The SageMaker model parallel library v2 reference
The following are references for the SageMaker model parallel library v2 (SMP v2).
SMP v2 core feature configuration parameters
The following is a complete list of parameters to activate and configure the Core features of the SageMaker model parallelism library v2. These must be written in JSON format and passed to the PyTorch estimator in the SageMaker Python SDK or saved as a JSON file for SageMaker HyperPod.
{ "hybrid_shard_degree":
, "sm_activation_offloading":Boolean
, "activation_loading_horizon":Integer
, "fsdp_cache_flush_warnings":Boolean
, "allow_empty_shards":Boolean
, "tensor_parallel_degree":Integer
, "context_parallel_degree":Integer
, "expert_parallel_degree":Integer
, "random_seed":Integer
(Integer) – Specifies a sharded parallelism degree. The value must be an integer between0
. The default value is0
If set to
, it falls back to the native PyTorch implementation and API in the script whentensor_parallel_degree
is 1. Otherwise, it computes the largest possiblehybrid_shard_degree
based ontensor_parallel_degree
. When falling back to the native PyTorch FSDP use cases, ifFULL_SHARD
is the strategy you use, it shards across the whole cluster of GPUs. IfHYBRID_SHARD
was the strategy, it is equivalent tohybrid_shard_degree
of 8. When tensor parallelism is enabled, it shards based on the revisedhybrid_shard_degree
. -
If set to
, it falls back to the native PyTorch implementation and API forNO_SHARD
in the script whentensor_parallel_degree
is 1. Otherwise, it's equivalent toNO_SHARD
within any given tensor parallel groups. -
If set to an integer between 2 and
, sharding happens across the specified number of GPUs. If you don't set upsharding_strategy
in the FSDP script, it gets overridden toHYBRID_SHARD
, thesharding_strategy
you specify is used.
(Boolean) – Specifies whether to enable the SMP activation offloading implementation. IfFalse
, offloading uses the native PyTorch implementation. IfTrue
, it uses the SMP activation offloading implementation. You also need to use the PyTorch activation offload wrapper (torch.distributed.algorithms._checkpoint.checkpoint_wrapper.offload_wrapper
) in your script. To learn more, see Activation offloading. The default value isTrue
. -
(Integer) – An integer specifying the activation offloading horizon type for FSDP. This is the maximum number of checkpointed or offloaded layers whose inputs can be in the GPU memory simultaneously. To learn more, see Activation offloading. The input value must be a positive integer. The default value is2
. -
(Boolean) – Detects and warns if cache flushes happen in the PyTorch memory manager, because they can degrade computational performance. The default value isTrue
. -
(Boolean) – Whether to allow empty shards when sharding tensors if tensor is not divisible. This is an experimental fix for crash during checkpointing in certain scenarios. Disabling this falls back to the original PyTorch behavior. The default value isFalse
. -
(Integer) – Specifies a tensor parallelism degree. The value must be between1
. The default value is1
. Note that passing a value greater than 1 does not enable context parallelism automatically; you also need to use the torch.sagemaker.transform API to wrap the model in your training script. To learn more, see Tensor parallelism. -
(Integer) – Specifies the context parallelism degree. The value must be between1
, and must be<= hybrid_shard_degree
. The default value is1
. Note that passing a value greater than 1 does not enable context parallelism automatically; you also need to use the torch.sagemaker.transform API to wrap the model in your training script. To learn more, see Context parallelism. -
(Integer) – Specifies a expert parallelism degree. The value must be between 1 andworld_size
. The default value is1
. Note that passing a value greater than 1 does not enable context parallelism automatically; you also need to use the torch.sagemaker.transform API to wrap the model in your training script. To learn more, see Expert parallelism. -
(Integer) – A seed number for the random operations in distributed modules by SMP tensor parallelism or expert parallelism. This seed is added to tensor-parallel or expert-parallel ranks to set the actual seed for each rank. It is unique for each tensor-parallel and expert-parallel rank. SMP v2 makes sure that the random number generated across tensor-parallel and expert-parallel ranks matches the non-tensor-parallelism and non-expert-parallelism cases respectively.
Reference for the SMP v2
This section is a reference for the torch.sagemaker
package provided by
SMP v2.
- torch.sagemaker.delayed_param.DelayedParamIniter
- torch.sagemaker.distributed.checkpoint.state_dict_saver.async_save
- torch.sagemaker.distributed.checkpoint.state_dict_saver.maybe_finalize_async_calls
- torch.sagemaker.distributed.checkpoint.state_dict_loader.load
- torch.sagemaker.nn.attn.FlashSelfAttention
- torch.sagemaker.nn.attn.FlashGroupedQueryAttention
- torch.sagemaker.nn.huggingface.llama_flashattn.LlamaFlashAttention
- torch.sagemaker.transform
- torch.sagemaker util functions and properties
An API for applying Delayed parameter initialization to a PyTorch model.
class torch.sagemaker.delayed_param.DelayedParamIniter( model: nn.Module, init_method_using_config : Callable = None, verbose: bool = False, )
) – A PyTorch model to wrap and apply the delayed parameter initialization functionality of SMP v2. -
(Callable) – If you use the tensor parallel implementation of SMP v2 or supported Hugging Face Transformer models compatible with the SMP tensor parallelism, keep this parameter at the default value, which isNone
. By default, theDelayedParamIniter
API finds out how to initialize the given model correctly. For any other models, you need to create a custom parameter initialization function and add it to your script. The following code snippet is the defaultinit_method_using_config
function that SMP v2 implemented for the Hugging Face Transformer models compatible with the SMP tensor parallelism. Use the following code snippet as a reference for creating your own initialization configuration function, adding it to your script, and passing it to theinit_method_using_config
parameter of the SMPDelayedParamIniter
API.from torch.sagemaker.utils.module_utils import empty_module_params, move_buffers_to_device # Define a custom init config function. def
(module): d = torch.cuda.current_device() empty_module_params(module, device=d) if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, Conv1D)):, std=config.initializer_range) if module.bias is not None: elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):, std=config.initializer_range) if module.padding_idx is not None:[module.padding_idx].zero_() elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm): elif isinstance(module, LlamaRMSNorm): move_buffers_to_device(module, device=d) delayed_initer = DelayedParamIniter(model, init_method_using_config=custom_init_method_using_config
)For more information about the
functions in the preceding code snippet, see torch.sagemaker util functions and properties. -
(Boolean) – Whether to enable more detailed logging during initialization and validation. The default value isFalse
– Returns the parameter initialization function that you can pass to theparam_init_fn
argument of the PyTorch FSDP wrapper class. -
– Returns the parameter initialization function that you can pass to thepost_param_init_fn
argument of the PyTorch FSDP wrapper class. This is needed when you have tied weights in the model. The model must implement the methodtie_weights
. For more information, see the Notes on tied weight in Delayed parameter initialization. -
(module: nn.Module, *args: Tuple[nn.Parameter]
) – Tracks how many parameters are being initialized by the parameter initialization function. This helps implement the followingvalidate_params_and_buffers_inited
method. You usually don’t need to call this function explicitly, because thevalidate_params_and_buffers_inited
method implicitly calls this method in the backend. -
(enabled: bool=True
) – This is a context manager that helps validate that the number of parameters initialized matches the total number of parameters in the model. It also validates that all parameters and buffers are now on GPU devices instead of meta devices. It raisesAssertionErrors
if these conditions are not met. This context manager is only optional and you're not required to use this context manager to initialize parameters.
