Modify a PyTorch Training Script - Amazon SageMaker AI

Modify a PyTorch Training Script

In this section, you learn how to modify PyTorch training scripts to configure the SageMaker model parallelism library for auto-partitioning and manual partitioning.


To find which PyTorch versions are supported by the library, see Supported Frameworks and AWS Regions.


For end-to-end notebook examples that demonstrate how to use a PyTorch training script with the SageMaker model parallelism library, see Amazon SageMaker AI model parallelism library v1 examples.

Note that auto-partitioning is enabled by default. Unless otherwise specified, the following scripts use auto-partitioning.

Automated splitting with PyTorch

The following training script changes are required to run a PyTorch training script with SageMaker's model parallelism library:

  1. Import and initialize the library with smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.init().

  2. Wrap the model with smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.DistributedModel. Be mindful that any tensors returned from the forward method of the underlying nn.Module object will be broadcast across model-parallel devices, incurring communication overhead, so any tensors that are not needed outside the call method (such as intermediate activations) should not be returned.


    For FP16 training, you need to use the smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.model_creation() context manager to wrap the model. For more information, see FP16 Training with Model Parallelism.

  3. Wrap the optimizer with smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.DistributedOptimizer.


    For FP16 training, you need to set up static or dynamic loss scaling. For more information, see FP16 Training with Model Parallelism.

  4. Use the returned DistributedModel object instead of a user model.

  5. Put the forward and backward logic in a step function and decorate it with smdistributed.modelparallel.torch.step.

  6. Restrict each process to its own device through torch.cuda.set_device(smp.local_rank()).

  7. Move the input tensors to the GPU using the .to() API before the smp.step call (see example below).

  8. Replace torch.Tensor.backward and torch.autograd.backward with DistributedModel.backward.

  9. Perform post-processing on the outputs across microbatches using StepOutput methods such as reduce_mean.

  10. If there is an evaluation step, similarly place the forward logic inside an smp.step-decorated function and post-process the outputs using StepOutput API.

  11. Set drop_last=True in DataLoader. Alternatively, manually skip a batch in the training loop if the batch size is not divisible by the number of microbatches.

To learn more about the SageMaker's model parallelism library API, refer to the API documentation.

import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torchnet.dataset import SplitDataset from torchvision import datasets import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp class GroupedNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(GroupedNet, self).__init__() # define layers def forward(self, x): # define forward pass and return model outputs # smdistributed: Define smp.step. Return any tensors needed outside. @smp.step def train_step(model, data, target): output = model(data) loss = F.nll_loss(output, target, reduction="mean") model.backward(loss) return output, loss def train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer): model.train() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): # smdistributed: Move input tensors to the GPU ID used by the current process, # based on the set_device call. data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() # Return value, loss_mb is a StepOutput object _, loss_mb = train_step(model, data, target) # smdistributed: Average the loss across microbatches. loss = loss_mb.reduce_mean() optimizer.step() # smdistributed: initialize the backend smp.init() # smdistributed: Set the device to the GPU ID used by the current process. # Input tensors should be transferred to this device. torch.cuda.set_device(smp.local_rank()) device = torch.device("cuda") # smdistributed: Download only on a single process per instance. # When this is not present, the file is corrupted by multiple processes trying # to download and extract at the same time dataset = datasets.MNIST("../data", train=True, download=False) # smdistributed: Shard the dataset based on data-parallel ranks if smp.dp_size() > 1: partitions_dict = {f"{i}": 1 / smp.dp_size() for i in range(smp.dp_size())} dataset = SplitDataset(dataset, partitions=partitions_dict)"{smp.dp_rank()}") # smdistributed: Set drop_last=True to ensure that batch size is always divisible # by the number of microbatches train_loader =, batch_size=64, drop_last=True) model = GroupedNet() optimizer = optim.Adadelta(model.parameters(), lr=4.0) # smdistributed: Use the DistributedModel container to provide the model # to be partitioned across different ranks. For the rest of the script, # the returned DistributedModel object should be used in place of # the model provided for DistributedModel class instantiation. model = smp.DistributedModel(model) optimizer = smp.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer)

Manual splitting with PyTorch

Use smp.partition context managers to place modules in specific devices. Any module not placed in any smp.partition contexts is placed in the default_partition. The default_partition needs to be provided if auto_partition is set to False. The modules that are created within a specific smp.partition context are placed on the corresponding partition.

To learn more about the SageMaker's model parallelism library API, refer to the API documentation.

import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torchnet.dataset import SplitDataset from torchvision import datasets import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp class GroupedNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(GroupedNet, self).__init__() with smp.partition(0): # define child modules on device 0 with smp.partition(1): # define child modules on device 1 def forward(self, x): # define forward pass and return model outputs # smdistributed: Define smp.step. Return any tensors needed outside. @smp.step def train_step(model, data, target): output = model(data) loss = F.nll_loss(output, target, reduction="mean") model.backward(loss) return output, loss def train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer): model.train() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): # smdistributed: Move input tensors to the GPU ID used by the current process, # based on the set_device call. data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() # Return value, loss_mb is a StepOutput object _, loss_mb = train_step(model, data, target) # smdistributed: Average the loss across microbatches. loss = loss_mb.reduce_mean() optimizer.step() # smdistributed: initialize the backend smp.init() # smdistributed: Set the device to the GPU ID used by the current process. # Input tensors should be transferred to this device. torch.cuda.set_device(smp.local_rank()) device = torch.device("cuda") # smdistributed: Download only on a single process per instance. # When this is not present, the file is corrupted by multiple processes trying # to download and extract at the same time dataset = datasets.MNIST("../data", train=True, download=False) # smdistributed: Shard the dataset based on data-parallel ranks if smp.dp_size() > 1: partitions_dict = {f"{i}": 1 / smp.dp_size() for i in range(smp.dp_size())} dataset = SplitDataset(dataset, partitions=partitions_dict)"{smp.dp_rank()}") # smdistributed: Set drop_last=True to ensure that batch size is always divisible # by the number of microbatches train_loader =, batch_size=64, drop_last=True) model = GroupedNet() optimizer = optim.Adadelta(model.parameters(), lr=4.0) # smdistributed: Use the DistributedModel container to provide the model # to be partitioned across different ranks. For the rest of the script, # the returned DistributedModel object should be used in place of # the model provided for DistributedModel class instantiation. model = smp.DistributedModel(model) optimizer = smp.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer)


