Download the SageMaker Debugger profiling report - Amazon SageMaker AI

Download the SageMaker Debugger profiling report

Download the SageMaker Debugger profiling report while your training job is running or after the job has finished using the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK and AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).


To get the profiling report generated by SageMaker Debugger, you must use the built-in ProfilerReport rule offered by SageMaker Debugger. To activate the rule with your training job, see Configure Built-in Profiler Rules.


You can also download the report with a single click in the SageMaker Studio Debugger insights dashboard. This doesn't require any additional scripting to download the report. To find out how to download the report from Studio, see Open the Amazon SageMaker Debugger Insights dashboard.

Download using SageMaker Python SDK and AWS CLI
  1. Check the current job's default S3 output base URI.

  2. Check the current job name.

  3. The Debugger profiling report is stored under <default-s3-output-base-uri>/<training-job-name>/rule-output. Configure the rule output path as follows:

    rule_output_path = estimator.output_path + estimator.latest_training_job.job_name + "/rule-output"
  4. To check if the report is generated, list directories and files recursively under the rule_output_path using aws s3 ls with the --recursive option.

    ! aws s3 ls {rule_output_path} --recursive

    This should return a complete list of files under an autogenerated folder that's named as ProfilerReport-1234567890. The folder name is a combination of strings: ProfilerReport and a unique 10-digit tag based on the Unix timestamp when the ProfilerReport rule is initiated.

    An example of rule output

    The profiler-report.html is an autogenerated profiling report by Debugger. The remaining files are the built-in rule analysis components stored in JSON and a Jupyter notebook that are used to aggregate them into the report.

  5. Download the files recursively using aws s3 cp. The following command saves all of the rule output files to the ProfilerReport-1234567890 folder under the current working directory.

    ! aws s3 cp {rule_output_path} ./ --recursive

    If using a Jupyter notebook server, run !pwd to double check the current working directory.

  6. Under the /ProfilerReport-1234567890/profiler-output directory, open profiler-report.html. If using JupyterLab, choose Trust HTML to see the autogenerated Debugger profiling report.

    An example of rule output
  7. Open the profiler-report.ipynb file to explore how the report is generated. You can also customize and extend the profiling report using the Jupyter notebook file.

Download using Amazon S3 Console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. Search for the base S3 bucket. For example, if you haven't specified any base job name, the base S3 bucket name should be in the following format: sagemaker-<region>-111122223333. Look up the base S3 bucket through the Find bucket by name field.

    An example to the rule output S3 bucket URI
  3. In the base S3 bucket, look up the training job name by specifying your job name prefix into the Find objects by prefix input field. Choose the training job name.

    An example to the rule output S3 bucket URI
  4. In the training job's S3 bucket, there must be three subfolders for training data collected by Debugger: debug-output/, profiler-output/, and rule-output/. Choose rule-output/.

    An example to the rule output S3 bucket URI
  5. In the rule-output/ folder, choose ProfilerReport-1234567890, and choose profiler-output/ folder. The profiler-output/ folder contains profiler-report.html (the autogenerated profiling report in html), profiler-report.ipynb (a Jupyter notebook with scripts that are used for generating the report), and a profiler-report/ folder (contains rule analysis JSON files that are used as components of the report).

  6. Select the profiler-report.html file, choose Actions, and Download.

    An example to the rule output S3 bucket URI
  7. Open the downloaded profiler-report.html file in a web browser.


If you started your training job without configuring the Debugger-specific parameters, Debugger generates the report based only on the system monitoring rules because the Debugger parameters are not configured to save framework metrics. To enable framework metrics profiling and receive an extended Debugger profiling report, configure the profiler_config parameter when constructing or updating SageMaker AI estimators.

To learn how to configure the profiler_config parameter before starting a training job, see Estimator configuration for framework profiling.

To update the current training job and enable framework metrics profiling, see Update Debugger Framework Profiling Configuration.