MessageTemplateType - Amazon Cognito User Pools


The message template structure.



The message template for email messages. EmailMessage is allowed only if EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 6. Maximum length of 20000.

Pattern: [\p{L}\p{M}\p{S}\p{N}\p{P}\s*]*

Required: No


The subject line for email messages. EmailSubject is allowed only if EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 140.

Pattern: [\p{L}\p{M}\p{S}\p{N}\p{P}\s]+

Required: No


The message template for SMS messages.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 6. Maximum length of 140.

Pattern: (?s).*

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: