API.

      • For computer vision explainability, if model_type is "OBJECT_DETECTION" then accept_type defaults to application/json.

      • For time series forecasting explainability, the valid value is application/json.

      • For other types of explainability, the valid values are text/csv, application/jsonlines, and application/json. If a value for accept_type is not provided, accept_type defaults to the value of the content_type parameter.

    • content_template – A template string used to construct the model input from dataset records. The parameter content_template is only used and required if the value of the content_type parameter is either application/jsonlines or application/json.

      When the content_type parameter is application/jsonlines, the template should have only one placeholder, $features, which is replaced by a features list at runtime. For example, if the template is "{\"myfeatures\":$features}", and if a record has three numeric feature values: 1, 2 and 3, then the record will be sent to the model as JSON Line {"myfeatures":[1,2,3]}.

      When the content_type is application/json, the template can have either placeholder $record or records. If the placeholder is record, a single record is replaced with a record that has the template in record_template applied to it. In this case, only a single record will be sent to the model at a time. If the placeholder is $records, the records are replaced by a list of records, each with a template supplied by record_template.

    • record_template – A template string to be used to construct each record of the model input from dataset instances. It is only used and required when content_type is application/json. The template string may contain one of the following:

      • A placeholder $features parameter that is substituted by an array of feature values. An additional optional placeholder can substitute feature column header names in $feature_names. This optional placeholder will be substituted by an array of feature names.

      • Exactly one placeholder $features_kvp that is substituted by the key-value pairs, feature name and feature value.

      • A feature in the headers configuration. As an example, a feature name A, notated by the placeholder syntax "${A}" will be substituted by the feature value for A.

      The value for record_template is used with content_template to construct the model input. A configuration example showing how to construct a model input using a content and record template follows.

      In the following code example, the headers and features are defined as follows.

      • `headers`:["A", "B"]

      • `features`:[[0,1], [3,4]]

      The example model input is as follows.

      { "instances": [[0, 1], [3, 4]], "feature_names": ["A", "B"] }

      The example content_template and record_template parameter values to construct the previous example model input follows.

      • content_template: "{\"instances\": $records, \"feature_names\": $feature_names}"

      • record_template: "$features"

      In the following code example, the headers and features are defined as follows.

      [ { "A": 0, "B": 1 }, { "A": 3, "B": 4 }, ]

      The example content_template and record_template parameter values to construct the previous example model input follows.

      • content_template: "$records"

      • record_template: "$features_kvp"

      An alternate code example to construct the previous example model input follows.

      • content_template: "$records"

      • record_template: "{\"A\": \"${A}\", \"B\": \"${B}\"}"

      In the following code example, the headers and features are defined as follows.

      { "A": 0, "B": 1 }

      The example content_template and record_template parameters values to construct above: the previous example model input follows.

      • content_template: "$record"

      • record_template: "$features_kvp"

      For more examples, see Endpoint requests for time series data.

    • label – (Optional) A zero-based integer index or JMESPath expression string used to extract predicted labels from the model output for bias analysis. If the model is multiclass and the label parameter extracts all of the predicted labels from the model output, then the following apply. This feature is not supported for time series.

      • The probability parameter is required to get the corresponding probabilities (or scores) from the model output.

      • The predicted label of the highest score is chosen.

      The value for label depends on the value of the accept_type parameter as follows.

      • If accept_type is text/csv, then label is the index of any predicted labels in the model output.

      • If accept_type is application/jsonlines or application/json, then label is a JMESPath expression that's applied to the model output to get the predicted labels.

    • label_headers – (Optional) An array of values that the label can take in the dataset. If bias analysis is requested, then the probability parameter is also required to get the corresponding probability values (scores) from model output, and the predicted label of the highest score is chosen. If explainability analysis is requested, the label headers are used to beautify the analysis report. A value for label_headers is required for computer vision explainability. For example, for a multiclass classification problem, if the label has three possible values, bird, cat, and dog, then label_headers should be set to ["bird","cat","dog"].