Entry API for asynchronous save. Use this method to save a state_dict
asynchronously to a specified checkpoint_id
def async_save( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, *, checkpoint_id: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None, storage_writer: Optional[StorageWriter] = None, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, coordinator_rank: int = 0, queue : AsyncCallsQueue = None, sharded_strategy: Union[SaveShardedStrategy, Tuple[str, int], None] = None, wait_error_handling: bool = True, force_check_all_plans: bool = True, s3_region: Optional[str] = None, s3client_config: Optional[S3ClientConfig] = None ) -> None:
(dict) - Required. The state dict to save. -
(str) - Required. The storage path to save checkpoints to. -
(StorageWriter) - Optional. An instance ofStorageWriter
in PyTorch to perform write operations. If this is not specificed, the default configuration of StorageWriter
is used. -
(SavePlanner) - Optional. An instance ofSavePlanner
in PyTorch. If this is not specificed, the default configuration of SavePlanner
is used. -
(ProcessGroup) - Optional. The process group to work on. IfNone
, the default (global) process group is used. -
(int) - Optional. The rank of the coordinator when performing collective communication operators such asAllReduce
. -
(AsyncRequestQueue) - Optional. The async scheduler to use. By default, it takes the global parameterDEFAULT_ASYNC_REQUEST_QUEUE
. -
(PyTorchDistSaveShardedStrategy) - Optional. The sharded strategy to use for saving checkpoints. If this is is not specified,torch.sagemaker.distributed.checkpoint.state_dict_saver.PyTorchDistSaveShardedStrategy
is used by default. -
(bool) - Optional. A flag specifying whether to wait for all ranks to finish error handling. The default value isTrue
. -
(bool) - Optional. A flag that determines whether to forcibly synchronize plans across ranks, even in the case of a cache hit. The default value isTrue
. -
(str) - Optional. The region where the S3 bucket is located. If not specified, the region is inferred from thecheckpoint_id
. -
(S3ClientConfig) - Optional. The dataclass exposing configurable parameters for the S3 client. If not provided, the default configuration of S3ClientConfigis used. The part_size
parameter is set to 64MB by default.
This function allows a training process to monitor multiple asynchronous requests to be done.
def maybe_finalize_async_calls( blocking=True, process_group=None ) -> List[int]:
(bool) - Optional. IfTrue
, it will wait until all active requests are completed. Otherwise, it finalizes only the asynchronous requests that have already finished. The default value isTrue
. -
(ProcessGroup) - Optional. The process group to operate on. If set toNone
, the default (global) process group is utilized.
A list containing the indices of asynchronous calls are successfully finalized.
Use this method to save a state_dict
synchronously to a specified
def save( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, *, checkpoint_id: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None, storage_writer: Optional[StorageWriter] = None, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, coordinator_rank: int = 0, wait_error_handling: bool = True, force_check_all_plans: bool = True, s3_region: Optional[str] = None, s3client_config: Optional[S3ClientConfig] = None ) -> None:
(dict) - Required. The state dict to save. -
(str) - Required. The storage path to save checkpoints to. -
(StorageWriter) - Optional. An instance ofStorageWriter
in PyTorch to perform write operations. If this is not specificed, the default configuration of StorageWriter
is used. -
(SavePlanner) - Optional. An instance ofSavePlanner
in PyTorch. If this is not specificed, the default configuration of SavePlanner
is used. -
(ProcessGroup) - Optional. The process group to work on. IfNone
, the default (global) process group is used. -
(int) - Optional. The rank of the coordinator when performing collective communication operators such asAllReduce
. -
(bool) - Optional. A flag specifying whether to wait for all ranks to finish error handling. The default value isTrue
. -
(bool) - Optional. A flag that determines whether to forcibly synchronize plans across ranks, even in the case of a cache hit. The default value isTrue
. -
(str) - Optional. The region where the S3 bucket is located. If not specified, the region is inferred from thecheckpoint_id
. -
(S3ClientConfig) - Optional. The dataclass exposing configurable parameters for the S3 client. If not provided, the default configuration of S3ClientConfigis used. The part_size
parameter is set to 64MB by default.
