Troubleshooting Amazon Q Developer - Amazon Q Developer in chat applications

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Troubleshooting Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer operates with multiple AWS services, including Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS CloudFormation. If you encounter issues when trying to receive notifications, see the following topic for troubleshooting help.

If you configured your AWS service to send notifications to the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics mapped to Amazon Q Developer, but the notifications aren't appearing in the chat rooms or channels, try the steps below.

Possible causes

  • There is no connectivity.

    Test your connectivity and your Amazon Q Developer configuration by using the Send test message button in the Amazon Q Developer console. For more information, see Test notifications from AWS services to Amazon Chime, Test notifications from AWS services to Microsoft Teams, or Test notifications from AWS services to Slack.

  • The bot is not invited to the channel.

    Ensure that the Amazon Q Developer app ("@Amazon Q") is added to the chat channel. If it hasn't, in Microsoft Teams or Slack, add the Amazon Q Developer app by choosing Add apps from the channel's Details screen.

  • The notification's originating service is not supported by Amazon Q Developer.

    For a list of supported services, see Using Amazon Q Developer with Other AWS Services.

  • The SNS topic doesn't have a subscription to Amazon Q Developer.

    In the Amazon SNS console, go to the Topics page, choose the Subscriptions tab, and then verify that the topic has a subscription. If the topic doesn't, open the Amazon Q Developer console, open your authorized client, and then look at the Configured channels or Configured webhooks list. Add a new channel or webhook configuration, and then add the SNS topic. Without this configuration, event notifications can't reach the chat rooms.

  • The Amazon SNS topic has server-side encryption turned on.

    If you have server-side encryption enabled for your Amazon SNS topics, you must give permissions to the sending services in your AWS KMS key policy to post events to the encrypted SNS topics. The following policy is an example for EventBridge.

    { "Sid": "Allow CWE to use the key", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey" ], "Resource": "*" }

    In order to successfully test the configuration from the console, your role must also have permission to use the AWS KMS key.

    AWS managed service keys don’t allow you to modify access policies, so you will need AWS KMS/CMK for encrypted SNS topics. You can then update the access permissions in the AWS KMS key policy to allow the service that sends messages to publish to your encrypted SNS topics (for example, EventBridge).

  • Your SNS topic subscription to the Amazon Q Developer has the Enable raw message delivery setting enabled.

    Don't enable the Enable raw message delivery feature for any SNS topic subscriptions to Amazon Q Developer.

  • The event was throttled.

    Amazon Q Developer allows for 10 events per second. If more than 10 events per second are received, any event above 10 is throttled.

To unsubscribe a channel or chat room from all Amazon Q Developer notifications, remove the respective configuration from the Amazon Q Developer console. Otherwise, to identify certain service and notification-types to unsubscribe from, see I don't want to receive notifications from certain services anymore.

If you want to unsubscribe only some notifications from the channel or chatroom, you can remove specific SNS topics from the Amazon Q Developer configuration. Alternatively, you can remove the specific SNS topics as the event and alarm notification targets from the respective service configurations. You should also check if you have Amazon EventBridge rules configured for the service event types and remove the specific SNS topics as the rule triggers targets.

Possible causes

  • The IAM role doesn’t have CloudWatchRead permissions.

    In the Amazon Q Developer console, create a new role. This role requires the Notifications permissions policy from the Amazon Q Developer console when you configure a new webhook or Slack channel. You can also edit your IAM role to add the CloudWatchRead permissions for Amazon Q Developer.

  • Amazon Q Developer doesn't have access to all AWS Regions.

    Amazon Q Developer may execute API calls from any nearby AWS Region. If any Region is disabled, you may experience problems with CloudWatch metrics graphs, among other issues. For more information, see I get AccessDenied or permissions errors.

If the AWS Billing and Cost Management console displays an error message for the SNS topic you want to use for notifications, you can edit the SNS topic's permissions policy so it can forward Budget notifications.

Do this if you have already configured an SNS topic that has a subscription to Amazon Q Developer or you've configured a new SNS topic. It is not needed if you want to use an Amazon SNS topic that is already configured and working with AWS Billing and Cost Management. You can then set up that topic with a subscription to Amazon Q Developer.

Configuration names can't be edited. Names must be unique across your account.

Possible causes

  • You are missing some IAM permissions or trust relationships.

    Make sure you have the correct policies set up by following the instructions found in Setting up Amazon Q Developer in chat applications and Identity and Access Management for Amazon Q Developer in chat applications.

  • Amazon Q Developer doesn't have access to all AWS Regions.

    Amazon Q Developer is a global service and may execute API calls from any nearby AWS Region. If any Region is disabled, you may experience errors. Make sure the IAM role you set up for Amazon Q Developer to assume has access to all Regions.

    Other policy types can limit how IAM roles can be assumed. If you have set up your Amazon Q Developer IAM role to have global access but you're still getting errors, one of these policy types may be the culprit:

    • AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) - SCPs are JSON policies that specify the maximum permissions for an organization or organizational unit (OU) in AWS Organizations. A service control policy could be overriding the policies you put in place for Amazon Q Developer. See How SCPs Work in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

    • IAM account settings

      With IAM, you can use AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to create and provide trusted users with temporary security credentials that can control access to your AWS resources. When you activate STS endpoints for a Region, AWS STS can issue temporary credentials to users and roles in your account that make an AWS STS request. Those credentials can then be used in any Region that is enabled by default or is manually enabled. You must activate the Region in the account where the temporary credentials are generated. It does not matter whether a user is signed into the same account or a different account when they make the request. For more information, see Activating and deactivating AWS STS in an AWS Region in the IAM User Guide.

If there is a policy in place that prevents access to services in certain Regions, you must change the policy to allow global Amazon Q Developer access.

For example, the policy below allows Amazon Q Developer in us-east-2 but denies other services by using a NotAction element.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "NotAction": [ "chatbot:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:RequestedRegion": [ "us-east-2" ] } } } ] }

Possible causes

Possible causes

Possible causes

  • A new scope change requires administrator approval.

    There may be a new scope added to the Amazon Q Developer Slack application that requires approval by an administrator. If Amazon Q Developer has released a new scope, administrators need to re-approve the Amazon Q Developer Slack application. Note that the approval is only required for Slack workspaces with an app approval policy.

    Workspace administrators can check their workspace settings to review and approve new scopes for Amazon Q Developer. For more information about how to approve an app, see Approve or restrict an app at the org level in the Slack Help Center.

  • Installation of the Amazon Q Developer Slack app is restricted for your workspace.

    This error may appear if the workspace administrator has explicitly restricted the installation of the Amazon Q Developer Slack app.

Microsoft Teams doesn't currently support Amazon Q Developer in private channels. For more information, see Private channel limitations.

Provide feedback

You can provide feedback about Amazon Q Developer directly from your Amazon Chime chat room, chat channels, or from the Amazon Q Developer console. To leave feedback from your Amazon Chime chat room or chat channel, type the following command and replace comments with your own information.

@Amazon Q feedback comments

To leave feedback from the Amazon Q Developer console, navigate to the Amazon Q Developer console and choose the Feedback link at the bottom of the console. All feedback is sent directly to and reviewed by the Amazon Q Developer team.