Add a notebook
To add a notebook, choose Shared by my organization, and then select Add notebook from the Add dropdown list. Enter the basic information for your notebook and provide an Amazon S3 URI for the location of that notebook.
First, add the basic descriptive information about your notebook. This information is used to improve the searchability of your notebook.
Add a title for this notebook. Adding a title automatically populates a unique identifier in the ID field based on the notebook title.
Add a description of the notebook.
Select a data type from the options: text, vision, tabular, or audio.
Select an ML task from the list of available tasks, such as image classification or text generation.
Select an ML framework.
Add metadata information with keywords or phrases to use when searching for a notebook. Use commas to separate keywords. Any spaces are automatically replaced with commas.
After you've specified the basic information, you can provide an Amazon S3 URI for the location of that notebook. You can choose Browse to search through your Amazon S3 buckets for your notebook file location. After you find your notebook, copy the Amazon S3 URI, choose Cancel, and then add the Amazon S3 URI to the Notebook Location field.
After you enter all the necessary information, choose Add notebook in the lower right corner.