Load the state dictionary of a distributed model (state_dict
def load( state_dict: Dict[str, Any], *, checkpoint_id: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None, storage_reader: Optional[StorageReader] = None, planner: Optional[LoadPlanner] = None, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, check_keys_matched: bool = True, coordinator_rank: int = 0, s3_region: Optional[str] = None, s3client_config: Optional[S3ClientConfig] = None ) -> None:
(dict) - Required. Thestate_dict
to load. -
(str) - Required. The ID of a checkpoint. The meaning of thecheckpoint_id
depends on the storage. It can be a path to a folder or to a file. It can also be a key if the storage is a key-value store. -
(StorageReader) - Optional. An instance ofStorageReader
in PyTorch to perform read operations. If not specified, distributed checkpointing will automatically infer the reader based on the checkpoint_id
. Ifcheckpoint_id
is alsoNone
, an exception error is raised. -
(StorageReader) - Optional. An instance ofLoadPlanner
in PyTorch. If not specificed, the default configuration of LoadPlanner
is used. -
(bool) - Optional. If enabled, checks whether thestate_dict
keys of all ranks are matched usingAllGather
. -
(str) - Optional. The region where the S3 bucket is located. If not specified, the region is inferred from thecheckpoint_id
. -
(S3ClientConfig) - Optional. The dataclass exposing configurable parameters for the S3 client. If not provided, the default configuration of S3ClientConfigis used. The part_size
parameter is set to 64MB by default.
A configuration class for setting up the SMP-implementation of Mixture-of-Experts
(MoE). You can specify MoE configuration values through this class and pass it to
the torch.sagemaker.transform
API call. To learn more
about the usage of this class for training MoE models, see Expert
class smp_moe=True, random_seed=12345, moe_load_balancing="sinkhorn", global_token_shuffle=False, moe_all_to_all_dispatcher=True, moe_aux_loss_coeff=0.001, moe_z_loss_coeff=0.001 )
(Boolean) - Whether to use the SMP-implementation of MoE. The default value isTrue
. -
(Integer) - A seed number for the random operations in expert-parallel distributed modules. This seed is added to the expert parallel rank to set the actual seed for each rank. It is unique for each expert parallel rank. The default value is12345
. -
(String) - Specify the load balancing type of the MoE router. Valid options areaux_loss
, andnone
. The default value issinkhorn
. -
(Boolean) - Whether to shuffle tokens across EP ranks within the same EP group. The default value isFalse
. -
(Boolean) - Whether to use all-to-all dispatcher for the communications in MoE. The default value isTrue
. -
(Float) - A coefficient for auxiliary load balancing loss. The default value is0.001
. -
(Float) - Coefficient for z-loss. The default value is0.001
An API for using FlashAttention with SMP v2.
class torch.sagemaker.nn.attn.FlashSelfAttention( attention_dropout_prob: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, triton_flash_attention: bool = False, use_alibi: bool = False, )
(float) – The dropout probability to apply to attention. The default value is0.0
. -
(float) – If passed, this scale factor is applied for softmax. If set toNone
(which is also the default value), the scale factor is1 / sqrt(attention_head_size)
. The default value isNone
. -
(bool) – If passed, Triton implementation of flash attention is used. This is necessary to supports Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi) (see the followinguse_alibi
parameter). This version of the kernel doesn’t support dropout. The default value isFalse
. -
(bool) – If passed, it enables Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi) using the mask provided. When using ALiBi, it needs an attention mask prepared as follows. The default value isFalse
