Best practices for Aurora MySQL performance and scaling - Amazon Aurora

Best practices for Aurora MySQL performance and scaling

You can apply the following best practices to improve the performance and scalability of your Aurora MySQL clusters.

Using T instance classes for development and testing

Amazon Aurora MySQL instances that use the db.t2, db.t3, or db.t4g DB instance classes are best suited for applications that do not support a high workload for an extended amount of time. The T instances are designed to provide moderate baseline performance and the capability to burst to significantly higher performance as required by your workload. They are intended for workloads that don't use the full CPU often or consistently, but occasionally need to burst. We recommend using the T DB instance classes only for development and test servers, or other non-production servers. For more details on the T instance classes, see Burstable performance instances.

If your Aurora cluster is larger than 40 TB, don't use the T instance classes. When your database has a large volume of data, the memory overhead for managing schema objects can exceed the capacity of a T instance.

Don't enable the MySQL Performance Schema on Amazon Aurora MySQL T instances. If the Performance Schema is enabled, the instance might run out of memory.


If your database is sometimes idle but at other times has a substantial workload, you can use Aurora Serverless v2 as an alternative to T instances. With Aurora Serverless v2, you define a capacity range and Aurora automatically scales your database up or down depending on the current workload. For usage details, see Using Aurora Serverless v2. For the database engine versions that you can use with Aurora Serverless v2, see Requirements and limitations for Aurora Serverless v2.

When you use a T instance as a DB instance in an Aurora MySQL DB cluster, we recommend the following:

  • Use the same DB instance class for all instances in your DB cluster. For example, if you use db.t2.medium for your writer instance, then we recommend that you use db.t2.medium for your reader instances also.

  • Don't adjust any memory-related configuration settings, such as innodb_buffer_pool_size. Aurora uses a highly tuned set of default values for memory buffers on T instances. These special defaults are needed for Aurora to run on memory-constrained instances. If you change any memory-related settings on a T instance, you are much more likely to encounter out-of-memory conditions, even if your change is intended to increase buffer sizes.

  • Monitor your CPU Credit Balance (CPUCreditBalance) to ensure that it is at a sustainable level. That is, CPU credits are being accumulated at the same rate as they are being used.

    When you have exhausted the CPU credits for an instance, you see an immediate drop in the available CPU and an increase in the read and write latency for the instance. This situation results in a severe decrease in the overall performance of the instance.

    If your CPU credit balance is not at a sustainable level, then we recommend that you modify your DB instance to use a one of the supported R DB instance classes (scale compute).

    For more information on monitoring metrics, see Viewing metrics in the Amazon RDS console.

  • Monitor the replica lag (AuroraReplicaLag) between the writer instance and the reader instances.

    If a reader instance runs out of CPU credits before the writer instance does, the resulting lag can cause the reader instance to restart frequently. This result is common when an application has a heavy load of read operations distributed among reader instances, at the same time that the writer instance has a minimal load of write operations.

    If you see a sustained increase in replica lag, make sure that your CPU credit balance for the reader instances in your DB cluster is not being exhausted.

    If your CPU credit balance is not at a sustainable level, then we recommend that you modify your DB instance to use one of the supported R DB instance classes (scale compute).

  • Keep the number of inserts per transaction below 1 million for DB clusters that have binary logging enabled.

    If the DB cluster parameter group for your DB cluster has the binlog_format parameter set to a value other than OFF, then your DB cluster might experience out-of-memory conditions if the DB cluster receives transactions that contain over 1 million rows to insert. You can monitor the freeable memory (FreeableMemory) metric to determine if your DB cluster is running out of available memory. You then check the write operations (VolumeWriteIOPS) metric to see if a writer instance is receiving a heavy load of write operations. If this is the case, then we recommend that you update your application to limit the number of inserts in a transaction to less than 1 million. Alternatively, you can modify your instance to use one of the supported R DB instance classes (scale compute).

Optimizing Aurora MySQL indexed join queries with asynchronous key prefetch

Aurora MySQL can use the asynchronous key prefetch (AKP) feature to improve the performance of queries that join tables across indexes. This feature improves performance by anticipating the rows needed to run queries in which a JOIN query requires use of the Batched Key Access (BKA) Join algorithm and Multi-Range Read (MRR) optimization features. For more information about BKA and MRR, see Block nested-loop and batched key access joins and Multi-range read optimization in the MySQL documentation.

To take advantage of the AKP feature, a query must use both BKA and MRR. Typically, such a query occurs when the JOIN clause of a query uses a secondary index, but also needs some columns from the primary index. For example, you can use AKP when a JOIN clause represents an equijoin on index values between a small outer and large inner table, and the index is highly selective on the larger table. AKP works in concert with BKA and MRR to perform a secondary to primary index lookup during the evaluation of the JOIN clause. AKP identifies the rows required to run the query during the evaluation of the JOIN clause. It then uses a background thread to asynchronously load the pages containing those rows into memory before running the query.