    • probability – (Optional) A zero-based integer index or a JMESPath expression string used to extract probabilities (scores) for explainability analysis (but not for time series explainability), or to choose the predicted label for bias analysis. The value of probability depends on the value of the accept_type parameter as follows.

      • If accept_type is text/csv, probability is the index of the probabilities (scores) in the model output. If probability is not provided, the entire model output is taken as the probabilities (scores).

      • If accept_type is JSON data (either application/jsonlines or application/json), probability should be a JMESPath expression that is used to extract the probabilities (scores) from the model output.

    • time_series_predictor_config – (Optional) Used only for time series explainability. Used to instruct the SageMaker Clarify processor how to parse data correctly from the data passed as an S3 URI in dataset_uri.

      • forecast – A JMESPath expression used to extract the forecast result.

Example analysis configuration files

The following sections contain example analysis configuration files for data in CSV format, JSON Lines format, and for natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and time series (TS) explainability.

The following examples show how to configure bias and explainability analysis for a tabular dataset in CSV format. In these examples, the incoming dataset has four feature columns, and one binary label column, Target. The contents of the dataset are as follows. A label value of 1 indicates a positive outcome. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the dataset processing input.

"Target","Age","Gender","Income","Occupation" 0,25,0,2850,2 1,36,0,6585,0 1,22,1,1759,1 0,48,0,3446,1 ...

The following sections show how to compute pre-training and post-training bias metrics, SHAP values, and partial dependence plots (PDPs) showing feature importance for a dataset in CSV format.

Compute all of the pre-training bias metrics

This example configuration shows how to measure if the previous sample dataset is favorably biased towards samples with a Gender value of 0. The following analysis configuration instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute all the pre-training bias metrics for the dataset.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "label": "Target", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } } }

Compute all of the post-training bias metrics

You can compute pre-training bias metrics prior to training. However, you must have a trained model to compute post-training bias metrics. The following example output is from a binary classification model that outputs data in CSV format. In this example output, each row contains two columns. The first column contains the predicted label, and the second column contains the probability value for that label.

0,0.028986845165491 1,0.825382471084594 ...

The following configuration example instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute all possible bias metrics using the dataset and the predictions from the model output. In the example, the model is deployed to a SageMaker AI endpoint your_endpoint.


In the following example code, the parameter content_type and accept_type are not set. Therefore, they automatically use the value of the parameter dataset_type, which is text/csv.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "label": "Target", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "label": 0 } }

Compute the SHAP values

The following example analysis configuration instructs the job to compute the SHAP values designating the Target column as labels and all other columns as features.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "label": "Target", "methods": { "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "probability": 1 } }

In this example, the SHAP baseline parameter is omitted and the value of the num_clusters parameter is 1. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processor to compute one SHAP baseline sample. In this example, probability is set to 1. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to extract the probability score from the second column of the model output (using zero-based indexing).

Compute partial dependence plots (PDPs)

The following example shows how to view the importance of the Income feature on the analysis report using PDPs. The report parameter instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate a report. After the job completes, the generated report is saved as report.pdf to the analysis_result location. The grid_resolution parameter divides the range of the feature values into 10 buckets. Together, the parameters specified in the following example instruct the SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate a report containing a PDP graph for Income with 10 segments on the x-axis. The y-axis will show the marginal impact of Income on the predictions.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "label": "Target", "methods": { "pdp": { "features": ["Income"], "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "probability": 1 }, }

Compute both bias metrics and feature importance

You can combine all the methods from the previous configuration examples into a single analysis configuration file and compute them all by a single job. The following example shows an analysis configuration with all steps combined.

In this example, the probability parameter is set to 1 to indicate that probabilities are contained in the second column (using zero-based indexing). However, because bias analysis needs a predicted label, the probability_threshold parameter is set to 0.5 to convert the probability score into a binary label. In this example, the top_k_features parameter of the partials dependence plots pdp method is set to 2. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute partials dependence plots (PDPs) for the top 2 features with the largest global SHAP values.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "label": "Target", "probability_threshold": 0.5, "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 }, "pdp": { "top_k_features": 2, "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "probability": 1 } }

Instead of deploying the model to an endpoint, you can provide the name of your SageMaker AI model to the SageMaker Clarify processing job using the model_name parameter. The following example shows how to specify a model named your_model. The SageMaker Clarify processing job will create a shadow endpoint using the configuration.