.def generate_alibi_attn_mask(attention_mask, batch_size, seq_length, num_attention_heads, alibi_bias_max=8): device, dtype = attention_mask.device, attention_mask.dtype alibi_attention_mask = torch.zeros( 1, num_attention_heads, 1, seq_length, dtype=dtype, device=device ) alibi_bias = torch.arange(1 - seq_length, 1, dtype=dtype, device=device).view( 1, 1, 1, seq_length ) m = torch.arange(1, num_attention_heads + 1, dtype=dtype, device=device) m.mul_(alibi_bias_max / num_attention_heads) alibi_bias = alibi_bias * (1.0 / (2 ** m.view(1, num_attention_heads, 1, 1))) alibi_attention_mask.add_(alibi_bias) alibi_attention_mask = alibi_attention_mask[..., :seq_length, :seq_length] if attention_mask is not None and attention_mask.bool().any(): alibi_attention_mask.masked_fill( attention_mask.bool().view(batch_size, 1, 1, seq_length), float("-inf") ) return alibi_attention_mask
forward(self, qkv, attn_mask=None, causal=False, cast_dtype=None, layout="b h s d")
– A regular PyTorch module function. When amodule(x)
is called, SMP runs this function automatically.-
of the following form:(batch_size x seqlen x (3 x num_heads) x head_size)
or(batch_size, (3 x num_heads) x seqlen x head_size)
, a tuple oftorch.Tensors
each of which might be of shape(batch_size x seqlen x num_heads x head_size)
, or(batch_size x num_heads x seqlen x head_size)
. An appropriate layout arg must be passed based on the shape. -
of the following form(batch_size x 1 x 1 x seqlen)
. To enable this attention mask parameter, it requirestriton_flash_attention=True
. To learn how to generate an attention mask using this method, see the code examples at FlashAttention. The default value isNone
. -
– When set toFalse
, which is the default value of the argument, no mask is applied. When set toTrue
, theforward
method uses the standard lower triangular mask. The default value isFalse
. -
– When set to a particulardtype
, it casts theqkv
tensors to thatdtype
. This is useful for implementations such as the Hugging Face Transformer GPT-NeoX model, which hasq
after rotary embeddings. If set toNone
, no cast is applied. The default value isNone
. -
(string) – Available values areb h s d
orb s h d
. This should be set to the layout ofqkv
tensors passed, so appropriate transformations can be applied forattn
. The default value isb h s d
A single torch.Tensor
with shape (batch_size x num_heads x
seq_len x head_size)
An API for using FlashGroupedQueryAttention
with SMP v2. To learn
more about the usage of this API, see Use
FlashAttention kernels for grouped-query attention.
class torch.sagemaker.nn.attn.FlashGroupedQueryAttention( attention_dropout_prob: float = 0.0, scale: Optional[float] = None, )
(float) – The dropout probability to apply to attention. The default value is0.0
. -
(float) – If passed, this scale factor is applied for softmax. If set toNone
,1 / sqrt(attention_head_size)
is used as the scale factor. The default value isNone
forward(self, q, kv, causal=False, cast_dtype=None, layout="b s h d")
– A regular PyTorch module function. When amodule(x)
is called, SMP runs this function automatically.-
of the following form(batch_size x seqlen x num_heads x head_size)
or(batch_size x num_heads x seqlen x head_size)
. Appropriate layout arg must be passed based on the shape. -
of the following form(batch_size x seqlen x (2 x num_heads) x head_size)
or(batch_size, (2 x num_heads) x seqlen x head_size)
, or a tuple of twotorch.Tensor
s, each of which might be of shape(batch_size x seqlen x num_heads x head_size)
or(batch_size x num_heads x seqlen x head_size)
. Appropriatelayout
argument must also be passed based on the shape. -
– When set toFalse
, which is the default value of the argument, no mask is applied. When set toTrue
, theforward
method uses the standard lower triangular mask. The default value isFalse
. -
– When set to a particular dtype, it casts theqkv
tensors to that dtype beforeattn
. This is useful for implementations such as Hugging Face Transformers GPT-NeoX, which hasq,k
after rotary embeddings. If set toNone
, no cast is applied. The default value isNone
. -
layout (string) – Available values are
"b h s d"
or"b s h d"
. This should be set to the layout ofqkv
tensors passed, so appropriate transformations can be applied forattn
. The default value is"b h s d"
Returns a single torch.Tensor (batch_size x num_heads x seq_len x
that represents the output of attention computation.
