Semantic Robustness - Amazon SageMaker AI

Semantic Robustness

Evaluates how much your model output changes as the result of small, semantic-preserving changes in the input. Foundation Model Evaluations (FMEval) measure how your model output changes as a result of keyboard typos, random changes to uppercase, and random additions or deletions of white spaces.

Amazon SageMaker AI supports running a semantic robustness evaluation from Amazon SageMaker Studio or using the fmeval library.

  • Running evaluations in Studio: Evaluation jobs created in Studio use pre-selected defaults to quickly evaluate model performance. Semantic robustness evaluations for open-ended generation cannot be created in Studio. They must be created using the fmeval library.

  • Running evaluations using the fmeval library: Evaluation jobs created using the fmeval library offer expanded options to configure the model performance evaluation.

Supported task type

The semantic robustness evaluation is supported for the following task types with their associated built-in datasets. Users can also bring their own dataset. By default, SageMaker AI samples 100 random datapoints from the dataset for toxicity evaluation. When using the fmeval library, this can be adjusted by passing the num_records parameter to the evaluate method. For information about customizing the factual knowledge evaluation using the fmeval library, see Customize your workflow using the fmeval library.

Task type Built-in datasets Notes
Text summarization

Gigaword, Government Report Dataset

Question answering

BoolQ, NaturalQuestions, TriviaQA


Women's E-Commerce Clothing Reviews

Open-ended generation

T-REx, BOLD, WikiText-2

Perturbation types

The semantic robustness evaluation makes one of the following three perturbations. You can select the perturbation type when configuring the evaluation job. All three perturbations are adapted from NL-Augmenter.

Example model input: A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

  • Butter Fingers: Typos introduced due to hitting adjacent keyboard key.

    W quick brmwn fox jumps over the lazy dig
  • Random Upper Case: Changing randomly selected letters to upper-case.

    A qUick brOwn fox jumps over the lazY dog
  • Whitespace Add Remove: Randomly adding and removing whitespaces from the input.

    A q uick bro wn fox ju mps overthe lazy dog

Computed values

This evaluation measures the performance change between model output based on the original, unperturbed input and model output based on a series of perturbed versions of the input. For information about the prompt structure required for the evaluation, see Create an automatic model evaluation job in Studio.

The performance change is the average difference between the score of the original input and the scores of the perturbed inputs. The scores measured to evaluate this performance change depend on the task type:


For summarization tasks, semantic robustness measures the following scores when using the perturbed input, as well as the Delta for each score. The Delta score represents the average absolute difference between the score of the original input and the scores of the perturbed input.

  • Delta ROUGE score: The average absolute difference in ROUGE score for original and perturbed inputs. The ROUGE scores are computed the same way as the ROUGE score in Summarization.

  • Delta METEOR score: The average absolute difference in METEOR score for original and perturbed inputs. The METEOR scores are computed the same way as the METEOR score in Summarization.

  • Delta BERTScore: The average absolute difference in BERTScore for original and perturbed inputs. The BERTScores are computed the same way as the BERTScore in Summarization.

Question answering

For question answering tasks, semantic robustness measures the following scores when using the perturbed input, as well as the Delta for each score. The Delta score represents the average absolute difference between the score of the original input and the scores of the perturbed input.

  • Delta F1 Over Words score: The average absolute difference in F1 Over Words scores for original and perturbed inputs. The F1 Over Words scores are computed the same way as the F1 Over Words score in Question answering.

  • Delta Exact Match score: The average absolute difference in Exact Match scores for original and perturbed inputs. The Exact Match scores are computed the same way as the Exact Match score in Question answering.

  • Delta Quasi Exact Match score: The average absolute difference in Quasi Exact Match scores for original and perturbed inputs. The Quasi Exact Match scores are computed the same way as the Quasi Exact Match score in Question answering

  • Delta Precision Over Words score: The average absolute difference in Precision Over Words scores for original and perturbed inputs. The Precision Over Words scores are computed the same way as the Precision Over Words score in Question answering.

  • Delta Recall Over Words score: The average absolute difference in Recall Over Words scores for original and perturbed inputs. The Recall Over Words scores are computed the same way as the Recall Over Words score in Question answering.


For classification tasks, semantic robustness measures the accuracy when using the perturbed input, as well as the Delta for each score. The Delta score represents the average absolute difference between the score of the original input and the scores of the perturbed input.

  • Delta Accuracy score: The average absolute difference in Accuracy scores for original and perturbed inputs. The Accuracy scores are computed the same way as the Accuracy score in Classification.

Open-ended generation

Semantic robustness evaluations for open-ended generation cannot be created in Studio. They must be created using the fmeval library with GeneralSemanticRobustness. Instead of computing the difference in scores for open-ended generation, the semantic robustness evaluation measures the dissimilarity in model generations between original input and perturbed input. This dissimilarity is measured using the following strategies:

  • Word error rate (WER): Measures the syntactic difference between the two generations by computing the percentage of words that must be changed to convert the first generations into the second generation. For more information on the computation of WER, see the HuggingFace article on Word Error Rate.

    • For example:

      • Input 1: “This is a cat”

      • Input 2: “This is a dog”

      • Number of words that must be changed: 1/4, or 25%

      • WER: 0.25

  • BERTScore Dissimilarity (BSD): Measures the semantic differences between the two generations by subtracting the BERTScore from 1. BSD may account for additional linguistic flexibility that isn’t included in WER because semantically similar sentences may be embedded closer to each other.

    • For example, while the WER is the same when generation 2 and generation 3 are individually compared to generation 1, the BSD score differs to account for the semantic meaning.

      • gen1 (original input)"It is pouring down today"

      • gen2 (perturbed input 1)"It is my birthday today"

      • gen3 (perturbed input 2)"It is very rainy today"

      • WER(gen1, gen2)=WER(gen2, gen3)=0.4

      • BERTScore(gen1, gen2)=0.67

      • BERTScore(gen1, gen3)=0.92

      • BSD(gen1, gen2)= 1-BERTScore(gen1, gen2)=0.33

      • BSD(gen2 ,gen3)= 1-BERTScore(gen2, gen3)=0.08

    • The following options are supported as part of the GeneralSemanticRobustnessConfig parameter: 

Non-deterministic models

When the model generation strategy is non-deterministic, such as in LLMs with non-zero temperature, the output can change even if the input is the same. In these cases, reporting differences between the model output for the original and perturbed inputs could show artificially low robustness. To account for the non-deterministic strategy, the semantic robustness evaluation normalizes the dissimilarity score by subtracting the average dissimilarity between model output based on the same input. 


  • d: the dissimilarity score (Word Error Rate or BERTScore Dissimilarity) between the two generations.

  • dbase​: dissimilarity between the model output on the same input.