When you configure a PyTorch training script using SageMaker's model parallelism library, you should be aware of the following:

  • If you are using an optimization technique that relies on global gradient norms, for example gradient norm from the entire model, such as some variants of LAMB optimizer or global gradient clipping, you need to gather all the norms across the model partitions for correctness. You can use the library’s communication basic data types to do this.

  • All torch.Tensor arguments to the forward methods of the nn.Modules in your model must be used in the computation of the module output. In other words, the library does not support the case where there is a torch.Tensor argument to a module on which the module output does not depend.

  • The argument to the smp.DistributedModel.backward() call must depend on all model outputs. In other words, there cannot be an output from the smp.DistributedModel.forward call that is not used in the computation of the tensor that is fed into the smp.DistributedModel.backward call.

  • If there are torch.cuda.synchronize() calls in your code, you might need to call torch.cuda.set_device(smp.local_rank()) immediately before the synchronize call. Otherwise unnecessary CUDA contexts might be created in device 0, which will needlessly consume memory.

  • Since the library places nn.Modules on different devices, the modules in the model must not depend on any global state that is modified inside smp.step. Any state that remains fixed throughout training, or that is modified outside smp.step in a way that is visible to all processes, is allowed.

  • You don’t need to move the model to GPU (for example, using when using the library. If you try to move the model to GPU before the model is partitioned (before the first smp.step call), the move call is ignored. The library automatically moves the part of the model assigned to a rank to its GPU. Once training with the library starts, don’t move the model to CPU and use it, as it won’t have correct parameters for modules not assigned to the partition held by the process. If you want to retrain a model or use it for inference without the library after it was trained using the model parallelism library, the recommended way is to save the full model using our checkpointing API and load it back to a regular PyTorch Module.

  • If you have a list of modules such that output of one feeds into another, replacing that list with nn.Sequential can significantly improve performance.

  • The weight update (optimizer.step()) needs to happen outside of smp.step because that is when the entire backward pass is done and gradients are ready. When using a hybrid model with model and data parallelism, at this point, AllReduce of gradients is also guaranteed to finish.

  • When using the library in combination with data parallelism, make sure that the number of batches on all data parallel ranks is the same so that AllReduce does not hang waiting for a rank which is not participating in the step.

  • If you launch a training job using an ml.p4d instance type (such as ml.p4d.24xlarge), you must set the data loader variable num_workers=0. For example, you may define your DataLoader as follows:

    dataloader = data, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, shuffle=shuffle, )
  • The inputs to smp.step must be the model inputs generated by DataLoader. This is because smp.step internally splits the input tensors along the batch dimension and pipelines them. This means that passing DataLoader itself to the smp.step function to generate the model inputs inside does not work.

    For example, if you define a DataLoader as follows:

    train_loader =, batch_size=64, drop_last=True)

    You should access the model inputs generated by train_loader and pass those to an smp.step decorated function. Do not pass train_loader directly to the smp.step function.

    def train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer): model.train() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): ... _, loss_mb = train_step(model, data, target) ... @smp.step def train_step(model, data, target): ... return output, loss
  • The input tensors to smp.step must be moved to the current device using .to() API, which must take place after the torch.cuda.set_device(local_rank()) call.

    For example, you may define the train function as follows. This function adds data and target to the current device using .to() API before using those input tensors to call train_step.

    def train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer): model.train() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): # smdistributed: Move input tensors to the GPU ID used by the current process, # based on the set_device call. data, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() # Return value, loss_mb is a StepOutput object _, loss_mb = train_step(model, data, target) # smdistributed: Average the loss across microbatches. loss = loss_mb.reduce_mean() optimizer.step()

    The input tensors to this smp.set decorated function have been moved to the current device in the train function above. The model does not need to be moved to the current device. The library automatically moves the part of the model assigned to a rank to its GPU.

    @smp.step def train_step(model, data, target): output = model(data) loss = F.nll_loss(output, target, reduction="mean") model.backward(loss) return output, loss

Unsupported framework features

The following PyTorch features are unsupported by SageMaker's model parallelism library:

  • If you use data parallelism with the native PyTorch DDP, the torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel wrapper module is not supported by the library. The library internally manages integrating with PyTorch DDP, including parameter broadcast and gradient AllReduce. When using the library, module buffers are only broadcast once at the start of training. If your model has module buffers that need to be synchronized across data parallel groups at each step, you can do so through the torch.distributed API, using the process group that can be obtained via smp.get_dp_process_group().

  • For mixed precision training, the apex.amp module is not supported. The recommended way to use the library with automatic mixed-precision is to use torch.cuda.amp, with the exception of using smp.amp.GradScaler instead of the implementation in torch.

  • torch.jit.ScriptModules or ScriptFunctions are not supported by smp.DistributedModel.

  • apex : FusedLayerNorm, FusedAdam, FusedLAMB, and FusedNovoGrad from apex are not supported. You can use the library implementations of these through smp.optimizers and smp.nn APIs instead.