An API that supports FlashAttention for the Llama model. This API uses the torch.sagemaker.nn.attn.FlashGroupedQueryAttention API at low level. To learn how to use this, see Use FlashAttention kernels for grouped-query attention.
class torch.sagemaker.nn.huggingface.llama_flashattn.LlamaFlashAttention( config: LlamaConfig )
– A FlashAttention configuration for the Llama model.
forward(self, hidden_states, attention_mask, position_ids, past_key_value, output_attentions, use_cache)
) – Hidden states of a tensor in form of(batch_size x seq_len x num_heads x head_size)
. -
) – Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices in form of(batch_size x seqlen)
. The default value isNone
. -
) – When not beingNone
, it is in form of(batch_size x seqlen)
, indicating the indices of positions of each input sequence token in the position embeddings. The default value isNone
. -
(Cache) – Pre-computed hidden-states (key and values in the self-attention blocks and in the cross-attention blocks). The default value isNone
. -
(bool) – Indicates whether to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. The default value isFalse
. -
(bool) – Indicates whether to returnpast_key_values
key value states. The default value isFalse
Returns a single torch.Tensor (batch_size x num_heads x seq_len x
that represents the output of attention computation.
SMP v2 provides this torch.sagemaker.transform()
API for transforming
Hugging Face Transformer models to SMP model implementations and enabling the SMP
tensor parallelism.
torch.sagemaker.transform( model: nn.Module, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, config: Optional[Dict] = None, load_state_dict_from_rank0: bool = False, cp_comm_type: str = "p2p" )
SMP v2 maintains transformation policies for the Hugging Face Transformer models compatible with the SMP tensor parallelism by converting the configuration of the Hugging Face Transformer models to the SMP transformer configuration.
) – A model from Hugging Face Transformer models compatible with the SMP tensor parallelism to transform and apply the tensor parallelism feature of the SMP library. -
) – If passed, a new model is created on this device. If the original module has any parameter on meta device (see Delayed parameter initialization), then the transformed module will also be created on meta device, ignoring the argument passed here. The default value isNone
. -
) – If passed, sets this as the dtype context manager for the creation of the model and creates a model with this dtype. This is typically unnecessary, as we want to create the model withfp32
when usingMixedPrecision
, andfp32
is the default dtype in PyTorch. The default value isNone
. -
(dict) – This is a dictionary for configuring the SMP transformer. The default value isNone
. -
(Boolean) – By default, this module creates a new instance of the model with new weights. When this argument is set toTrue
, SMP tries to load the state dictionary of the original PyTorch model from the 0th rank into transformed model for the tensor parallel group that the 0th rank is part of. When this is set toTrue
, rank 0 can’t have any parameters on meta device. Only the first tensor parallel group populates the weights from the 0th rank after this transform call. You need to setsync_module_states
in the FSDP wrapper to get these weights from the first tensor parallel group to all other processes. With this activated, the SMP library loads the state dictionary from the original model. The SMP library takes thestate_dict
of the model before transform, converts it to match the structure of the transformed model, shards it for each tensor parallel rank, communicates this state from the 0th rank to other ranks in the tensor parallel group that the 0th rank is part of, and loads it. The default value isFalse
. cp_comm_type
(str) – Determines the context parallelism implementation and is only applicable when thecontext_parallel_degree
is greater than 1. Available values for this parameter arep2p
. Thep2p
implementation utilizes peer-to-peer send-receive calls for key-and-value (KV) tensor accumulation during the attention computation, running asynchronously and allowing communication to overlap with computation. On the other hand, theall_gather
implementation employs theAllGather
communication collective operation for KV tensor accumulation. The default value is"p2p"
Returns a transformed model that you can wrap with PyTorch FSDP. When
is set to True
, the tensor
parallel group that involves rank 0 has weights loaded from the original state
dictionary on rank 0. When using Delayed parameter
initialization on the original
model, only these ranks have the actual tensors on CPUs for the parameters and
buffers of the transformed model. The rest of the ranks continue to have the
parameters and buffers on the meta device to save memory.