{ ... "predictor": { "model_name": "your_model", "initial_instance_count": 1, "instance_type": "ml.m5.large", "probability": 1 } }

The following examples show how to configure bias analysis and explainability analysis for a tabular dataset in JSON Lines format. In these examples, the incoming dataset has the same data as the previous section but they are in the SageMaker AI JSON Lines dense format. Each line is a valid JSON object. The key "Features" points to an array of feature values, and the key "Label" points to the ground truth label. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the "dataset" processing input. For more information about JSON Lines, see JSONLINES request format.

{"Features":[25,0,2850,2],"Label":0} {"Features":[36,0,6585,0],"Label":1} {"Features":[22,1,1759,1],"Label":1} {"Features":[48,0,3446,1],"Label":0} ...

The following sections show how to compute pre-training and post-training bias metrics, SHAP values, and partial dependence plots (PDPs) showing feature importance for a dataset in JSON Lines format.

Compute pre-training bias metrics

Specify the label, features, format, and methods to measure pre-training bias metrics for a Gender value of 0. In the following example, the headers parameter provides the feature names first. The label name is provided last. By convention, the last header is the label header.

The features parameter is set to the JMESPath expression "Features" so that the SageMaker Clarify processing job can extract the array of features from each record. The label parameter is set to JMESPath expression "Label" so that the SageMaker Clarify processing job can extract the ground truth label from each record. Use a facet name to specify the sensitive attribute, as follows.

{ "dataset_type": "application/jsonlines", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "Label", "features": "Features", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } } }

Compute all the bias metrics

You must have a trained model to compute post-training bias metrics. The following example is from a binary classification model that outputs JSON Lines data in the example's format. Each row of the model output is a valid JSON object. The key predicted_label points to the predicted label, and the key probability points to the probability value.

{"predicted_label":0,"probability":0.028986845165491} {"predicted_label":1,"probability":0.825382471084594} ...

You can deploy the model to a SageMaker AI endpoint named your_endpoint. The following example analysis configuration instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute all possible bias metrics for both the dataset and the model. In this example, the parameter content_type and accept_type are not set. Therefore, they are automatically set to use the value of the parameter dataset_type, which is application/jsonlines. The SageMaker Clarify processing job uses the content_template parameter to compose the model input, by replacing the $features placeholder by an array of features.

{ "dataset_type": "application/jsonlines", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "Label", "features": "Features", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "label": "predicted_label" } }

Compute the SHAP values

Because SHAP analysis doesn’t need a ground truth label, the label parameter is omitted. In this example, the headers parameter is also omitted. Therefore, the SageMaker Clarify processing job must generate placeholders using generic names like column_0 or column_1 for feature headers, and label0 for a label header. You can specify values for headers and for a label to improve the readability of the analysis result. Because the probability parameter is set to JMESPath expression probability, the probability value will be extracted from the model output. The following is an example to calculate SHAP values.

{ "dataset_type": "application/jsonlines", "features": "Features", "methods": { "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "probability" } }

Compute partials dependence plots (PDPs)

The following example shows how to view the importance of "Income" on PDP. In this example, the feature headers are not provided. Therefore, the features parameter of the pdp method must use zero-based index to refer to location of the feature column. The grid_resolution parameter divides the range of the feature values into 10 buckets. Together, the parameters in the example instruct the SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate a report containing a PDP graph for Income with 10 segments on the x-axis. The y-axis will show the marginal impact of Income on the predictions.

