ServiceNow - Amazon AppFlow


The following are the requirements and connection instructions for using ServiceNow with Amazon AppFlow.


You can use ServiceNow as a source only.


Before you can use Amazon AppFlow to import data from ServiceNow, you need the following:

  • A ServiceNow account so that you can provide Amazon AppFlow with your user name, password, and instance name.

  • Access to your ServiceNow instance through a role. This can be an admin role or one that allows the read operation for the following:

    • sys_db_object

    • sys_db_object.*

    • sys_dictionary

    • sys_dictionary.*

    • sys_glide_object

    • Any table that you want to access with Amazon AppFlow. For example, if you want to import data from a table named incidents, you need read access to incidents and incidents.*.

    For more information about ServiceNow roles, see Roles in the ServiceNow documentation.

Connection instructions

To connect to ServiceNow while creating a flow

The ServiceNow connector for Amazon Appflow now has the option to create connections using either Basic Auth or OAuth2 authentication. You make this choice in the console when you create your connection. If you choose Basic Auth, you’ll need to provide your username, password, and Instance URL. If you choose OAuth2, you’ll need to provide your Client ID, Client secret, and Instance URL.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon AppFlow console at

  2. Choose Create flow.

  3. For Flow details, enter a name and description for the flow.

  4. (Optional) To use a customer managed CMK instead of the default AWS managed CMK, choose Data encryption, Customize encryption settings and then choose an existing CMK or create a new one.

  5. (Optional) To add a tag, choose Tags, Add tag and then enter the key name and value.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. Choose ServiceNow from the Source name dropdown list.

  8. Choose Connect to open the Connect to ServiceNow dialog box.

    1. Under Connection name, enter a name for your connection.

    2. In the Select authentication mode dropdown menu, select either Basic Auth or OAuth2.

    3. (For Basic Auth only) Under User name, enter your ServiceNow user name.

    4. (For Basic Auth only) Under Password, enter the password for that account.

    5. (For OAuth2 only) Under Client ID, enter the Client ID from your app.

    6. (For OAuth2 only) Under Client secret, specify the Client secret from your app.

    7. Under Instance URL, specify the instance of ServiceNow you want to connect to.

    8. Choose Connect.

  9. Once connected, you can choose the ServiceNow object.

Now that you are connected to your ServiceNow account, you can continue with the flow creation steps as described in Creating flows in Amazon AppFlow.


If you aren’t connected successfully, ensure that you have followed the instructions in the Requirements section.


  • Once you are connected to your ServiceNow instance, you can select the relevant objects from ServiceNow by using the dropdown list. Given the amount of data being available via ServiceNow, the dropdown list may take some time to fully populate. Amazon AppFlow will list all tables available (including custom ones) and you can map the source fields to the destination fields during flow setup.

  • You can run your flows either on demand, or on schedule, which enables you to integrate your ServiceNow data with AWS services.

  • When you use ServiceNow as a source, you can run schedule-triggered flows at a maximum frequency of one flow run per minute.

  • When you use ServiceNow as a source for incremental flows that run on a schedule, Amazon AppFlow uses the sys_updated_on field to identify the updated record set.

  • ServiceNow can process up to 100,000 records as part of a single flow run.

Supported destinations

When you create a flow that uses ServiceNow as the data source, you can set the destination to any of the following connectors:

  • Amazon Connect

  • Amazon Honeycode

  • Lookout for Metrics

  • Amazon Redshift

  • Amazon S3

  • Marketo

  • Salesforce

  • Snowflake

  • Upsolver

  • Zendesk

You can also set the destination to any custom connectors that you create with the Amazon AppFlow Custom Connector SDKs for Python or Java . You can download these SDKs from GitHub.

Related resources

  • Roles in the ServiceNow documentation