ImageCriterion - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


The list of criteria that are evaluated to determine whch AMIs are discoverable and usable in the account in the specified AWS Region. Currently, the only criteria that can be specified are AMI providers.

Up to 10 imageCriteria objects can be specified, and up to a total of 200 values for all imageProviders. For more information, see JSON configuration for the Allowed AMIs criteria in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.



A list of AMI providers whose AMIs are discoverable and useable in the account. Up to a total of 200 values can be specified.

Possible values:

amazon: Allow AMIs created by AWS.

aws-marketplace: Allow AMIs created by verified providers in the AWS Marketplace.

aws-backup-vault: Allow AMIs created by AWS Backup.

12-digit account ID: Allow AMIs created by this account. One or more account IDs can be specified.

none: Allow AMIs created by your own account only.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: