Using CloudWatch Logs to log execution history in Step Functions - AWS Step Functions

Using CloudWatch Logs to log execution history in Step Functions

Standard Workflows record execution history in AWS Step Functions, although you can optionally configure logging to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Unlike Standard Workflows, Express Workflows don't record execution history in AWS Step Functions. To see execution history and results for an Express Workflow, you must configure logging to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Publishing logs doesn't block or slow down executions.


When you configure logging, CloudWatch Logs charges will apply and you will be billed at the vended logs rate. For more information, see Vended Logs under the Logs tab on the CloudWatch Pricing page.

Configure logging

When you create a Standard Workflow using the Step Functions console, that state machine will not be configured to send logs to CloudWatch Logs. When you create an Express Workflow using the Step Functions console, that state machine will by default be configured to send logs to CloudWatch Logs.

For Express workflows, Step Functions can create a role with the necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy for CloudWatch Logs. If you create a Standard Workflow, or an Express Workflow using the API, CLI, or AWS CloudFormation, Step Functions will not enable logging by default, and you will need ensure your role has the necessary permissions.

For each execution started from the console, Step Functions provides a link to CloudWatch Logs, configured with the correct filter to fetch log events specific for that execution.

You can optionally configure customer managed AWS KMS keys to encrypt your logs. See Data at rest encryption for details and permission settings.

To configure logging, you can pass the LoggingConfiguration parameter when using CreateStateMachine or UpdateStateMachine. You can further analyze your data in CloudWatch Logs by using CloudWatch Logs Insights. For more information see Analyzing Log Data with CloudWatch Logs Insights.

CloudWatch Logs payloads

Execution history events may contain either input or output properties in their definitions. If escaped input or escaped output sent to CloudWatch Logs exceeds 248KB, it will be truncated as a result of CloudWatch Logs quotas.

IAM Policies for logging to CloudWatch Logs

You will also need to configure your state machine's execution IAM role to have the proper permission to log to CloudWatch Logs as shown in the following example.

IAM policy example

The following is an example policy you can use to configure your permissions. As shown in the following example, you need to specify * in the Resource field. CloudWatch API actions, such as CreateLogDelivery and DescribeLogGroups, do not support Resource types defined by Amazon CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see Actions defined by Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

  • For information about CloudWatch resources, see CloudWatch Logs resources and operations in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

  • For information about the permissions you need to set up sending logs to CloudWatch Logs, see User permissions in the section titled Logs sent to CloudWatch Logs.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogDelivery", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:GetLogDelivery", "logs:UpdateLogDelivery", "logs:DeleteLogDelivery", "logs:ListLogDeliveries", "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:PutResourcePolicy", "logs:DescribeResourcePolicies", "logs:DescribeLogGroups" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
Troubleshooting state machine logging to CloudWatch Logs

If your state machine cannot send logs to CloudWatch Logs, try the following steps:

  1. Verify your state machine's execution role has permission to log to CloudWatch Logs.

    When you call CreateStateMachine or UpdateStateMachine API endpoints, make sure the IAM role specified in the roleArn parameter provides the necessary permissions, shown in the preceding IAM policy example.

  2. Verify the CloudWatch Logs resource policy does not exceed the 5,120 character limit.

    If the policy exceeds the character limit, prefix your log group names with /aws/vendedlogs/states to grant permissions to your state machines and avoid the limit. When you create a log group in the Step Functions console, the suggested log group names are already prefixed with /aws/vendedlogs/states. For more information on logging best practices, see CloudWatch Logs resource policy size limits.

Log levels for Step Functions execution events

Log levels range from ALL to ERROR to FATAL to OFF. All event types are logged for ALL, no event types are logged when set to OFF. For ERROR and FATAL, see the following table.

For more information about the execution data displayed for Express Workflow executions based on these Log levels, see Standard and Express console experience differences.



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