Input Data Quotas - Amazon SageMaker AI

Input Data Quotas

Input datasets used in semantic segmentation labeling jobs have a quota of 20,000 items. For all other labeling job types, the dataset size quota is 100,000 items. To request an increase to the quota for labeling jobs other than semantic segmentation jobs, review the procedures in AWS Service Quotas to request a quota increase.

Input image data for active and non-active learning labeling jobs must not exceed size and resolution quotas. Active learning refers to labeling job that use automated data labeling. Non-active learning refers to labeling jobs that don't use automated data labeling.

Additional quotas apply for label categories for all task types, and for input data and labeling category attributes for 3D point cloud and video frame task types.

Input File Size Quota

Input files can't exceed the following size- quotas for both active and non-active learning labeling jobs. There is no input file size quota for videos used in video classification labeling jobs.

Labeling Job Task Type Input File Size Quota
Image classification 40 MB
Bounding box (Object detection) 40 MB
Semantic segmentation 40 MB
Bounding box (Object detection) label adjustment 40 MB
Semantic segmentation label adjustment 40 MB
Bounding box (Object detection) label verification 40 MB
Semantic segmentation label verification 40 MB

Input Image Resolution Quotas

Image file resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image, and determines the amount of detail an image holds. Image resolution quotas differ depending on the labeling job type and the SageMaker AI built-in algorithm used. The following table lists the resolution quotas for images used in active and non-active learning labeling jobs.

Labeling Job Task Type Resolution Quota - Non Active Learning Resolution Quota - Active Learning
Image classification 100 million pixels 3840 x 2160 pixels (4 K)
Bounding box (Object detection) 100 million pixels 3840 x 2160 pixels (4 K)
Semantic segmentation 100 million pixels 1920 x 1080 pixels (1080 p)
Object detection label adjustment 100 million pixels 3840 x 2160 pixels (4 K)
Semantic segmentation label adjustment 100 million pixels 1920 x 1080 pixels (1080 p)
Object detection label verification 100 million pixels Not available
Semantic segmentation label verification 100 million pixels Not available

Label Category Quotas

Each labeling job task type has a quota for the number of label categories you can specify. Workers select label categories to create annotations. For example, you may specify label categories car, pedestrian, and biker when creating a bounding box labeling job and workers will select the car category before drawing bounding boxes around cars.


Label category names cannot exceed 256 characters.

All label categories must be unique. You cannot specify duplicate label categories.

The following label category limits apply to labeling jobs. Quotas for label categories depend on whether you use the SageMaker API operation CreateLabelingJob or the console to create a labeling job.

Labeling Job Task Type Label Category Quota - API Label Category Quota - Console
Image classification (Multi-label) 50 50
Image classification (Single label) Unlimited 30
Bounding box (Object detection) 50 50
Label verification Unlimited 30
Semantic segmentation (with active learning) 20 10
Semantic segmentation (without active learning) Unlimited 10
Named entity recognition Unlimited 30
Text classification (Multi-label) 50 50
Text classification (Single label) Unlimited 30
Video classification 30 30
Video frame object detection 30 30
Video frame object tracking 30 30
3D point cloud object detection 30 30
3D point cloud object tracking 30 30
3D point cloud semantic segmentation 30 30

3D Point Cloud and Video Frame Labeling Job Quotas

The following quotas apply for 3D point cloud and video frame labeling job input data.

Labeling Job Task Type Input Data Quota
Video frame object detection 2,000 video frames (images) per sequence
Video frame object detection 10 video frame sequences per manifest file
Video frame object tracking 2,000 video frames (images) per sequence
Video frame object tracking 10 video frame sequences per manifest file
3D point cloud object detection 100,000 point cloud frames per labeling job
3D point cloud object tracking 100,000 point cloud frame sequences per labeling job
3D point cloud object tracking 500 point cloud frames in each sequence file

When you create a video frame or 3D point cloud labeling job, you can add one or more label category attributes to each label category that you specify to have workers provide more information about an annotation.

Each label category attribute has a single label category attribute name, and a list of one or more options (values) to choose from. To learn more, see Worker user interface (UI) for 3D point cloud labeling jobs and Worker user interface (UI) for video frame labeling jobs.

The following quotas apply to the number of label category attributes names and values you can specify for labeling jobs.

Labeling Job Task Type Label Category Attribute (name) Quota Label Category Attribute Values Quota
Video frame object detection 10 10
Video frame object tracking 10 10
3D point cloud object detection 10 10
3D point cloud object tracking 10 10
3D point cloud semantic segmentation 10 10