Usage Metering - Amazon SageMaker AI

Usage Metering


As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the Studio Classic application. For information about using the updated Studio experience, see Amazon SageMaker Studio.

There is no additional charge for using Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The costs incurred for running Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic notebooks, interactive shells, consoles, and terminals are based on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance usage.

When you run the following resources, you must choose a SageMaker AI image and kernel:

From the Studio Classic Launcher
  • Notebook

  • Interactive Shell

  • Image Terminal

From the File menu
  • Notebook

  • Console

When launched, the resource is run on an Amazon EC2 instance of the chosen instance type. If an instance of that type was previously launched and is available, the resource is run on that instance.

For CPU based images, the default suggested instance type is ml.t3.medium. For GPU based images, the default suggested instance type is ml.g4dn.xlarge.

The costs incurred are based on the instance type. You are billed separately for each instance.

Metering starts when an instance is created. Metering ends when all the apps on the instance are shut down, or the instance is shut down. For information about how to shut down an instance, see Shut down resources from Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic.


You must shut down the instance to stop incurring charges. If you shut down the notebook running on the instance but don't shut down the instance, you will still incur charges. When you shut down the Studio Classic notebook instances, any additional resources, such as SageMaker AI endpoints, Amazon EMR clusters, and Amazon S3 buckets created from Studio Classic are not deleted. Delete those resources to stop accrual of charges.

When you open multiple notebooks on the same instance type, the notebooks run on the same instance even if they are using different kernels. You are billed only for the time that one instance is running.

You can change the instance type from within the notebook after you open it. For more information, see Change an Instance Type.

For information about billing along with pricing examples, see Amazon SageMaker AI Pricing.