Create a lifecycle configuration to install Code Editor extensions - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create a lifecycle configuration to install Code Editor extensions

This section shows how to create a lifecycle configuration to install extensions from the Open VSX Registry in your Code Editor environment.

  1. From your local machine, create a file named with the following content:

    #!/bin/bash set -eux
  2. Within the script, install the Open VSX Registry extension of your choice:

    sagemaker-code-editor --install-extension AmazonEMR.emr-tools --extensions-dir /opt/amazon/sagemaker/sagemaker-code-editor-server-data/extensions

    You can retrieve the extension name from the URL of the extension in the Open VSX Registry. The extension name to use in the sagemaker-code-editor command should contain all text that follows in the URL. Replace all instances of a slash (/) with a period (.). For example, AmazonEMR/emr-tools should be AmazonEMR.emr-tools.

    The Amazon EMR extension page in the Open VSX Registry.
  3. After finalizing your script, create and attach your lifecycle configuration. For more information, see Create and attach lifecycle configurations in Studio.

  4. Create your Code Editor application with the lifecycle configuration attached:

    aws sagemaker create-app \ --domain-id domain-id \ --space-name space-name \ --app-type CodeEditor \ --app-name default \ --resource-spec "SageMakerImageArn=arn:aws:sagemaker:region:image-account-id:image/sagemaker-distribution-cpu,LifecycleConfigArn=arn:aws:sagemaker:region:user-account-id:studio-lifecycle-config/my-code-editor-lcc,InstanceType=ml.t3.large"

    For more information about available Code Editor image ARNs, see Code Editor application instances and images. For more information about connections and extensions, see Code Editor Connections and Extensions.