Invoke a Multi-Model Endpoint - Amazon SageMaker AI

Invoke a Multi-Model Endpoint

To invoke a multi-model endpoint, use the invoke_endpoint from the SageMaker AI Runtime just as you would invoke a single model endpoint, with one change. Pass a new TargetModel parameter that specifies which of the models at the endpoint to target. The SageMaker AI Runtime InvokeEndpoint request supports X-Amzn-SageMaker-Target-Model as a new header that takes the relative path of the model specified for invocation. The SageMaker AI system constructs the absolute path of the model by combining the prefix that is provided as part of the CreateModel API call with the relative path of the model.

The following procedures are the same for both CPU and GPU-backed multi-model endpoints.

AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)

The following example prediction request uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3) in the sample notebook.

response = runtime_sagemaker_client.invoke_endpoint( EndpointName = "<ENDPOINT_NAME>", ContentType = "text/csv", TargetModel = "<MODEL_FILENAME>.tar.gz", Body = body)

The following example shows how to make a CSV request with two rows using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint \ --endpoint-name "<ENDPOINT_NAME>" \ --body "1.0,2.0,5.0"$'\n'"2.0,3.0,4.0" \ --content-type "text/csv" \ --target-model "<MODEL_NAME>.tar.gz" output_file.txt

An output_file.txt with information about your inference requests is made if the inference was successful. For more examples on how to make predictions with the AWS CLI, see Making predictions with the AWS CLI in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation.

The multi-model endpoint dynamically loads target models as needed. You can observe this when running the MME Sample Notebook as it iterates through random invocations against multiple target models hosted behind a single endpoint. The first request against a given model takes longer because the model has to be downloaded from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and loaded into memory. This is called a cold start, and it is expected on multi-model endpoints to optimize for better price performance for customers. Subsequent calls finish faster because there's no additional overhead after the model has loaded.


For GPU backed instances, the HTTP response code with 507 from the GPU container indicates a lack of memory or other resources. This causes unused models to be unloaded from the container in order to load more frequently used models.

Retry Requests on ModelNotReadyException Errors

The first time you call invoke_endpoint for a model, the model is downloaded from Amazon Simple Storage Service and loaded into the inference container. This makes the first call take longer to return. Subsequent calls to the same model finish faster, because the model is already loaded.

SageMaker AI returns a response for a call to invoke_endpoint within 60 seconds. Some models are too large to download within 60 seconds. If the model does not finish loading before the 60 second timeout limit, the request to invoke_endpoint returns with the error code ModelNotReadyException, and the model continues to download and load into the inference container for up to 360 seconds. If you get a ModelNotReadyException error code for an invoke_endpoint request, retry the request. By default, the AWS SDKs for Python (Boto 3) (using Legacy retry mode) and Java retry invoke_endpoint requests that result in ModelNotReadyException errors. You can configure the retry strategy to continue retrying the request for up to 360 seconds. If you expect your model to take longer than 60 seconds to download and load into the container, set the SDK socket timeout to 70 seconds. For more information about configuring the retry strategy for the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), see Configuring a retry mode. The following code shows an example that configures the retry strategy to retry calls to invoke_endpoint for up to 180 seconds.

import boto3 from botocore.config import Config # This example retry strategy sets the retry attempts to 2. # With this setting, the request can attempt to download and/or load the model # for upto 180 seconds: 1 orginal request (60 seconds) + 2 retries (120 seconds) config = Config( read_timeout=70, retries={ 'max_attempts': 2 # This value can be adjusted to 5 to go up to the 360s max timeout } ) runtime_sagemaker_client = boto3.client('sagemaker-runtime', config=config)