Ejemplo de archivos de salida de Contact Lens para una llamada - Amazon Connect

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Ejemplo de archivos de salida de Contact Lens para una llamada

En las siguientes secciones se proporcionan ejemplos del resultado que se obtiene cuando Contact Lens detecta problemas, compara las categorías, indica el volumen y redacta datos confidenciales.

Amplíe cada sección para obtener más información.

El siguiente ejemplo muestra el esquema de una llamada que Contact Lens ha analizado. El ejemplo muestra la sonoridad, la detección de problemas, los controladores de las llamadas y la información que se redactará.

Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente sobre el archivo analizado:

  • No indica qué datos confidenciales se redactaron. Todos los datos se consideran PII (información de identificación personal).

  • Cada turno incluye una sección Redaction solo si incluye PII.

  • Si existe una sección Redaction, incluye el desplazamiento en milisegundos. En un archivo .wav, la parte suprimida estará en silencio. Si lo desea, puede utilizar el desplazamiento para reemplazar el silencio por otra cosa, como un pitido.

  • Si existen dos o más supresiones de PII en un turno, la primera supresión se aplica a la primera PII, la segunda a la segunda, y así sucesivamente.

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "Channel": "VOICE", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Raw" }, "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/add-custom-vocabulary.html "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is Peter and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. Peter, how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] } }

En esta sección se muestra un ejemplo de archivo suprimido para una llamada. Es un gemelo del archivo analizado original. La única diferencia es que se suprimen los datos confidenciales. En este ejemplo, se han seleccionado tres entidades para la supresión: “CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER”, “NAME” y “USERNAME”.

En este ejemplo, RedactionMaskMode se establece a PII. Cuando se suprime una entidad, Contact Lens la reemplaza por [PII]. Si se hubiera establecido a ENTITY_TYPE, Contact Lens reemplazaría los datos por el nombre de la entidad, por ejemplo, [CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER].

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Redacted", "RedactionTypes": ["PII"], "RedactionTypesMetadata": { "PII": { "RedactionEntitiesRequested": ["CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER", "NAME", "USERNAME"], "RedactionMaskMode": "PII" // if you were to choose ENTITY_TYPE instead, the redaction would say, for example, [NAME] } } }, "Channel": "VOICE", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/add-custom-vocabulary.html "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is [PII] and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. [PII], how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] }