AKP is available for Aurora MySQL version 2.10 and higher, and version 3. For more information about Aurora MySQL versions, see Database engine updates for Amazon Aurora MySQL.

Enabling asynchronous key prefetch

You can enable the AKP feature by setting aurora_use_key_prefetch, a MySQL server variable, to on. By default, this value is set to on. However, AKP can't be enabled until you also enable the BKA Join algorithm and disable cost-based MRR functionality. To do so, you must set the following values for optimizer_switch, a MySQL server variable:

  • Set batched_key_access to on. This value controls the use of the BKA Join algorithm. By default, this value is set to off.

  • Set mrr_cost_based to off. This value controls the use of cost-based MRR functionality. By default, this value is set to on.

Currently, you can set these values only at the session level. The following example illustrates how to set these values to enable AKP for the current session by executing SET statements.

mysql> set @@session.aurora_use_key_prefetch=on; mysql> set @@session.optimizer_switch='batched_key_access=on,mrr_cost_based=off';

Similarly, you can use SET statements to disable AKP and the BKA Join algorithm and re-enable cost-based MRR functionality for the current session, as shown in the following example.

mysql> set @@session.aurora_use_key_prefetch=off; mysql> set @@session.optimizer_switch='batched_key_access=off,mrr_cost_based=on';

For more information about the batched_key_access and mrr_cost_based optimizer switches, see Switchable optimizations in the MySQL documentation.

Optimizing queries for asynchronous key prefetch

You can confirm whether a query can take advantage of the AKP feature. To do so, use the EXPLAIN statement to profile the query before running it. The EXPLAIN statement provides information about the execution plan to use for a specified query.

In the output for the EXPLAIN statement, the Extra column describes additional information included with the execution plan. If the AKP feature applies to a table used in the query, this column includes one of the following values:

  • Using Key Prefetching

  • Using join buffer (Batched Key Access with Key Prefetching)

The following example shows the use of EXPLAIN to view the execution plan for a query that can take advantage of AKP.

mysql> explain select sql_no_cache -> ps_partkey, -> sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) as value -> from -> partsupp, -> supplier, -> nation -> where -> ps_suppkey = s_suppkey -> and s_nationkey = n_nationkey -> and n_name = 'ETHIOPIA' -> group by -> ps_partkey having -> sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) > ( -> select -> sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) * 0.0000003333 -> from -> partsupp, -> supplier, -> nation -> where -> ps_suppkey = s_suppkey -> and s_nationkey = n_nationkey -> and n_name = 'ETHIOPIA' -> ) -> order by -> value desc; +----+-------------+----------+------+-----------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+----------+------+-----------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | nation | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 25 | 100.00 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort | | 1 | PRIMARY | supplier | ref | PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey | i_s_nationkey | 5 | dbt3_scale_10.nation.n_nationkey | 2057 | 100.00 | Using index | | 1 | PRIMARY | partsupp | ref | i_ps_suppkey | i_ps_suppkey | 4 | dbt3_scale_10.supplier.s_suppkey | 42 | 100.00 | Using join buffer (Batched Key Access with Key Prefetching) | | 2 | SUBQUERY | nation | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 25 | 100.00 | Using where | | 2 | SUBQUERY | supplier | ref | PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey | i_s_nationkey | 5 | dbt3_scale_10.nation.n_nationkey | 2057 | 100.00 | Using index | | 2 | SUBQUERY | partsupp | ref | i_ps_suppkey | i_ps_suppkey | 4 | dbt3_scale_10.supplier.s_suppkey | 42 | 100.00 | Using join buffer (Batched Key Access with Key Prefetching) | +----+-------------+----------+------+-----------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ 6 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

For more information about the EXPLAIN output format, see Extended EXPLAIN output format in the MySQL documentation.

Optimizing large Aurora MySQL join queries with hash joins

When you need to join a large amount of data by using an equijoin, a hash join can improve query performance. You can enable hash joins for Aurora MySQL.

A hash join column can be any complex expression. In a hash join column, you can compare across data types in the following ways:

  • You can compare anything across the category of precise numeric data types, such as int, bigint, numeric, and bit.

  • You can compare anything across the category of approximate numeric data types, such as float and double.

  • You can compare items across string types if the string types have the same character set and collation.

  • You can compare items with date and timestamp data types if the types are the same.


You can't compare data types in different categories.

The following restrictions apply to hash joins for Aurora MySQL:

  • Left-right outer joins aren't supported for Aurora MySQL version 2, but are supported for version 3.

