Describe a serverless endpoint - Amazon SageMaker AI

Describe a serverless endpoint

You might want to retrieve information about your endpoint, including details such as the endpoint’s ARN, current status, deployment configuration, and failure reasons. You can find information about your endpoint using the SageMaker AI console, the DescribeEndpoint API, or the AWS CLI.

To describe an endpoint (using API)

The following example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to call the DescribeEndpoint API. For EndpointName, use the name of the endpoint you want to check.

response = client.describe_endpoint( EndpointName="<your-endpoint-name>", )

To describe an endpoint (using the console)

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SageMaker AI console.

  2. In the navigation tab, choose Inference.

  3. Next, choose Endpoints.

  4. From the list of endpoints, choose the endpoint you want to check.

The endpoint page contains the information about your endpoint.