{ "dataset_type": "application/jsonlines", "features": "Features", "methods": { "pdp": { "features": [2], "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "probability" } }

Compute both bias metrics and feature importance

You can combine all previous methods into a single analysis configuration file and compute them all by a single job. The following example shows an analysis configuration with all steps combined. In this example, the probability parameter is set. But because bias analysis needs a predicted label, the probability_threshold parameter is set to 0.5 to convert the probability score into a binary label. In this example, the top_k_features parameter of the pdp method is set to 2. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute PDPs for the top 2 features with the largest global SHAP values.

{ "dataset_type": "application/jsonlines", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "Label", "features": "Features", "probability_threshold": 0.5, "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 }, "pdp": { "top_k_features": 2, "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "probability" } }

The following examples show how to configure bias and explainability analysis for a tabular dataset in JSON format. In these examples, the incoming dataset has the same data as the previous section but they are in the SageMaker AI JSON dense format. For more information about JSON Lines, see JSONLINES request format.

The whole input request is valid JSON where the outer structure is a list and each element is the data for a record. Within each record, the key Features points to an array of feature values, and the key Label points to the ground truth label. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the dataset processing input.

[ {"Features":[25,0,2850,2],"Label":0}, {"Features":[36,0,6585,0],"Label":1}, {"Features":[22,1,1759,1],"Label":1}, {"Features":[48,0,3446,1],"Label":0}, ... ]

The following sections show how to compute pre-training and post-training bias metrics, SHAP values, and partial dependence plots (PDPs) that show feature importance for a dataset in JSON Lines format.

Compute pre-training bias metrics

Specify the label, features, format, and methods to measure pre-training bias metrics for a Gender value of 0. In the following example, the headers parameter provides the feature names first. The label name is provided last. For JSON datasets, the last header is the label header.

The features parameter is set to the JMESPath expression that extracts a 2D array or matrix. Each row in this matrix must contain the list of Features for each record. The label parameter is set to JMESPath expression that extracts a list of ground truth labels. Each element in this list must contain the label for a record.

Use a facet name to specify the sensitive attribute, as follows.

{ "dataset_type": "application/json", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "[*].Label", "features": "[*].Features", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } } }

Compute all the bias metrics

You must have a trained model to compute post-training bias metrics. The following code example is from a binary classification model that outputs JSON data in the example's format. In the example, each element under predictions is the prediction output for a record. The example code contains the key predicted_label, that points to the predicted label, and the key probability points to the probability value.

{ "predictions": [ {"predicted_label":0,"probability":0.028986845165491}, {"predicted_label":1,"probability":0.825382471084594}, ... ] }

You can deploy the model to a SageMaker AI endpoint named your_endpoint.

In the following example, the parameter content_type and accept_type are not set. Therefore, content_type and accept_type are automatically set to use the value of the parameter dataset_type, which is application/json. The SageMaker Clarify processing job then uses the content_template parameter to compose the model input.

In the following example, the model input is composed by replacing the $records placeholder by an array of records. Then, the record_template parameter composes each record’s JSON structure and replaces the $features placeholder with each record’s array of features.

The following example analysis configuration instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute all possible bias metrics for both the dataset and the model.

{ "dataset_type": "application/json", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "[*].Label", "features": "[*].Features", "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "$records", "record_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "label": "predictions[*].predicted_label" } }

Compute the SHAP values

You don’t need to specify a label for SHAP analysis. In the following example, the headers parameter is not specified. Therefore, the SageMaker Clarify processing job will generate placeholders using generic names like column_0 or column_1 for feature headers, and label0 for a label header. You can specify values for headers and for a label to improve the readability of the analysis result.

In the following configuration example, the probability parameter is set to a JMESPath expression that extracts the probabilities from each prediction for each record. The following is an example to calculate SHAP values.

{ "dataset_type": "application/json", "features": "[*].Features", "methods": { "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "$records", "record_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "predictions[*].probability" } }

Compute partial dependence plots (PDPs)

The following example shows you how to view a feature importance in PDPs. In the example, the feature headers are not provided. Therefore, the features parameter of the pdp method must use zero-based index to refer to location of the feature column. The grid_resolution parameter divides the range of the feature values into 10 buckets.

