AWS::SageMaker::ModelQualityJobDefinition S3Output - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::SageMaker::ModelQualityJobDefinition S3Output

The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "LocalPath" : String, "S3UploadMode" : String, "S3Uri" : String }


LocalPath: String S3UploadMode: String S3Uri: String



The local path to the Amazon S3 storage location where Amazon SageMaker saves the results of a monitoring job. LocalPath is an absolute path for the output data.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: .*

Maximum: 256

Update requires: Replacement


Whether to upload the results of the monitoring job continuously or after the job completes.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: Continuous | EndOfJob

Update requires: Replacement


A URI that identifies the Amazon S3 storage location where Amazon SageMaker saves the results of a monitoring job.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^(https|s3)://([^/]+)/?(.*)$

Maximum: 512

Update requires: Replacement