IP Insights Inference Data Formats - Amazon SageMaker AI

IP Insights Inference Data Formats

The following are the available input and output formats for the IP Insights algorithm. Amazon SageMaker AI built-in algorithms adhere to the common input inference format described in Common data formats for inference. However, the SageMaker AI IP Insights algorithm does not currently support RecordIO format.

IP Insights Input Request Formats


The CSV file must have two columns. The first column is an opaque string that corresponds to an entity's unique identifier. The second column is the IPv4 address of the entity's access event in decimal-dot notation.

content-type: text/csv

entity_id_1, entity_id_2,


JSON data can be provided in different formats. IP Insights follows the common SageMaker AI formats. For more information about inference formats, see Common data formats for inference.

content-type: application/json

{ "instances": [ {"data": {"features": {"values": ["entity_id_1", ""]}}}, {"features": ["entity_id_2", ""]} ] }


The JSON Lines content type is useful for running batch transform jobs. For more information on SageMaker AI inference formats, see Common data formats for inference. For more information on running batch transform jobs, see Batch transform for inference with Amazon SageMaker AI.

content-type: application/jsonlines

{"data": {"features": {"values": ["entity_id_1", ""]}}}, {"features": ["entity_id_2", ""]}]

IP Insights Output Response Formats

OUTPUT: JSON Response Format

The default output of the SageMaker AI IP Insights algorithm is the dot_product between the input entity and IP address. The dot_product signifies how compatible the model considers the entity and IP address. The dot_product is unbounded. To make predictions about whether an event is anomalous, you need to set a threshold based on your defined distribution. For information about how to use the dot_product for anomaly detection, see the An Introduction to the SageMaker AIIP Insights Algorithm.

accept: application/json

{ "predictions": [ {"dot_product": 0.0}, {"dot_product": 2.0} ] }

Advanced users can access the model's learned entity and IP embeddings by providing the additional content-type parameter verbose=True to the Accept heading. You can use the entity_embedding and ip_embedding for debugging, visualizing, and understanding the model. Additionally, you can use these embeddings in other machine learning techniques, such as classification or clustering.

accept: application/json;verbose=True

{ "predictions": [ { "dot_product": 0.0, "entity_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], "ip_embedding": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] }, { "dot_product": 2.0, "entity_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], "ip_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0] } ] }


accept: application/jsonlines

{"dot_product": 0.0} {"dot_product": 2.0}

accept: application/jsonlines; verbose=True

{"dot_product": 0.0, "entity_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], "ip_embedding": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]} {"dot_product": 2.0, "entity_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], "ip_embedding": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0]}