Together, the parameters in the following example instruct the SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate a report containing a PDP graph for Income with 10 segments on the x-axis. The y-axis shows the marginal impact of Income on the predictions.

The following configuration example shows how to view the importance of Income on PDPs.

{ "dataset_type": "application/json", "features": "[*].Features", "methods": { "pdp": { "features": [2], "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "$records", "record_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "predictions[*].probability" } }

Compute both bias metrics and feature importance

You can combine all previous configuration methods into a single analysis configuration file and compute them all with a single job. The following example shows an analysis configuration with all steps combined.

In this example, the probability parameter is set. Because bias analysis needs a predicted label, the probability_threshold parameter is set to 0.5, which is used to convert the probability score into a binary label. In this example, the top_k_features parameter of the pdp method is set to 2. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute PDPs for the top 2 features with the largest global SHAP values.

{ "dataset_type": "application/json", "headers": ["Age","Gender","Income","Occupation","Target"], "label": "[*].Label", "features": "[*].Features", "probability_threshold": 0.5, "label_values_or_threshold": [1], "facet": [ { "name_or_index": "Gender", "value_or_threshold": [0] } ], "methods": { "pre_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "post_training_bias": { "methods": "all" }, "shap": { "num_clusters": 1 }, "pdp": { "top_k_features": 2, "grid_resolution": 10 }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "endpoint_name": "your_endpoint", "content_template": "$records", "record_template": "{\"Features\":$features}", "probability": "predictions[*].probability" } }

The following example shows an analysis configuration file for computing feature importance for natural language processing (NLP). In this example, the incoming dataset is a tabular dataset in CSV format, with one binary label column and two feature columns, as follows. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the dataset processing input parameter.

0,2,"They taste gross" 1,3,"Flavor needs work" 1,5,"Taste is awful" 0,1,"The worst" ...

In this example, a binary classification model was trained on the previous dataset. The model accepts CSV data, and it outputs a single score between 0 and 1, as follows.

0.491656005382537 0.569582343101501 ...

The model is used to create a SageMaker AI model named “your_model". The following analysis configuration shows how to run a token-wise explainability analysis using the model and dataset. The text_config parameter activates the NLP explainability analysis. The granularity parameter indicates that the analysis should parse tokens.

In English, each token is a word. The following example also shows how to provide an in-place SHAP "baseline" instance using an average "Rating" of 4. A special mask token "[MASK]" is used to replace a token (word) in "Comments". This example also uses a GPU endpoint instance type to speed up inferencing.

{ "dataset_type": "text/csv", "headers": ["Target","Rating","Comments"] "label": "Target", "methods": { "shap": { "text_config": { "granularity": "token", "language": "english" } "baseline": [[4,"[MASK]"]], } }, "predictor": { "model_name": "your_nlp_model", "initial_instance_count": 1, "instance_type": "ml.g4dn.xlarge" } }

The following example shows an analysis configuration file computing feature importance for computer vision. In this example, the input dataset consists of JPEG images. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the dataset processing input parameter. The example shows how to configure an explainability analysis using a SageMaker image classification model. In the example, a model named your_cv_ic_model, has been trained to classify the animals on the input JPEG images.

{ "dataset_type": "application/x-image", "methods": { "shap": { "image_config": { "model_type": "IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION", "num_segments": 20, "segment_compactness": 10 } }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "model_name": "your_cv_ic_model", "initial_instance_count": 1, "instance_type": "ml.p2.xlarge", "label_headers": ["bird","cat","dog"] } }

For more information about image classification, see Image Classification - MXNet.

In this example, a SageMaker AI object detection model, your_cv_od_model is trained on the same JPEG images to identify the animals on them. The following example shows how to configure an explainability analysis for the object detection model.