  • Semijoins such as subqueries aren't supported, unless the subqueries are materialized first.

  • Multiple-table updates or deletes aren't supported.


    Single-table updates or deletes are supported.

  • BLOB and spatial data type columns can't be join columns in a hash join.

Enabling hash joins

To enable hash joins:

  • Aurora MySQL version 2 – Set the DB parameter or DB cluster parameter aurora_disable_hash_join to 0. Turning off aurora_disable_hash_join sets the value of optimizer_switch to hash_join=on.

  • Aurora MySQL version 3 – Set the MySQL server parameter optimizer_switch to block_nested_loop=on.

Hash joins are turned on by default in Aurora MySQL version 3 and turned off by default in Aurora MySQL version 2. The following example illustrates how to enable hash joins for Aurora MySQL version 3. You can issue the statement select @@optimizer_switch first to see what other settings are present in the SET parameter string. Updating one setting in the optimizer_switch parameter doesn't erase or modify the other settings.

mysql> SET optimizer_switch='block_nested_loop=on';

For Aurora MySQL version 3, hash join support is available in all minor versions and is turned on by default.

For Aurora MySQL version 2, hash join support is available in all minor versions. In Aurora MySQL version 2, the hash join feature is always controlled by the aurora_disable_hash_join value.

With this setting, the optimizer chooses to use a hash join based on cost, query characteristics, and resource availability. If the cost estimation is incorrect, you can force the optimizer to choose a hash join. You do so by setting hash_join_cost_based, a MySQL server variable, to off. The following example illustrates how to force the optimizer to choose a hash join.

mysql> SET optimizer_switch='hash_join_cost_based=off';

This setting overrides the decisions of the cost-based optimizer. While the setting can be useful for testing and development, we recommend that you not use it in production.

Optimizing queries for hash joins

To find out whether a query can take advantage of a hash join, use the EXPLAIN statement to profile the query first. The EXPLAIN statement provides information about the execution plan to use for a specified query.

In the output for the EXPLAIN statement, the Extra column describes additional information included with the execution plan. If a hash join applies to the tables used in the query, this column includes values similar to the following:

  • Using where; Using join buffer (Hash Join Outer table table1_name)

  • Using where; Using join buffer (Hash Join Inner table table2_name)

The following example shows the use of EXPLAIN to view the execution plan for a hash join query.

mysql> explain SELECT sql_no_cache * FROM hj_small, hj_big, hj_big2 -> WHERE hj_small.col1 = hj_big.col1 and hj_big.col1=hj_big2.col1 ORDER BY 1; +----+-------------+----------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+----------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | hj_small | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6 | Using temporary; Using filesort | | 1 | SIMPLE | hj_big | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 10 | Using where; Using join buffer (Hash Join Outer table hj_big) | | 1 | SIMPLE | hj_big2 | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15 | Using where; Using join buffer (Hash Join Inner table hj_big2) | +----+-------------+----------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.04 sec)

In the output, the Hash Join Inner table is the table used to build hash table, and the Hash Join Outer table is the table that is used to probe the hash table.

For more information about the extended EXPLAIN output format, see Extended EXPLAIN Output Format in the MySQL product documentation.

In Aurora MySQL 2.08 and higher, you can use SQL hints to influence whether a query uses hash join or not, and which tables to use for the build and probe sides of the join. For details, see Aurora MySQL hints.

Using Amazon Aurora to scale reads for your MySQL database

You can use Amazon Aurora with your MySQL DB instance to take advantage of the read scaling capabilities of Amazon Aurora and expand the read workload for your MySQL DB instance. To use Aurora to read scale your MySQL DB instance, create an Aurora MySQL DB cluster and make it a read replica of your MySQL DB instance. Then connect to the Aurora MySQL cluster to process the read queries. The source database can be an RDS for MySQL DB instance, or a MySQL database running external to Amazon RDS. For more information, see Scaling reads for your MySQL database with Amazon Aurora.

Optimizing timestamp operations

When the value of the system variable time_zone is set to SYSTEM, each MySQL function call that requires a time zone calculation makes a system library call. When you run SQL statements that return or change such TIMESTAMP values at high concurrency, you might experience increased latency, lock contention, and CPU usage. For more information, see time_zone in the MySQL documentation.

To avoid this behavior, we recommend that you change the value of the time_zone DB cluster parameter to UTC. For more information, see Modifying parameters in a DB cluster parameter group in Amazon Aurora.

While the time_zone parameter is dynamic (doesn't require a database server restart), the new value is used only for new connections. To make sure that all connections are updated to use the new time_zone value, we recommend that you recycle your application connections after updating the DB cluster parameter.