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Úselo PutBucketLogging
con un o AWS SDK CLI
En los siguientes ejemplos de código se muestra cómo se utiliza PutBucketLogging
- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
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. using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to enable logging on an Amazon Simple Storage /// Service (Amazon S3) bucket. You need to have two Amazon S3 buckets for /// this example. The first is the bucket for which you wish to enable /// logging, and the second is the location where you want to store the /// logs. /// </summary> public class ServerAccessLogging { private static IConfiguration _configuration = null!; public static async Task Main() { LoadConfig(); string bucketName = _configuration["BucketName"]; string logBucketName = _configuration["LogBucketName"]; string logObjectKeyPrefix = _configuration["LogObjectKeyPrefix"]; string accountId = _configuration["AccountId"]; // If the AWS Region defined for your default user is different // from the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located, // pass the Region name to the Amazon S3 client object's constructor. // For example: RegionEndpoint.USWest2 or RegionEndpoint.USEast2. IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(); try { // Update bucket policy for target bucket to allow delivery of logs to it. await SetBucketPolicyToAllowLogDelivery( client, bucketName, logBucketName, logObjectKeyPrefix, accountId); // Enable logging on the source bucket. await EnableLoggingAsync( client, bucketName, logBucketName, logObjectKeyPrefix); } catch (AmazonS3Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method grants appropriate permissions for logging to the /// Amazon S3 bucket where the logs will be stored. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client which will be used /// to apply the bucket policy.</param> /// <param name="sourceBucketName">The name of the source bucket.</param> /// <param name="logBucketName">The name of the bucket where logging /// information will be stored.</param> /// <param name="logPrefix">The logging prefix where the logs should be delivered.</param> /// <param name="accountId">The account id of the account where the source bucket exists.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task SetBucketPolicyToAllowLogDelivery( IAmazonS3 client, string sourceBucketName, string logBucketName, string logPrefix, string accountId) { var resourceArn = @"""arn:aws:s3:::" + logBucketName + "/" + logPrefix + @"*"""; var newPolicy = @"{ ""Statement"":[{ ""Sid"": ""S3ServerAccessLogsPolicy"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": ""logging.s3.amazonaws.com"" }, ""Action"": [""s3:PutObject""], ""Resource"": [" + resourceArn + @"], ""Condition"": { ""ArnLike"": { ""aws:SourceArn"": ""arn:aws:s3:::" + sourceBucketName + @""" }, ""StringEquals"": { ""aws:SourceAccount"": """ + accountId + @""" } } }] }"; Console.WriteLine($"The policy to apply to bucket {logBucketName} to enable logging:"); Console.WriteLine(newPolicy); PutBucketPolicyRequest putRequest = new PutBucketPolicyRequest { BucketName = logBucketName, Policy = newPolicy, }; await client.PutBucketPolicyAsync(putRequest); Console.WriteLine("Policy applied."); } /// <summary> /// This method enables logging for an Amazon S3 bucket. Logs will be stored /// in the bucket you selected for logging. Selected prefix /// will be prepended to each log object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client which will be used /// to configure and apply logging to the selected Amazon S3 bucket.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket for which you /// wish to enable logging.</param> /// <param name="logBucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where logging /// information will be stored.</param> /// <param name="logObjectKeyPrefix">The prefix to prepend to each /// object key.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task EnableLoggingAsync( IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, string logBucketName, string logObjectKeyPrefix) { Console.WriteLine($"Enabling logging for bucket {bucketName}."); var loggingConfig = new S3BucketLoggingConfig { TargetBucketName = logBucketName, TargetPrefix = logObjectKeyPrefix, }; var putBucketLoggingRequest = new PutBucketLoggingRequest { BucketName = bucketName, LoggingConfig = loggingConfig, }; await client.PutBucketLoggingAsync(putBucketLoggingRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Logging enabled."); } /// <summary> /// Loads configuration from settings files. /// </summary> public static void LoadConfig() { _configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally, load local settings. .Build(); } }
Para API obtener más información, consulte PutBucketLoggingla AWS SDK for .NET APIReferencia.
Ejemplo 1: Configuración del registro de políticas de bucket
El siguiente
ejemplo establece la política de registro para MyBucket. En primer lugar, conceda al servicio de registro el permiso de entidad principal en la política de bucket mediante el comandoput-bucket-policy
.aws s3api put-bucket-policy \ --bucket
\ --policyfile://policy.json
Contenidos de
:{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "S3ServerAccessLogsPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": "logging.s3.amazonaws.com"}, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket/Logs/*", "Condition": { "ArnLike": {"aws:SourceARN": "arn:aws:s3:::SOURCE-BUCKET-NAME"}, "StringEquals": {"aws:SourceAccount": "SOURCE-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID"} } } ] }
Para aplicar la política de registro, use
.aws s3api put-bucket-logging \ --bucket
\ --bucket-logging-statusfile://logging.json
Contenidos de
:{ "LoggingEnabled": { "TargetBucket": "MyBucket", "TargetPrefix": "Logs/" } }
El comando
es necesario para conceder permisoss3:PutObject
a la entidad principal del servicio de registro.Para obtener más información, consulte Registro de acceso al servidor de Amazon S3 en la Guía del usuario de Amazon S3.
Ejemplo 2: Establecimiento de una política de bucket para registrar el acceso a un solo usuario
El siguiente
ejemplo establece la política de registro para MyBucket. El AWS usuario bob@example.com tendrá el control total sobre los archivos de registro y nadie más tendrá acceso a ellos. En primer lugar, conceda permiso de S3 medianteput-bucket-acl
.aws s3api put-bucket-acl \ --bucket
\ --grant-writeURI=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery
\ --grant-read-acpURI=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery
A continuación, aplique la política de registro mediante
.aws s3api put-bucket-logging \ --bucket
\ --bucket-logging-statusfile://logging.json
Contenidos de
:{ "LoggingEnabled": { "TargetBucket": "MyBucket", "TargetPrefix": "MyBucketLogs/", "TargetGrants": [ { "Grantee": { "Type": "AmazonCustomerByEmail", "EmailAddress": "bob@example.com" }, "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL" } ] } }
el comando
es necesario para conceder los permisos necesarios (write y read-acp) al sistema de entrega de registros de S3.Para obtener más información, consulte Registro de acceso al servidor de Amazon S3 en la Guía para desarrolladores de Amazon S3.
Para API obtener más información, consulte PutBucketLogging
la Referencia de AWS CLI comandos.