{ "dataset_type": "application/x-image", "probability_threshold": 0.5, "methods": { "shap": { "image_config": { "model_type": "OBJECT_DETECTION", "max_objects": 3, "context": 1.0, "iou_threshold": 0.5, "num_segments": 20, "segment_compactness": 10 } }, "report": { "name": "report" } }, "predictor": { "model_name": "your_cv_od_model", "initial_instance_count": 1, "instance_type": "ml.p2.xlarge", "label_headers": ["bird","cat","dog"] } }

The following example shows an analysis configuration file for computing feature importance for a time series (TS). In this example, the incoming dataset is a time series dataset in JSON format with a set of dynamic and static covariate features. The dataset is provided to the SageMaker Clarify job by the dataset processing input parameter dataset_uri.

[ { "item_id": "item1", "timestamp": "2019-09-11", "target_value": 47650.3, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.4576, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.2164, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.1906, "static_feature_1": 3, "static_feature_2": 4 }, { "item_id": "item1", "timestamp": "2019-09-12", "target_value": 47380.3, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.4839, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.2274, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.1889, "static_feature_1": 3, "static_feature_2": 4 }, { "item_id": "item2", "timestamp": "2020-04-23", "target_value": 35601.4, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.5264, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.3838, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.4604, "static_feature_1": 1, "static_feature_2": 2 }, ]

The following sections explain how to compute feature attributions for a forecasting model with the asymmetric Shapley values algorithm for a JSON dataset.

Compute the explanations for time series forecasting models

The following example analysis configuration displays the options used by the job to compute the explanations for time series forecasting models.

{ 'dataset_type': 'application/json', 'dataset_uri': 'DATASET_URI', 'methods': { 'asymmetric_shapley_value': { 'baseline': { "related_time_series": "zero", "static_covariates": { "item1": [0, 0], "item2": [0, 0] }, "target_time_series": "zero" }, 'direction': 'chronological', 'granularity': 'fine_grained', 'num_samples': 10 }, 'report': {'name': 'report', 'title': 'Analysis Report'} }, 'predictor': { 'accept_type': 'application/json', 'content_template': '{"instances": $records}', 'endpoint_name': 'ENDPOINT_NAME', 'content_type': 'application/json', 'record_template': '{ "start": $start_time, "target": $target_time_series, "dynamic_feat": $related_time_series, "cat": $static_covariates }', 'time_series_predictor_config': {'forecast': 'predictions[*].mean[:2]'} }, 'time_series_data_config': { 'dataset_format': 'timestamp_records', 'item_id': '[].item_id', 'related_time_series': ['[].dynamic_feature_1', '[].dynamic_feature_2', '[].dynamic_feature_3'], 'static_covariates': ['[].static_feature_1', '[].static_feature_2'], 'target_time_series': '[].target_value', 'timestamp': '[].timestamp' } }
Time series explainability configuration

The preceding example uses asymmetric_shapley_value in methods to define the time series explainability arguments like baseline, direction, granularity, and number of samples. The baseline values are set for all three types of data: related time series, static covariates, and target time series. These fields instruct the SageMaker Clarify processor to compute feature attributions for one item at a time.

Predictor configuration

You can fully control the payload structure that the SageMaker Clarify processor sends using JMESPath syntax. In the preceding example, the predictor config instructs Clarify to aggregate records into '{"instances": $records}' , where each record is defined with the arguments given for record_template in the example. Note that $start_time, $target_time_series, $related_time_series, and $static_covariates are internal tokens used to map dataset values to endpoint request values.

Similarly, the attribute forecast in time_series_predictor_config is used to extract the model forecast from the endpoint response. For example, your endpoint batch response could be the following:

{ "predictions": [ {"mean": [13.4, 3.6, 1.0]}, {"mean": [23.0, 4.7, 3.0]}, {"mean": [3.4, 5.6, 2.0]} ] }

Suppose you specify the following time series predictor configuration:

'time_series_predictor_config': {'forecast': 'predictions[*].mean[:2]'}

The forecast value is parsed as the following:

[ [13.4, 3.6], [23.0, 4.7], [3.4, 5.6] ]
Data configuration

Use the time_series_data_config attribute to instruct the SageMaker Clarify processor to parse data correctly from the data passed as an S3 URI in dataset_uri.