Downgrade to the existing version - Amazon SageMaker AI

Downgrade to the existing version

You can manually downgrade the version of your existing RStudio application to the 2023.03.3-547.pro5 version.

To downgrade to the existing version
  1. Delete the RStudioServerPro application that's associated with your existing domain. For information about how to find your domain ID, see View domains.

    aws sagemaker delete-app \     --domain-id domainId \     --user-profile-name domain-shared \     --app-type RStudioServerPro \     --app-name default
  2. Pass the corresponding 2023.03.3-547.pro5 ARN for your Region as part of the update-domain command. For a list of all available ARNs, see Versioning. You must also pass an execution role ARN for the domain that provides permissions to update the domain.

    aws sagemaker update-domain \ --region region \ --domain-id domainId \ --domain-settings-for-update "{\"RStudioServerProDomainSettingsForUpdate\":{\"DefaultResourceSpec\": {\"SageMakerImageArn\": \"arn-for-2023.03.3-547.pro5-version\", \"InstanceType\": \"system\"}, \"DomainExecutionRoleArn\": \"execution-role-arn\"}}"
  3. Create a new RStudioServerPro application in the existing domain. The RStudio version defaults to 2023.03.3-547.pro5.

    aws sagemaker create-app \     --domain-id domainId \     --user-profile-name domain-shared \     --app-type RStudioServerPro \     --app-name default

Your RStudioServerPro application is now downgraded to version 2023.03.3-547.pro5.