Access Spark UI from Studio or Studio Classic
The following sections give instructions for accessing the Spark UI from SageMaker AI Studio or Studio Classic notebooks. The Spark UI allows you to monitor and debug your Spark Jobs submitted to run on Amazon EMR from Studio or Studio Classic notebooks. SSH tunneling and presigned URLs are two ways for accessing the Spark UI.
Set up SSH tunneling for Spark UI access
To set up SSH tunneling to access the Spark UI, follow one of the two options in this section.
Options for setting up SSH tunneling:
For information about viewing web interfaces hosted on Amazon EMR clusters, see View web interfaces hosted on Amazon EMR Clusters. You can also visit your Amazon EMR console to get access to the Spark UI.
You can set up an SSH tunnel even if presigned URLs are not available to you.
Presigned URLs
To create one-click URLs that can access Spark UI on Amazon EMR from SageMaker Studio or Studio Classic notebooks, you must enable the following IAM permissions. Choose the option that applies to you:
For Amazon EMR clusters that are in the same account as the SageMaker Studio or Studio Classic notebook: Add the following permissions to the SageMaker Studio or Studio Classic IAM execution role.
For Amazon EMR clusters that are in a different account (not SageMaker Studio or Studio Classic notebook): Add the following permissions to the cross-account role that you created for List Amazon EMR clusters from Studio or Studio Classic.
You can access presigned URLs from the console in the following regions:
US East (N. Virginia) Region
US West (N. California) Region
Canada (Central) Region
Europe (Frankfurt) Region
Europe (Stockholm) Region
Europe (Ireland) Region
Europe (London) Region
Europe (Paris) Region
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
South America (São Paulo)
The following policy gives access to presigned URLs for your execution role.
{ "Sid": "AllowPresignedUrl", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "elasticmapreduce:DescribeCluster", "elasticmapreduce:ListInstanceGroups", "elasticmapreduce:CreatePersistentAppUI", "elasticmapreduce:DescribePersistentAppUI", "elasticmapreduce:GetPersistentAppUIPresignedURL", "elasticmapreduce:GetOnClusterAppUIPresignedURL" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:elasticmapreduce:
:cluster/*" ] }