Creating a schema mapping
This procedure describes the process of creating a schema mapping using the AWS Entity Resolution console
There are three ways to create a schema mapping:
Import existing input data using the Import from AWS Glue option – Use this creation method to define input fields starting with pre-populated columns from an AWS Glue table using a guided flow.
Manually defining input data using the Build custom schema option – Use this creation method to manually define the input fields using a guided flow.
Manually create using the Use JSON editor option – Use a JSON editor to manually create, use a sample, or import existing input data.
The Unique ID and Input fields aren't available with this option.
- Import from AWS Glue
To create schema mapping by importing existing input data from AWS Glue
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Entity Resolution console
with your AWS account, if you haven't yet done so. -
In the left navigation pane, under Data preparation, choose Schema mappings.
On the Schema mappings page, in the upper right corner, choose Create schema mapping.
For Step 1: Specify schema details, do the following:
For Name and creation method, enter a Schema mapping name and an optional Description.
For Creation method, choose Import from AWS Glue.
Choose the AWS Glue database from the dropdown, and then choose the AWS Glue table from the dropdown.
To create a new table, go to the AWS Glue console
. For more information, see AWS Glue tables in the AWS Glue User Guide. -
For Unique ID, specify the column that distinctly references each row of your data.
For example:
, orRecord_ID
The Unique ID column is required. The Unique ID must be a unique identifier within a single table. However, across different tables, the Unique ID can have duplicate values. If the Unique ID isn't specified, isn't unique within the same source, or overlaps in terms of attribute names across sources, then AWS Entity Resolution rejects the record when the matching workflow is run. If you are using this schema mapping in a rule-based matching workflow, the Unique ID must not exceed 38 characters.
For Input fields, choose the columns you want to use for matching and for optional pass through.
You can choose a maximum of 34 columns total for both matching and pass through.
Under Matching, choose the columns you to use as input fields for matching.
You can choose a maximum of 24 columns total for matching.
Select Add columns for pass through if you want to specify the columns that aren't used for matching.
(Optional) Under Pass through, choose the columns to include as pass through columns.
(Optional) If you want to enable Tags for the resource, choose Add new tag, and then enter the Key and Value pair.
Choose Next.
For Step 2: Map input fields, define the input fields you want to use for matching and for optional pass through.
For Input fields for matching, for each Input field,
Specify the Attribute type to classify the data.
Specify the Match key name to enable input field comparison to your matching workflow. Certain match key names are automatically associated with specific attribute types by default.
Select the Hashed checkbox if the column value for that input field is hashed or leave the checkbox blank if the value is cleartext.
If you're creating a schema mapping to use with the LiveRamp provider service-based matching technique, then you can:
Specify the Attribute type for the Provider ID as LiveRamp ID.
Specify the Attribute type for the name field as either multiple fields (such as First name, Last name) or in one field.
Specify the Attribute type for the street address field as either multiple fields (such as Street address 1, Street address 2, ) or in one field (Full address).
If matching against an address, a zip code (Postal code) is required.
If you include email (Email address) or phone (Phone number) with a name, those fields can match against the street address.
If you're creating a schema mapping to use with the machine learning-based matching workflow, your dataset must contain at least one of the following Attribute types:
Full name
Full address
Full phone
Email address
Date with a Match key name of Date of birth
Don't specify the Attribute type for any of these attributes as a Custom string.
(Optional) For Input fields for pass through, add the input fields that won't be matched and their corresponding Hashing status.
The Hashing status indicates if the column value for that input field is hashed or cleartext.
Choose Next.
For Step 3: Group data, you can group the Name, Address, and Phone number input fields if they have been separated into multiple fields.
This step concatenates the related input fields into one field, which enables you to compare them as one field in a matching workflow.
If you don't have any data mapped to the Name, Address, or Phone number input fields, then this section will be blank.
You can also add more groups if you have more types of data.
If you want to group Name input data:
For Full name, choose two or more Input fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full name.
If you want to normalize the Full name subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full name group: First name, Middle name, and Last name.
If you want to group Address input data:
For Full address, choose two or more Input fields fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key. are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full address.
If you want to normalize the Full address subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full address group: Street address 1, Street address 2: Street address 3 name, City name, State, Country, and Postal code.
If you want to group Phone input data:
For Full phone, choose two or more Input fields fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key. are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full phone.
If you want to normalize the Full phone subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full phone group: Phone number, and Phone country code.
Choose Next.
For Step 4: Review and create, do the following:
Review the selections that you made for the previous steps and edit if necessary.
Choose Create schema mapping.
You can’t modify a schema mapping after you associate it to a workflow. You can clone a schema mapping if you want to use an existing configuration to create a new schema mapping.
After you create the schema mapping, you're ready to create a matching workflow or create an ID namespace.
- Build custom schema
To create a schema mapping using the Build custom schema option
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Entity Resolution console
with your AWS account, if you haven't yet done so. -
In the left navigation pane, under Data preparation, choose Schema mappings.
On the Schema mappings page, in the upper right corner, choose Create schema mapping.
For Step 1: Specify schema details, do the following:
For name and creation method, enter a Schema mapping name and an optional Description.
For Creation method, choose Build custom schema.
For Unique ID, enter a unique ID to identify each row of your data.
For example:
, orRecord_ID
The Unique ID column is required. The Unique ID must be a unique identifier within a single table. However, across different tables, the Unique ID can have duplicate values. If the Unique ID isn't specified, isn't unique within the same source, or overlaps in terms of attribute names across sources, then AWS Entity Resolution rejects the record when the matching workflow is run. If you are using this schema mapping in a rule-based matching workflow, the Unique ID must not exceed 38 characters.
(Optional) If you want to enable Tags for the resource, choose Add new tag, and then enter the Key and Value pair.
Choose Next.
For Step 2: Map input fields, define the input fields you want to use for matching and for optional pass through.
You can define a maximum of 34 columns total for both matching and pass through.
For Input fields for matching, enter an Input field.
Select the Attribute type to classify the data.
If you're creating a schema mapping to use with the LiveRamp provider service-based matching technique, then you can specify the providerID Attribute type as LiveRamp ID. If you want to include PII data in the output, then you must specify the Attribute type as Custom string.
If you're creating a schema mapping to use with the machine learning-based matching workflow, your dataset must contain at least one of the following Attribute types:
Full name
Full address
Full phone
Email address
Date with a Match key name of Date of birth
Don't specify the Attribute type for any of these attributes as a Custom string.
Select the Match key name to enable input field comparison to your matching workflow.
Certain match key names are automatically associated with specific attribute types by default.
Select the Hashed checkbox if the column value for that input field is hashed or leave the checkbox blank if the value is cleartext.
Choose Add input field to add more input fields.
You can add a maximum of 24 input fields total for matching.
(Optional) For Input fields for pass through, add the input fields that won't be matched and their corresponding Hashing status.
Choose Next.
For Step 3: Group data, you can group the Name, Address, Phone number input fields if they have been separated into multiple fields.
This step concatenates the related input fields into one field, which enables you to compare them as one field in a matching workflow.
If you don't have any data mapped to Name, Address, Phone number input fields, then this section will be blank.
You can also add more groups if you have more types of data.
If you want to group Name input data:
For Full name, choose two or more Input fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full name.
If you want to normalize the Full name subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full name group: First name, Middle name, and Last name.
If you want to group Address input data:
For Full address, choose two or more Input fields fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key. are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full address.
If you want to normalize the Full address subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full address group: Street address 1, Street address 2: Street address 3 name, City name, State, Country, and Postal code.
If you want to group Phone input data:
For Full phone, choose two or more Input fields fields you want to group.
The Group name and Match key. are automatically associated with the data type.
You can update the Group name and the Match key with a custom match key can contain up to 255 characters, including letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
Choose Add group to add another group.
Normalization is only supported for Full phone.
If you want to normalize the Full phone subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to the Full phone group: Phone number, and Phone country code.
Choose Next.
For Step 4: Review and create, do the following:
Review the selections that you made for the previous steps and edit if necessary.
Choose Create schema mapping.
You can’t modify a schema mapping after you associate it with a workflow. You can clone a schema mapping if you want to use an existing configuration to create a new schema mapping.
After you create the schema mapping, you're ready to create a matching workflow or create an ID namespace.
- Use JSON editor
To create a schema mapping by using the JSON editor
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Entity Resolution console
with your AWS account, if you haven't yet done so. -
In the left navigation pane, under Data preparation, choose Schema mappings.
On the Schema mappings page, in the upper right corner, choose Create schema mapping.
For Step 1: Specify schema details, do the following:
For name and creation method, enter a Schema mapping name and an optional Description.
For Creation method, choose Use JSON editor.
(Optional) If you want to enable Tags for the resource, choose Add new tag, and then enter the Key and Value pair.
Choose Next.
For Step 2: Specify mapping:
Start building the schema in the JSON editor or choose one of the following options based on your goal:
Your goal Recommended option Start building your schema mapping Insert sample JSON and then edit the information as necessary. Use an existing JSON file Import from file Note
Normalization is only supported for the following types:
.If you want to normalize the
subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to theNAME
If you want to normalize the
subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to theADDRESS
.If you want to normalize the
subtypes, then assign the following subtypes to thePHONE
. -
Choose Next.
For Step 3: Review and create:
Review the selections that you made for the previous steps and edit if necessary.
Choose Create schema mapping.
You can’t modify a schema mapping after you associate it with a workflow. You can clone a schema mapping if you want to use an existing configuration to create a new schema mapping.
After you create the schema mapping, you're ready to create a matching workflow or create an ID namespace.