util functions and properties
torch.sagemaker util functions
torch.sagemaker.init(config: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None) -> None
– Initializes the PyTorch training job with SMP. -
torch.sagemaker.is_initialized() -> bool
– Checks whether the training job is initialized with SMP. When falling back to the native PyTorch while the job is initialized with SMP, some of the properties are not relevant and becomeNone
, as indicated in the following Properties list. -
torch.sagemaker.utils.module_utils.empty_module_params(module: nn.Module, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, recurse: bool = False) -> nn.Module
– Creates empty parameters on the givendevice
if any, and it can be recursive for all nested modules if specified. -
torch.sagemaker.utils.module_utils.move_buffers_to_device(module: nn.Module, device: torch.device, recurse: bool = False) -> nn.Module
– Moves module buffers to the givendevice
, and it can be recursive for all nested modules if specified.
holds multiple useful properties after the
initialization of SMP with torch.sagemaker.init
(int) – The sharded data parallelism degree, a copy from user input in the SMP configuration passed totorch.sagemaker.init()
. To learn more, see Use the SageMaker model parallelism library v2. -
(int) – The global rank for the device, in the range of[0, world_size)
. -
) – The process group including all devices with the same replication rank. Note the subtle but fundamental difference withtorch.sagemaker.state.tp_process_group
. When falling back to native PyTorch, it returnsNone
. -
(int) – The tensor parallelism degree, a copy from user input in the SMP configuration passed totorch.sagemaker.init()
. To learn more, see Use the SageMaker model parallelism library v2. -
(int) – An alias totorch.sagemaker.state.tensor_parallel_degree
. -
(int) – The tensor parallelism rank for the device in the range of[0, tp_size)
, determined by the tensor parallelism degree and the ranking mechanism. -
) – The tensor parallel process group including all devices with the same rank in other dimensions (for example, sharded data parallelism and replication) but unique tensor parallel ranks. When falling back to native PyTorch, it returnsNone
. -
(int) – The total number of devices used in training.
Upgrade from SMP v1 to SMP v2
To move from SMP v1 to SMP v2, you must make script changes to remove the SMP v1 APIs and apply the SMP v2 APIs. Instead of starting from your SMP v1 script, we recommend you start from a PyTorch FSDP script, and follow the instructions at Use the SageMaker model parallelism library v2.
To bring SMP v1 models to SMP v2, in SMP v1 you must collect the full model state dictionary and apply the translation functions on the model state dictionary to convert it into the Hugging Face Transformers model checkpoint format. Then in SMP v2, as discussed in Checkpointing using SMP, you can load the Hugging Face Transformers model checkpoints, and then continue with using the PyTorch checkpoint APIs with SMP v2. To use SMP with your PyTorch FSDP model, make sure that you move to SMP v2 and make changes to your training script to use PyTorch FSDP and other latest features.
import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp # Create model model = ... model = smp.DistributedModel(model) # Run training ... # Save v1 full checkpoint if smp.rdp_rank() == 0: model_dict = model.state_dict(gather_to_rank0=True) # save the full model # Get the corresponding translation function in smp v1 and translate if model_type == "gpt_neox": from smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.nn.huggingface.gptneox import translate_state_dict_to_hf_gptneox translated_state_dict = translate_state_dict_to_hf_gptneox(state_dict, max_seq_len=None) # Save the checkpoint checkpoint_path = "" if smp.rank() == 0: {"model_state_dict": translated_state_dict}, checkpoint_path, partial=False, )
To find available translation functions in SMP v1, see Support for Hugging Face Transformer Models.
For instruction on model checkpoints saving and loading in SMP v2, see Checkpointing using SMP.