Configure the DebuggerHookConfig API to save tensors - Amazon SageMaker AI

Configure the DebuggerHookConfig API to save tensors

Use the DebuggerHookConfig API to create a debugger_hook_config object using the collection_configs object you created in the previous step.

from sagemaker.debugger import DebuggerHookConfig debugger_hook_config=DebuggerHookConfig( collection_configs=collection_configs )

Debugger saves the model training output tensors into the default S3 bucket. The format of the default S3 bucket URI is s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket-sagemaker-<region>-<12digit_account_id>/<training-job-name>/debug-output/.

If you want to specify an exact S3 bucket URI, use the following code example:

from sagemaker.debugger import DebuggerHookConfig debugger_hook_config=DebuggerHookConfig( s3_output_path="specify-uri" collection_configs=collection_configs )

For more information, see DebuggerHookConfig in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK.