AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook - AWS CloudFormation


The AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook resource creates and registers your webhook. After the webhook is created and registered, it triggers your pipeline to start every time an external event occurs. For more information, see Migrate polling pipelines to use event-based change detection in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.

We strongly recommend that you use AWS Secrets Manager to store your credentials. If you use Secrets Manager, you must have already configured and stored your secret parameters in Secrets Manager. For more information, see Using Dynamic References to Specify Template Values.


When passing secret parameters, do not enter the value directly into the template. The value is rendered as plaintext and is therefore readable. For security reasons, do not use plaintext in your AWS CloudFormation template to store your credentials.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook", "Properties" : { "Authentication" : String, "AuthenticationConfiguration" : WebhookAuthConfiguration, "Filters" : [ WebhookFilterRule, ... ], "Name" : String, "RegisterWithThirdParty" : Boolean, "TargetAction" : String, "TargetPipeline" : String, "TargetPipelineVersion" : Integer } }


Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook Properties: Authentication: String AuthenticationConfiguration: WebhookAuthConfiguration Filters: - WebhookFilterRule Name: String RegisterWithThirdParty: Boolean TargetAction: String TargetPipeline: String TargetPipelineVersion: Integer



Supported options are GITHUB_HMAC, IP, and UNAUTHENTICATED.


When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.


If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.

  • For information about the authentication scheme implemented by GITHUB_HMAC, see Securing your webhooks on the GitHub Developer website.

  • IP rejects webhooks trigger requests unless they originate from an IP address in the IP range whitelisted in the authentication configuration.

  • UNAUTHENTICATED accepts all webhook trigger requests regardless of origin.

Required: Yes

Type: String


Update requires: No interruption


Properties that configure the authentication applied to incoming webhook trigger requests. The required properties depend on the authentication type. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set to a valid CIDR range. For UNAUTHENTICATED, no properties can be set.

Required: Yes

Type: WebhookAuthConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption


A list of rules applied to the body/payload sent in the POST request to a webhook URL. All defined rules must pass for the request to be accepted and the pipeline started.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of WebhookFilterRule

Maximum: 5

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the webhook.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9.@\-_]+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Update requires: Replacement


Configures a connection between the webhook that was created and the external tool with events to be detected.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the action in a pipeline you want to connect to the webhook. The action must be from the source (first) stage of the pipeline.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9.@\-_]+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the pipeline you want to connect to the webhook.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9.@\-_]+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Update requires: No interruption


The version number of the pipeline to be connected to the trigger request.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption

Required: Yes

Type: Integer

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9.@\-_]+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the webhook name, such as MyFirstPipeline-SourceAction1-Webhook-utb9LrOl24Kk.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The webhook URL generated by AWS CodePipeline, such as


Webhook Resource Configuration

The following example creates a webhook named MyWebhook and registers the webhook for the pipeline's GitHub source repository. In this example, WebhookPipeline is the logical ID of the pipeline to which you want to add the webhook.

We strongly recommend that you use AWS Secrets Manager to store your credentials. If you use Secrets Manager, you must have already configured and stored your secret parameters in Secrets Manager. This example uses dynamic references to AWS Secrets Manager for the GitHub credentials for your webhook, in the form of the {{resolve:secretsmanager:MyGitHubSecret:SecretString:token}} reference. For more information, see Using Dynamic References to Specify Template Values.


When passing secret parameters, do not enter the value directly into the template. The value is rendered as plaintext and is therefore readable. For security reasons, do not use plaintext in your AWS CloudFormation template to store your credentials.


{ "Webhook": { "Type": "AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook", "Properties": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "SecretToken": "{{resolve:secretsmanager:MyGitHubSecret:SecretString:token}}" }, "Filters": [ { "JsonPath": "$.ref", "MatchEquals": "refs/heads/{Branch}" } ], "Authentication": "GITHUB_HMAC", "TargetPipeline": { "Ref" : "WebhookPipeline" }, "TargetAction": "Source", "Name": "MyWebhook", "TargetPipelineVersion": { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "WebhookPipeline", "Version" ] }, "RegisterWithThirdParty": "true" } } }


Webhook: Type: 'AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook' Properties: AuthenticationConfiguration: SecretToken: {{resolve:secretsmanager:MyGitHubSecret:SecretString:token}} Filters: - JsonPath: "$.ref" MatchEquals: refs/heads/{Branch} Authentication: GITHUB_HMAC TargetPipeline: !Ref WebhookPipeline TargetAction: Source Name: MyWebhook TargetPipelineVersion: !GetAtt WebhookPipeline.Version RegisterWithThirdParty: 'true'