PushImageCmdÚselo con un AWS SDK - AWS SDKEjemplos de código

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PushImageCmdÚselo con un AWS SDK

En los siguientes ejemplos de código se muestra cómo se utiliza PushImageCmd.

SDKpara Java 2.x

Hay más información. GitHub Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS.

/** * Pushes a Docker image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. * * @param repoName the name of the ECR repository to push the image to. * @param imageName the name of the Docker image. */ public void pushDockerImage(String repoName, String imageName) { System.out.println("Pushing " + imageName + " to Amazon ECR will take a few seconds."); CompletableFuture<AuthConfig> authResponseFuture = getAsyncClient().getAuthorizationToken() .thenApply(response -> { String token = response.authorizationData().get(0).authorizationToken(); String decodedToken = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(token)); String password = decodedToken.substring(4); DescribeRepositoriesResponse descrRepoResponse = getAsyncClient().describeRepositories(b -> b.repositoryNames(repoName)).join(); Repository repoData = descrRepoResponse.repositories().stream().filter(r -> r.repositoryName().equals(repoName)).findFirst().orElse(null); assert repoData != null; String registryURL = repoData.repositoryUri().split("/")[0]; AuthConfig authConfig = new AuthConfig() .withUsername("AWS") .withPassword(password) .withRegistryAddress(registryURL); return authConfig; }) .thenCompose(authConfig -> { DescribeRepositoriesResponse descrRepoResponse = getAsyncClient().describeRepositories(b -> b.repositoryNames(repoName)).join(); Repository repoData = descrRepoResponse.repositories().stream().filter(r -> r.repositoryName().equals(repoName)).findFirst().orElse(null); getDockerClient().tagImageCmd(imageName + ":latest", repoData.repositoryUri() + ":latest", imageName).exec(); try { getDockerClient().pushImageCmd(repoData.repositoryUri()).withTag("echo-text").withAuthConfig(authConfig).start().awaitCompletion(); System.out.println("The " + imageName + " was pushed to ECR"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw (RuntimeException) e.getCause(); } return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(authConfig); }); authResponseFuture.join(); }
  • Para API obtener más información, consulte PushImageCmdla AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferencia.

SDKpara Kotlin

Hay más información. GitHub Busque el ejemplo completo y aprenda a configurar y ejecutar en el Repositorio de ejemplos de código de AWS.

/** * Pushes a Docker image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. * * @param repoName the name of the ECR repository to push the image to. * @param imageName the name of the Docker image. */ suspend fun pushDockerImage( repoName: String, imageName: String, ) { println("Pushing $imageName to $repoName will take a few seconds") val authConfig = getAuthConfig(repoName) EcrClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { ecrClient -> val desRequest = DescribeRepositoriesRequest { repositoryNames = listOf(repoName) } val describeRepoResponse = ecrClient.describeRepositories(desRequest) val repoData = describeRepoResponse.repositories?.firstOrNull { it.repositoryName == repoName } ?: throw RuntimeException("Repository not found: $repoName") val tagImageCmd = getDockerClient()?.tagImageCmd("$imageName", "${repoData.repositoryUri}", imageName) if (tagImageCmd != null) { tagImageCmd.exec() } val pushImageCmd = repoData.repositoryUri?.let { dockerClient?.pushImageCmd(it) // ?.withTag("latest") ?.withAuthConfig(authConfig) } try { if (pushImageCmd != null) { pushImageCmd.start().awaitCompletion() } println("The $imageName was pushed to Amazon ECR") } catch (e: IOException) { throw RuntimeException(e) } } }
  • Para API obtener más información, consulta PushImageCmdla AWS SDKAPIreferencia sobre Kotlin.