Register a third-party private extension in your account - AWS CloudFormation

Register a third-party private extension in your account

This topic covers the steps to register a third-party private extension that's shared with you so it's available for use in your account.


Before you continue, confirm that you have the required IAM permissions to register a private extension.

To register a private extension that's shared with you (AWS CLI)
  1. Locate the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the project package for the private extension you want to register in your account.

  2. Use the register-type command to register the private extension in your account.

    For example, the following command registers the My::Resource::Example resource type in the specified AWS account.

    aws cloudformation register-type --type RESOURCE \ --type-name My::Resource::Example \ --schema-handler-package [s3 object path] --region us-west-2

    RegisterType is an asynchronous operation, and returns a registration token you can use to track the progress of your registration request.

    { "RegistrationToken": "f5525280-104e-4d35-bef5-8f1fexample" }

    If your extension calls AWS APIs as part of its functionality, you must create an IAM execution role that includes the necessary permissions to call those AWS APIs, and provision that execution role in your account. You can then specify this execution role using the --execution-role-arn option. CloudFormation then assumes that execution role to provide your resource type with the appropriate credentials.

    --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyIAMRole
  3. (Optional) Use the registration token with the describe-type-registration command to track the progress of your registration request.

    When CloudFormation completes the registration request, it sets the progress status of the request to COMPLETE.

    The following example uses the registration token returned by the describe-type-registration command above to return registration status information.

    aws cloudformation describe-type-registration \ --registration-token f5525280-104e-4d35-bef5-8f1fexample \ --region us-west-2

    The command returns the following output.

    { "ProgressStatus": "COMPLETE", "TypeArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:type/resource/My-Resource-Example", "Description": "Deployment is currently in DEPLOY_STAGE of status COMPLETED; ", "TypeVersionArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:type/resource/My-Resource-Example/00000001" }

If the extension you are registering is a Hook, this next step is required. You must specify ENABLED for the HookInvocationStatus property. This operation enables the Hook’s properties that are defined in the Hook’s schema properties section. For more information, see Hook configuration schema syntax reference in the AWS CloudFormation Hooks User Guide.

To specify the configuration data for a Hook (AWS CLI)
  1. Get the ARN for your Hook and save it. You can get the ARN of a Hook using the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI. For more information see View the available and activated extensions in the CloudFormation registry.

    export HOOK_TYPE_ARN="arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:type/hook/Organization-Service-Hook/"
  2. Use the set-type-configuration command to specify the configuration data. The JSON you pass for --configuration must validate against the Hook's configuration schema. To activate the Hook, you must set the HookInvocationStatus property to ENABLED in the HookConfiguration section.

    aws cloudformation set-type-configuration \ --configuration "{"CloudFormationConfiguration":{"HookConfiguration":{"HookInvocationStatus": "ENABLED", "FailureMode": "FAIL", "Properties":{}}}}" \ --type-arn $HOOK_TYPE_ARN --region us-west-2

    For more information, see Hook configuration schema syntax reference in the AWS CloudFormation Hooks User Guide.